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    Hello guys! approved on 06/26/02

    greaty-k Thanx a lot and I will try to enter that into
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    Hello guys! approved on 06/26/02

    thanks and good luck QixinZuo  
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    Hello guys! approved on 06/26/02

    Thank you very much Md Alam Yep everything is cool now. hey do you or anyone else know how to update information at How long does it take to get the actualy card??
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    Hello guys! approved on 06/26/02

    thanx a lot  
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    Hello guys! approved on 06/26/02

    vik99 Yes vik99,   Portability info is like this. Actually I didn\'t change my employer, but my employer moved me from one state to another, but in either case you need to apply an adjustment of portability. You can apply adjustment of portability only after filing for I-485. Also it...
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    Hello guys! approved on 06/26/02

    Thanks a lot Gking You have been very helpful on this board. Yes for me I believe everything was fast once I got my FP done. It only took long for FP to come.
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    Hello guys! approved on 06/26/02

    Thanx Belvan Thank you very much and good luck to you
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    Hello guys! approved on 06/26/02

    April_Yue Thank you.
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    Hello guys! approved on 06/26/02

    Hello guys,   I have been posting messages on this board with lot of questions about me and my wife\'s I-485 issues. I called INS yesterday and found out that both me and my wife were approved yesterday i.e. on 06/26/2002. My details are as follows: EB-2 RIR, labor certificate and...
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    unkown485, a question for you

    Herbie It is like this. If you want to know about the status of your case. Then call 214-381-1423 after 5:30 p.m. CST and listen to the automated voice message. But if you want to talk to an IIO, you need to call 214-381-1423 during the day time i.e. between 8:00 and 4:00(CST) and you will have...
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    Response to RFE

    Stan David But Stan,   My wife\'s AVM message changed to the received responst to RFE after I have talked to them and told them that the response was in the same package. So, my attorney suggested since the response is changed(and also I called TSC again and then IIO told me that in...
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    Response to RFE

    Hi! Yesterday I heard that my AVM for my wife\'s response to RFE was also updated (after I have talked to IIO at TSC) so do you think now we are in comfortable situation??
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    Response to RFE

    Thanx Gking1 You and FujiS were really helpful. Actually I just got a call from my attorney and he told me that he was going to send another letter to INS explaining this(that the response to RFE was for both). Also he said that since the check was against my wife\'s name so he is gonna send a...
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    Response to RFE

    Gking, and everyone else who is interested in knowing Ok I will clearly tell you everything for one last time. And please after this let\'s concentrate on my problem rather than going back into the history becuase my attorney has already taken care of that. Ok, it is like this:   My...
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    Response to RFE

    To mandrake It happens sometimes. Some of the employers are able to do such a thing and I don\'t know how.... I now know couple of cases where employees have to suffer becuase of their employers and this happens more with consulting companies..
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    Response to RFE

    To Gking Hi Gking1,   It was just that we clearly mentioned while filling up 485 form that she was working from X month to Y month as she was getting the salary slips and also since we have filed tax returns for her. So, that\'s how they considered her work to be illegal. But again...
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    Response to RFE

    iainjarvis I guess I have never such big moron like you. Inspite of the fact that I told you that your comments are not required, you are still posting your message. I know this is a free country, but as I said I don\'t need your comments. I guess you must really be dumb and mentally retarded...
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    Response to RFE

    FujiS Yes FujiS,    We did pay tax and everything. My wife even got the salary slip for that time and then my attorney suggested that to be on the safe side we should pay $1000/- and also submit the salary slips which she got at that time. But this is not the issue. The issue is...
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    Response to RFE

    to iainjarvis I don\'t appreciate your comments. I have asked for help, if you can then that\'s fine otherwise it is not necessary for you to write comments to my posting, and mainly when you don\'t know what the actual situation is. For you kind information, my wife\'s employer said that he...
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    Response to RFE

    No Title ok I was talking to my attorney and he said he is immediately sending another response to the RFE stating that INS should update their system regarding my wife\'s response to the RFE. We are not sending entire response again, just one letter clearing out the misunderstanding and...