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  1. S

    f1 visa with drawn at the port of entry

    wow. ur case is very bad. lying is the worse. however the same thing applied to me. i was asked whether i was arresed 'i said yes' and in the application i said 'no'. the reason being in the same line it asked 'have u ever procured prostitution or procurer of that. and in the same line it...
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    San Jose, CA - N-400 Timeline

    how do u start a thread?
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    traveling aboard next month with criminal conviction...will I be detained?

    u could have a problem. a theft is seen as a potential possibility of jail time of atleast a year. consult ur lawyer first.
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    What's visible to immigration officers

    however dont make it a point by lying. answer ur questions to the IO in a smart but convincing way. dont divulge any information that he doesn't ask for. for instance he might ask 'have u ever been arrested ' if u haven't say 'no'. dont say 'no but i raped this chick and i got away for it...'lol
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    What's visible to immigration officers

    thats true. all the IO can see is whether you were arrested for a crime and or whether you were convicted for a crime. also, even if you weren't convicted or arrested, if you made some admission of the crime in court for a lesser offence, he can see that. what he cannot see is what you could...
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    Domestic Violence related interview experience

    hello guys i have a quick question. if i was arrested for violating a restraining order but the judge found me to be 'in compliance of the order' and 'the underlying indirect criminal contempt withdrawn with prejudice'. now i was arrested because she claimed i sent her text messages. i cant...
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    Possible 221(g) in Sydney - no docs, forms and passport stamp were given??

    actually, you are wrong. a 221 g can be issued if documents are missing and additional documents are needed, if the interviewing officer feels that certain information you are saying is wrong in that case he can tick additional documents or tick administrative processing. if it is a...
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    Domestic Violence related interview experience

    domest violence cases are cases that involve CIMT. it sucks but i hope your outcome will be for the better. good luck. but domestic violence cases can get expunged as long as you were not convicted. in america, you can get arrested just based on probable cause if a spouse complains because...
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    Domestic Violence related interview experience

    if the maximum possible penalty is 1 year or more and/or the actual sentence received is greater than 6 months, you are ineligible unless you prove you have good moral character. which is hard to do. start doing community service by helping the needy.
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    Help! No GC and Nut wants divorce

    ur stupid for depending on others for trying to stay in the country. marriage is a liability....its never a guaranteed thing to work. u should have evaluated the cost/benefit of going into marriage, 2)look at how long u might have known her and 3) never put all ur eggss in one basket