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  1. V

    N-400 denial: do you acknowledge or not?

    #*/-+ INS!!! My naturalization ceremony is this Wednesday!!! YEAH!!!
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    N-400 denial: do you acknowledge or not?

    Updates are coming at the end of the month. Stay posted. (I'm gonna have my way whether INS likes it or not!)
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    urgent,pls help with residency req for citizenship

    you can file but be prepared to have proof and fight these accusations:
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    I hate USCIS!! They returned application, because of insufficient FEE!!

    The INS did the same shit to me with my N-336 application. I submitted it with the fee they listed ($265) and they rejected it for insufficient fee. New fee is now $605 = MORE THAN DOUBLE! I have written a letter and included two checks with it one for 265 and one for 605 and stated that in...
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    N-400 denial: do you acknowledge or not?

    USCIS has to come to a decision within a certain period of time. I have to look up the specific statutes that refer to the timelimits for the USCIS to make its decision on an appellate application N-336 (which is what I presume you have filed back in October of 2006). The timelimit for appeals...
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    N-400 denial: do you acknowledge or not?

    Forgot: Actually, I am doing what a really good attorney specializing in immigration law advised me to do. He said that I should do an appeal on my own (done) and see what happens. If INS does not change its decision or fails to come to a decision within 180 days of appeal then I will hire him...
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    N-400 denial: do you acknowledge or not?

    Thank you. That was the case I was referring to in one of my previous posts. The Orthodox Church is AUTOCEPHALIC (each parish may have its own type of service within the same CANONICAL COMMUNION -- essentially each parish being its own head under a bishop) -- this also explains why the...
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    N-400 denial: do you acknowledge or not?

    Ditto, man! That's exactly my point: IF there is a war, AND IF the US asks to defend the Constitution, AND IF they draft women would the Christian Orthodox Church bless such a war? -- 99.9% chance yes I was foolish enough to express my concern about the 0.1% chance that the Christian Orthodox...
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    N-400 denial: do you acknowledge or not?

    n-335 OK, here's the letter the INS sent me denying my N-400
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    N-400 denial: do you acknowledge or not?

    This is precisely the part of my argument for the INS to be subjectively and selectively using the INA and USC in their favor by conveniently omitting the relevant parts of the statutes which defend my stance 100%, except I quoted the 8USC 1448: "(...) Any such person shall be required to take...
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    N-400 denial: do you acknowledge or not?

    I think, I should post the INS's decision of denial letter that they sent me, so that we have more substance to talk about and for you all to see my reasoning better.
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    N-400 denial: do you acknowledge or not?

    Thanks to all for your generous input. I absolutely agree with the two points made by Americanus: One cannot be seated in two chairs having only one butt. Date of precedent matters not. I do not have the case handy, however, I believe to have come across the 1946 case where exact...
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    N-400 denial: do you acknowledge or not?

    Thank you for the much appreciated input. The issue of the bearing of arms, as well as the extended absence are all provable by the exhibits/evidence that I sent to the INS w/ the appellate brief. The Orthodox Christian Church (OCC) position on warringis somewhat discussed in my brief but more...
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    N-400 denial: do you acknowledge or not?

    N-336 Appellate Brief Good day to all reading. As promised before, here is the brief that I submitted to appeal n-400 denial. All and any comments, corrections, etc., are welcomed. The brief is somewhat frivolous, but I don't think that's a problem.
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    Continuous Presence question

    You've got a very strong case, and if you provide all of that info to IO @ interview, backed up by proof at the same time, you should get the oath scheduled that same day (actual ceremony will naturally take place another, scheduled day) Also, I have a weaker case than you, but look at my posts...
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    N-400 denial: do you acknowledge or not?

    I Was Right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: HA!!! :D I WAS RIGHT!!!!:p THE BLOODY DENIAL LETTER CAN BE IGNORED: 8 CFR sect. 336.1(c): "§ 336.1 Denial after section 335 examination. [...] (c) Service of the notice of denial may be made in person OR by certified mail to the applicant's last known...
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    N-400 denial: do you acknowledge or not?

    to All: check this out: A Guide for Legal Practitioners & Other Community Advocates this has many, many answers to common questions, and it's still relevant even though it's a 2002 publication. To Huracan: no, I did not get an oath invitation.
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    Citizenship - Over 6months stay outside US

    to all those traveling I still insist on you taking a second look at my thread: Among other issues with INS denying my naturalization, I have the lack of cont. res. as well. The general rule of thumb that INS follows is that...
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    N-400 denial: do you acknowledge or not?

    Follow up ... So , on with the progress. I am in the final stages of getting the brief written (myself) and to file the appeal (N-336) along with the $265 (frickin' blood-suckers). There are five (5) reasons which INS gave to deny my naturalization: 1) lack of moral character and...
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    URGENT HELP! Appeal VS ReFile

    It's not a matter of knowledge, it's a matter of determination and genuine interest in the outcome of the case. There are very few attorneys that will take your case to heart, so to speak. Yes -- we have more luck and ability to get our cases resolved. Attorney is a tool, just like a hammer...