Search results

  1. H

    Approved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Don't go without the card.. Want, Congrats, I'm very happy for you. Your patience has finally been rewarded. You'll probably receive your card in 10 days, so you will most likely have it in time for your trip. However, the mail system is kind of overloaded around Christmas, so it might be...
  2. H

    Approval and RTD

    RTD vs Travel Permit Come on Cadel, the RFT is not all that bad. I intend to use my RTD till it expires even though I have my GC. I don't care about the stigma you mentioned. Also, do not forget in Europe (through Germany), I do not need a VISA with my RTD. The travel permit requires a Visa...
  3. H

    Update: My Case is being "Actively" reviewed by an officer

    Just to verify your lawyer's assertion, we should start tracking number of approvals in Oct. This whole thing is really based on luck and I really feel sorry for you guys who may have missed the September train. I hope your lawyer is wrong and that approvals will continue to come in. BTW, why...
  4. H

    Following-to-Join Benefits for Spouses

    Hi Folks, I'm looking at ways to get my wife adjusted to GC status. She is not an Asylee. We got married in the US before I applied for GC. And after reading the USCIS website extensively, it seems there is something called "Following-to-Join" Benefit if the marriage existed before my...
  5. H

    what code 3 mean ?

    It means the full monty..the whole deal. ie. Photograph, all 10 digits(one at a time) , and 5 digits together at a time on both hands .
  6. H

    Got my Citizenship

    Congrats Shamshon, very lucky indeed. How did you get your GC back dated to 2002 ? Did you get your GC approval back in 2003 ?
  7. H

    Can't Find Case Status

    Approved !! Hi Folks, Yes, at long last, I can access my case online AND I got approved this morning. *** This case has been approved. On September 21, 2005, an approval notice was mailed. If 14 days have passed and you have not received this notice, you may wish to verify or update your...
  8. H

    I got a new message

    Cadel, Are you able to access your online case status ? If so, what does is it say ?
  9. H

    Can't Find Case Status

    Thanks for the encouraging words. I'll just wait calmly instead of calling them. Many thanks.
  10. H

    Can't Find Case Status

    I got this message today when I went to check the online case status. Anyone familiar with this ?? **** The status for this Receipt Number cannot be found at this time in this automated system. Please check your case receipt number to see if it is correct. If you have questions or concerns...
  11. H

    Is everyone must getting the REF before approve?

    NO, everyone does NOT get an RFE before approval. Many of us in this forum do get an RFE, but if you search through you'll also see some who get approved after their BIO without an RFE.
  12. H


    I actually wrote just one page for my "Misrepresentation" waiver. I explained that I had to save my ass to get here which is what I said 5 years ago when I got the original asylum. I will agree it's the right strategy ONLY if I get approved :p
  13. H

    What ND are they processing now?

    If, we knew the criteria, we'll be less screwed up. The answer is no, we don't know. Everything the USCIS does is shrouded in mystery. My only guess is they move on to other cases, if the old cases are on hold due to unsatisfactory RFE's or their security clearance is taking more time. That...
  14. H


    Cadel, Thanks for sharing it with us. Congrats and hopefully a pleasant worry free beginning for you. It gives plenty of hope to those of us who got a similar RFE as you.
  15. H

    need help

    Yes, your status should have changed to confirm receipt of your package. You should have called them 2 week after your send data. Call them ASAP and explain that you have the delivery receipt. I hope you made copies of everything you sent in case they lost it. Also check the PO BOX # you...
  16. H

    And the winner is ...

    Congrats BornTwice, Hope you're partying like mad. Are your RFE dates correct ? You got approved in 4 days after your RFE receipt date !! RFE rvd by BCIS: Sep 12, 2005 Approval: Sep 16, 2005 If so, can you tell us what the RFE was about ?
  17. H

    OH!! NO I got RFE while waiting for Approval.

    "Aggregate" means in total, so I think they mean a total period of residence since your asylum approval date. It does not have to be continuous. In any case, if you have been here all the time, you don't have to worry about the "aggregate" period since you have no gaps. For evidence you...
  18. H

    OH!! NO I got RFE while waiting for Approval.

    Wantmygcnow, I still think you did the right thing. This option is definitely safer despite the pain of getting all the paper work together. In my case, I felt I had a strong case because there were no NPs available since the government of my country was overthrown. Even to this day there is...
  19. H

    OH!! NO I got RFE while waiting for Approval.

    No, I did not. I just wrote one page explaining why I should get a waiver for a "Misrepresentation". I explained the circumstances when I used false travel documents to save my ass from the "hellish" country I'm from. I also included a quote from the State Dept website which says the Country I'm...
  20. H

    OH!! NO I got RFE while waiting for Approval.

    It's best to wait for their letter first. It could really be anything, even as simple as a missing "signature" on your medical form. I think it's most likely an i-602 waiver form for "Misrepresentation" which is the most frequently asked RFE for asylees.