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  1. B

    DV-2011 Winners Report Here!

    Our Congratulation and wishing you best
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    DV-2011 Winners Report Here!

    Hi baobab, my Congratulation , Thanks for info, we happy for you
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    DV-2011 Winners Report Here!

    I too said that here English forum don't off-top but... Узбекчилик яхшиде хар на дардлашиб турайли :)
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    DV-2011 Winners Report Here!

    Да a что поделаешь все равно придется терпеть. Ха конвертнику оламиз пешонага ёзилган болса, лекин хамма EU дан юттим деганлар курук гапми дейман.
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    DV-2011 Winners Report Here!

    Best wishes to all
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    DV-2011 Winners Report Here!

    Aid2001 and Bek оставить оффтопит тут или пишете на англ чтоб все поняли :) Качон келаркан бу конвертлар а? Хеч ким сканини куймадику ? хаммага сабр тилаб....
  7. B

    I am still waiting .. what is this please ??

    Dear Saad, I have a friend, like you made meet (November) and until now didn't receive his passport, Consulate said wait 3 weeks, after we sent them email asking about his visa and passport, they answered us your case under administrative, and we will sent reminder to the officer with...
  8. B

    Any DV 2009 Winners Yet?

    congratulation, I wish to all the best and to be winner
  9. B

    DV2009 Winner

    congratulation, I wish to all the best and to be winner