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  1. S

    DV2009 from Indonesia, please kindly list here

    @ GA777, yeap...dari pengalaman yg aku share diatas aku dah jelasin bahwa waktu aku dateng ke embassy utk doc screening, officernya bilang, gak usah doc screening lagi, langsung aja dateng kesini saat interview (membingungkan jg kan). Thank you yah, yes will share with u guys my experiences coz...
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    DV2009 from Indonesia, please kindly list here

    @t10, sorry perasaan kemarin sudah reply tapi gak tau kenapa gak ke send kali... coba cari yg title nya ini: misspelled name in the welcome letter semoga membantu, krn casesnya sama, dan bisa dilihat penulisan nama yg sudah terjadi disana....aku belon bisa add other link ternyata sampe...
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    DV2009 from Indonesia, please kindly list here

    @ Papua, vaksin 5 itu (sory gak inget semua hehehe) yg pasti flu, polio, hepatitis B (kalo gak salah) dan 2 lagi saya lupa, sory banget. Nanti saya cek di form nya ok. Dan pada dasarnya di indo itu kita sudah full vaksin dari kecil tapi kita tidak pernah punya recordnya. Saran saya, tidak ada...
  4. S

    DV2009 from Indonesia, please kindly list here

    Sorry, dah lama jg gak update karena gak sempat. Actually i already have 2nd letter dari KCC dan jg sudah medical serta sudah datengin embassy buat Doc Screening. Yg mau di share: 1. SKCK itu tidak perlu bayar dan prosesnya cepat sekali (kecuali utk proses di polda atau RT dan kelurahan, mereka...
  5. S

    DV2009 from Indonesia, please kindly list here

    Bener kata Benz...kalau anda hanya pernah stay di satu tempat (persisnya satu daerah atau satu kota saja)...anda cukup minta kelakuan baik dari polda setempat (walau yang agak rancu adalah, apabila anda meminta SKCK untuk ke luar negri, menurut peraturan yang saya dengar anda harus minta dari...
  6. S

    DV2009 from Indonesia, please kindly list here

    Thanks Benz, really appreciate the wise word and supports hehehe.... Mengenai call KCC, memang sama pikiran u dengan i, padahal kalo baca posting dari bulan nov, dah pada ribut mau call KCC, tapi secara logis, kalo belon current jg kita call buat apa yah....just hope that the available visa...
  7. S

    DV2009 from Indonesia, please kindly list here

    Wow, congrat yah buat benz.leo dan Gerindo.....sayang belon sempet ngalamin interview jadi gak bisa ngasih opinion. Beruntung sekali yang nomer CN nya kecil yah apalagi nomer saya cukup besar pula, saya gak tau kapan deh dapet 2nd NL, juga apa harus call back KCC yah....duh bingung...
  8. S

    DV2009 from Indonesia, please kindly list here

    Wow, congrat yah Jong12, udah dapet 2nd NL, apa yang lain sudah dapat 2nd NL juga? Btw CN Jong12 must be very small yah (kalo boleh tau CN nya berapa yah?)....anyway congrat for you and wish you all the best for the interview yah... Did anyone in here already got their interview schedule? Do...
  9. S

    DV2009 from Indonesia, please kindly list here

    Glistenpearls, medpharm really thank you for the explanations....its help me a lots to understand about the systems. Well as i write before that i have to wait longer then, coz this october only for CN number between 1 -2900 Asian region.....:):):) Thanks again to you all and for this...
  10. S

    DV2009 from Indonesia, please kindly list here

    Hello my lady hahaha, thank you for your info Glistenpearls, well now i know that i wont receive my 2nd NL soon enough and got my interview in this Oct coz my number quite high CN:266xx hahahahaha....maybe next years or so...hmm still nd have to think about going back to Oz perhaps hahahaha...
  11. S

    DV2009 from Indonesia, please kindly list here

    Thanks Benz, no worries, i just curious and thinking whether i should email KCC as well. But i consider to just wait for the 2nd NL. Well i saw and read about the new bulletin for October, did anyone know or understand about the terms that shown at the table. Because i dont understand at all...
  12. S

    DV2009 from Indonesia, please kindly list here

    Corrections "I won GC lottery"....phew my English getting bad or even worst...:) Glistenpearls, congratulations to you....cant wait to chase you up hahaha.... try this website (Australian alumni network) and (Indonesian student in Australia forum), both free to...
  13. S

    DV2009 from Indonesia, please kindly list here

    Helloooo Indonesian 2009 DV are you guys???? No news or new post here???? :):):)
  14. S

    DV2009 from Indonesia, please kindly list here

    Congrat and best wishes for all Indonesian winners. Benz, Thanks Benz, just want to ask you, how come u receive KCC email confirmations? Did you email them to check whether they already receive your applications? Because i only send it to them without further check about it to KCC. The...
  15. S

    DV2009 from Indonesia, please kindly list here

    Hi all, I am also from Indonesia. CN no 2009AS000266xx (tinggi banget yah) :), lagi wait 2nd NL nih, hope you guys already had your 1st NL so could update what your current conditions in this threads, lets share our experience while we are waiting for our progress.. Cheerrssss