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    NIW and changed job before 180 days

    No Title As long as your new job is in the same field. you will be fine. I changed my job after I-485, NIW category. Chance of they issue a REF is rather slim if your case get processed soon.
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    Approval---no desire to celebrate

    No Title Thanks everyone for your encouragement. We are way too kind to be treated badly... Sigh, I hope all of you get yours very soon. It makes me smile to fantasize the happy monents when every hardworking immigrant get his/her break. My detail: PD 10/97, ND 11/05/99, FP 5/18/01, Approved...
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    Approval---no desire to celebrate

    Seems to be caught in plenty of bed luck: filed NIW when INS impose tougher rules in 1997. When it was approved after refiling, the PD regressed. My first lawyer abandoned my because I chose to change my job--in the same field. He did not want to be bothered checking the rules and laws to see...
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    Finally approved.

    No Title Congratulations! I am happy for you now you family can re-unite! One quick question, is you NIW self sponsored, or company sponsered? Thanks
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    Case not found, after doing FP

    No Title poeple have every right to call INS to check their applications. It is you who are responsible to make sure the proper processing of your file, not your lawyer (read the fine prints) nor INS---even if INS misplace your file, or notice lost in mail. The problem is not people calling too...
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    finally after 4 years of waiting, it is over!

    No Title Congratulations! What the REF was about?
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    Feel mistreated by INS? And don\'t trust your lawyer unless for good reasons

    No Title The very helpful IIO sent a copy of the old FP notice directly to me. Today I walked in the INS local office with the Old FP notice and the local officers (New York City) were very nice. They did not give me any problems and proceeded to have my FP done. Bless these good officers. I...
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    Feel mistreated by INS? And don\'t trust your lawyer unless for good reasons

    I repeatatively called VSC since I hadn\'t recieved my FP with a ND of 11/99, and only recently one good IIO told me that my FP was issued almost 4 months ago, and it must have been lost. Of course my expensive lawyer never even bother inquiring VSC on my behalf, and he always told me that I was...
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    Just talked to an IIO ... and got the Good News !!!!

    No Title Congratulations! Finally see some one from mainland china got approved. Are u NIW? which state r u in?
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    Any Chinese Approval lately?

    Hi, I have seen many approvals for people from other countries (congratualtions, BTW). Although Chinese make up the 2nd largest group of applicants, I have not seen many (in fact, any) approvals lately. Anybody agrees with me? What is the latest chinese (mainland) approval?
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    Any one from CHINA with ND after 10/99 got approval?

    Hi, I have read a lot of messages from people of other countries got approved with ND as late as 02/00. My ND is 11/99, and I haven\'t even got my FP. Calling IIO is piontless--always the same answer: Wait another 30 days. I\'m EB2 NIW, and PD is 9/97. I haven\'t seen many chinese getting...
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    Any Nov 99 RD/ND waiters out there ?

    No Title ID 9/97, ND 11/09/99, EB2, NIW, CHINA, not even FP. Called INS many times, same answer always: wait another 30-60 days. SIR! I JUST told you that it WILL be another 30-60 days! Every time they manage to top them self with another example of grossly incompetent bureaucracy.
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    ND 11/99, PD 10/97, EB2 China, no FP yet!

    Anyone in the same boat? I called VSC, all they can tell me is that they are still processing Oct-15th 99 cases, and they haven\'t sent my fp yet. I need to wait for another 30 days. But I\'ve seen most people with ND later than me got their fp. Am I just unlucky or there are people out there...
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    AP Renewal

    No Title I renewed my AP recently from sending out application to receiving renew it took less than 3 weeks. I have to say VSC is extremely efficient at this case.
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    Those who didnt receive FP with RD after 8/99

    No Title PD 09/97, ND 11/99, EB2-NIW no FP
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    wow, fast AP processing in VSC!

    Although frustrated by VSC\'shandling of my i-485 application, I am pleased with how fast my AP got renewed. I sent out the application for PPA3 weeks ago, and yesterday I got the approved documents. I thought I\'d have to wait 60-90 days! Sigh... if only the approval of my 485 can be as smooth...
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    Fp Got Rd/nd Sep 2000

    No Title PD 09/97, ND 11/10/99, EB2-NIW, China, no FP