Search results

  1. K

    Dv 2009 winners from Ghana meet here

    By checking the box means you should have the SSC sent directly to your address. But i've heard people say this is not the case in reality(unconfirmed though) I went to the social security office to apply, i had it within two weeks.
  2. K

    Dv 2009 winners from Ghana meet here

    Hi All, Let me first apologize for my inability to touch base with you since i got to the states. Today, 2nd Aug, 2010 is exactly my 1 yr of stay in the USA. It has not been easy but the Lord has always been faithful. Most of us arrived at a time the US economy was begging for support. Most...
  3. K

    Dv 2009 winners from Ghana meet here

    All is well Boss, putting the pieces together for my departure in Aug. How is yankee in general?
  4. K

    Dv 2009 winners from Ghana meet here

    Hiya! Bought my ticket yesterday. Going with Delta. Departure is 10:20am, Sunday,2nd Aug. I bought a one-way ticket from Accra to Chicago. I paid $1838(Dollar rate is Ghc 14.6 - $ 1) Got window seats. Good luck to all who are yet to be intervied & 2010 winners. CN#2009AF00019*** NL...
  5. K

    Dv 2009 winners from Ghana meet here

    Thank you medpharm. Hope to get in touch when I land!
  6. K

    Dv 2009 winners from Ghana meet here

    There is indeed no God like Jehovah! Picked up my visa, brown envelope and information on social security number & card on Friday, 13th. Sorting out my ticket at the moment. Delta - From Accra to Chicago August 09 one way $1838 August 09 return trip $1802...
  7. K

    Dv 2009 winners from Ghana meet here

    Thanks Vinesoft! I was asked to submit sponsor’s IRS Transcript for 2007 on 18/2/09 after my first interview on the 12/2/07 Sponsor faxed 2007 tax returns next day. She filed with spouse, total amount was $110 340. Was told on 18/2/09 I did not bring the right doc. Consular collected...
  8. K

    Dv 2009 winners from Ghana meet here

    Congratulations Vinesoft! Wish you & all dv applicants in Ghana the very best. God bless
  9. K

    Dv 2009 winners from Ghana meet here

    I am a document away from getting the visa after a successful interview 10 days ago. That is what I'm working on now. hope to get it soon Wish all those attending interviews this week and the days ahead the best! Be STILL & know that He is GOD! Cheers
  10. K

    Dv 2009 winners from Ghana meet here

    OUTSIDE My Appointment was on 12/2/09 at 7:30am. Left home at 5:45am. Arrived at the Embassy at 6: am. Saw a few people waiting patiently to enter the main building. I was not tensed up in anyway. A security guard called us to queue at 7:00am.We were asked to bring out only our appointment...
  11. K

    Dv 2009 winners from Ghana meet here

    Successful Interview To God ALONE be ALL GLORY! Had my interview this morning. The Lord was faithful. Was however asked to submit IRS Transcript for 2007.My sponsor sent all docs last year which included IRS Transcript for 2006. Will go back next week wednesday with the required doc. More...
  12. K

    2009 Dv Winners From Ghana

    Thank you
  13. K

    2009 Dv Winners From Ghana

    Most welcome B-boy
  14. K

    Dv 2009 winners from Ghana meet here

    The room looks too dry! what is really happening?
  15. K

    Dv 2009 winners from Ghana meet here

    Longest time King, how far? please fill us in. Wish you all the best and please remember to pray with us. bye for now
  16. K

    Dv 2009 winners from Ghana meet here

    Sorry for the delay in responsing to your mail. I'm in Accra, drop an email ( in my box with your number when you come to town. hope all is well. cheers
  17. K

    Dv 2009 winners from Ghana meet here

    I really don't know but personally I don't see anything wrong if you have two sponsors who are willing to support you in the US.
  18. K

    Dv 2009 winners from Ghana meet here

    Sure, you can pay in US $ or Ghanaian cedis. Good luck my brother!
  19. K

    Dv 2009 winners from Ghana meet here

    If you are the dv winner and you made it clear at the time of your entry(lottery) that you were married then you two must be at the first interview. She may also decide to complete the medicals or if you should sail through which i know you would:), she would be given time to complete her...