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I am still waiting .. what is this please ??


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Dear All

I finished my interview before more than 2 months

I am not obtained a visa yet ...

the U.S Embassy told me that ONLY to wait..

first time they told me to wait 3 weeks

when this period was fininshed I went to The Embassy ...

They told me that they need also 3 weeks ( for second time ) !

the 3 weeks also finished for second time ..

I asked the Embassy they told me to wait also

the Embassy didn't recieved my passport till now, they told me to keep it with me..

I feel very bad to this thing, and I am not understand what is this

any one explain this things to me ??
Calm down and relax as your case is under administrative processing. Depending on your nationality this may take up to 3 months, but you will eventually get it. Which country are you from?
some people's administrative processing didn't end by Sep 30, and they didn't get their visas. Sometimes the administrative processing took more than 8 months.
So, I wouldn't go as far as to state that he will definitely get his visa in time.
You are right but those cases are very rare, let's try to stay positive since there is plenty of time left until the end of September and he has already been waiting for 6 weeks.
Calm down and relax as your case is under administrative processing. Depending on your nationality this may take up to 3 months, but you will eventually get it. Which country are you from?

Dear Brother masoud54 :

thank you, but I think it's not depeding on nationality becasue my friend (with the same nationality) & who lived in other place get his visa within one week only..
if you name is very common in their database then it may take long time.So it could depend on nationality because some nationality has more common name in their database.
some people's administrative processing didn't end by Sep 30, and they didn't get their visas. Sometimes the administrative processing took more than 8 months.
So, I wouldn't go as far as to state that he will definitely get his visa in time.
Dear Brother LucyMO

Yes, I feel very bad to this thing,

and also you must put in your mind that, they didn't take my passport yet, or realy they take it firstly, and gave me the small card to receive passport,
but before I left the Embassy they take the small Embassy card, and get me my passport back !

I think that, the U.S Embassy, is very accurate.
but what is this ?
realy I don't know
if you name is very common in their database then it may take long time.So it could depend on nationality because some nationality has more common name in their database.

Dear borther m1rahim
I don't know about if my name is common in their database or not,
but I think not

they told me that, they need only to check some document & this processing will need 3 weeks only, now it's more than 7 weeks
Dear All

I finished my interview before more than 2 months

I am not obtained a visa yet ...

the U.S Embassy told me that ONLY to wait..

first time they told me to wait 3 weeks

when this period was fininshed I went to The Embassy ...

They told me that they need also 3 weeks ( for second time ) !

the 3 weeks also finished for second time ..

I asked the Embassy they told me to wait also

the Embassy didn't recieved my passport till now, they told me to keep it with me..

I feel very bad to this thing, and I am not understand what is this

any one explain this things to me ??

Calm down and relax your case is under administrative processing.Mine lasted for 6months.
you can not do anything beside relax and pray to your god, so clam down. If you don't get any response by August then you can request them to ask appropriate authority to expedite the process as it will end on September. Usually they expedite these types of cases in late August or September.
I am still waiting ..

Nothing new till now !

Dear Saad,

I have a friend, like you made meet (November) and until now didn't receive his passport, Consulate said wait 3 weeks, after we sent them email asking about his visa and passport, they answered us your case under administrative, and we will sent reminder to the officer with message and replay a.s.a.p.....
after 2 month we sent again email, answer was as same first we will answer a.s.a.p,
now more than 5 month, and he is still waiting..........

I want to tell you, you and my friend have only one choice "PRAY to GOD" and ask him gave you "SABR"

Wishing you the best
your brother

P.S: Sorry, for my English, I just starting to learning :)
Thanks Begoo
I feel very bad now ..
many people from my country (with a high case number than me) get thier visas ... but I'm not..
I don't know why ? and what is this ??
same nationality, same Embassy, my case number less than their case number
and they get thier visa but I'm not ...
realy I don't know what is this ..
Thanks Begoo
I feel very bad now ..
many people from my country (with a high case number than me) get thier visas ... but I'm not..
I don't know why ? and what is this ??
same nationality, same Embassy, my case number less than their case number
and they get thier visa but I'm not ...
realy I don't know what is this ..

don't worry Mr. Saad, i knew a friend last year had the same problem and at the end he got his visa , passion is the best thing to do now because i'm sure you'll get it
Thanks Begoo
I feel very bad now ..
many people from my country (with a high case number than me) get thier visas ... but I'm not..
I don't know why ? and what is this ??
same nationality, same Embassy, my case number less than their case number
and they get thier visa but I'm not ...
realy I don't know what is this ..

i understand ur plight but i bet you it can take more than 6 months before they call you and issue u your visa. am a living witness mine took 6 months and at the end i got it. keep praying, u will surely get it, they just want to be sure of what they are not sure of before giving you your visa.
Thank you to all borthers, and those who passed from here
and the problem is that the visas(50.000 DV Visa) will expires as soon this year.
and in this case I will not get the visa forever
If you don't hear by the end of your six months or it nears to end of August then contact you embassy. Many people like you got approval aorund last week in September. I know a guy who had interview in January but got name check clearence and visa September 30 last year. My name check took six months right here in USA, so ....
If you don't hear by the end of your six months or it nears to end of August then contact you embassy. Many people like you got approval aorund last week in September. I know a guy who had interview in January but got name check clearence and visa September 30 last year. My name check took six months right here in USA, so ....

What happens that they have to do a name check? why do they do it?