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DV2009 Winner


Registered Users (C)

I just got a DV letter from KCC. It's not my entry but one of the 5 I filled for my friends. I submitted all of them at the same time.

Will the other 4 entries still have a chance?
congratulation , and sure you have a chance like all the entrants. good luck for you and for everyone.
Thanks! I hope I get a letter soon. We're all from the South America Region.
My friends case Number is SA000002XX
So its pretty low.

Of course you still have a chance, we all have an equal chance of winning.
Just wait and see.

Good luck:)
Congratulations to all you early birds! I take it that all the NLs were sent to US addresses?

Edit: It's just one letter I see, nonetheless, I'd drink one if I were you ;)
2009 Notification Letters

I thought that NL's were going out between May and July.
Has it changed this year?

I live in Iran. When I was applying, I mentioned that I was born in Iran and I currently live in Iran. However, I gave a relative address in U.K . If I win, will that be a problem?
I was actually born in Iran and I mentioned the same.
I actually live in Iran and I mentioned the same.

I just gave my relatives address in U.K as a contact address.
I was actually born in Iran and I mentioned the same.
I actually live in Iran and I mentioned the same.

I just gave my relatives address in U.K as a contact address.

They don't care about your mailing address!!!!, all they care about is your country of nativity and where you were born and where you are at (this is just to help them set up the visa interview), which you said you wrote down as Iran. You can use any mailing address, you just have to make sure that you get your mails in time. You should be ok!!!!
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Dv-2009 in Italy?

Hi, I am Italian and I did the same thing as that guy from Iran did. I am currently studying in Dallas, Texas at the University, but I preferred to set the mailing address at my parents' house in Italy. However, I chose "United States" as the country where I am living today, because I have a student visa that is going to expire in 2013.

I hope I did it alright! By the way, I still have not heard of people receiving confirmation letters in Europe yet this year in 2008!

Hi, I am Italian and I did the same thing as that guy from Iran did. I am currently studying in Dallas, Texas at the University, but I preferred to set the mailing address at my parents' house in Italy. However, I chose "United States" as the country where I am living today, because I have a student visa that is going to expire in 2013.

I hope I did it alright! By the way, I still have not heard of people receiving confirmation letters in Europe yet this year in 2008!


France has already received 2 letters ...