• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV2009 from Indonesia, please kindly list here


Gua perlu bantuan lagi tentang DSP-122, question 7.
Gua gak yakin kalo work experience gua termasuk dalam kriteria 7(a) dan juga O*NET database. Kalo gua isi "No" di pertanyaan 7(a), apakah 7(b) dan 7(c) juga diisi kosong? Gimana pengalaman kalian?

Kalo gua isi "Yes" di 7(a) terus gua isi 7(b) dan 7(c), dan ternyata work experience gua gak termasuk, apakah bisa mempengaruhi GC gua?

FYI, gua sekarang sedang mengambil gelar Master di US, jadi soal pendidikan udah pasti eligible. Work experience gua adalah 1 tahun sebagai IT support dan 4 tahun sebagai IT consultant di Indonesia.

Kalo gua jawab "No" di 7(a), gua tetap bisa dapat GC berdasarkan education gua kan?

Please kindly help. Thank you.
Memang gua maunya jujur, tapi bingung cara isinya gimana..

Jadi, isi Yes atau No untuk 7(a)?
Kalo isi Yes, berarti gua setuju kalo work experience gua termasuk dalam kriteria, padahal gua sendiri ragu apakah itu termasuk. Kalo isi No, berarti gua gak usah isi 7(b) dan 7(c), karena (b) dan (c) diisi hanya kalo (a) diisi Yes.
Boleh gak gua jawab No, terus gua isi (b) dan (c) juga? Itu baru jawaban jujur dari gua..

FYI, ini gua copy paste pertanyaannya, biar lebih jelas..

7(a). Within the last 5 years, I have worked at least 2 years in a job that requires at least 2 years of training or experience. (Yes or No)
7(b). Occupation - If you answered "yes" to question 7a, give the job title and describe the type of work you did. Be as specific as possible.
7(c). Names and addresses of your employers during the past 5 years in the work you described above, and the dates (beginning and ending
months and years) you worked for each.

Minta tolong dijelasin lagi.. thanks in advance..
Sebetulnya 7abc ini diperlukan hanya untuk mereka yang pendidikannya dibawah SMU. Kan either lulus min SMU atau 2 years working experience. Kalo loe kan sdh memenuhi. Contohnya istri sy sarjana, ga ditanya tuh pengalaman kerja segala. Yg penting waktu interview, dia hanya liat pendidikan/pengalaman kerja dan keuangan cukup untuk hidup 3 bln disana. Kalo kamu msh ragu, ya bole2 aja isi 7abc, asal jgn ngaku kerja lbh dr 2 thn. Isi ga isi ga bakal pengaruh, kalo berdasarkan pasyaratnya.
Hi all, I am also from Indonesia.

CN no 2009AS000266xx (tinggi banget yah) :), lagi wait 2nd NL nih, hope you guys already had your 1st NL so could update what your current conditions in this threads, lets share our experience while we are waiting for our progress..

Congrats to all Indonesian winner!
I'm Indonesian by birth but have lived in Sydney Australia almost forever until I moved to US because my husband got a job here and I'm a DV 2008 winner under OC (Oceania). My husband (also Indonesian) and his family have been playing for years with no luck. If I didnt get the NL last year I guess we will be on H1B for more years to come.
Next Thursday is my interview--cant wait till its over! Good luck to all!
Congrats to all Indonesian winner!
I'm Indonesian by birth but have lived in Sydney Australia almost forever until I moved to US because my husband got a job here and I'm a DV 2008 winner under OC (Oceania). My husband (also Indonesian) and his family have been playing for years with no luck. If I didnt get the NL last year I guess we will be on H1B for more years to come.
Next Thursday is my interview--cant wait till its over! Good luck to all!

Congratulations and Good luck on your interview. :)

May I ask something. How can you be born in Indonesia but got the DV under Oceania? Do you mean that you're Indonesian by race but was born in Australia?
Welcome SkyOz and Glistenpearls, congratulations and best of luck to all of us.
Keep posting here if you have anything to share. Thank you.
Congratulations and Good luck on your interview. :)

May I ask something. How can you be born in Indonesia but got the DV under Oceania? Do you mean that you're Indonesian by race but was born in Australia?

No, I was born in Indonesia-however I'm an Australian citizen. In the application if i can remember correctly you are either go under your country of birth or your country of citizenship and i go with country of citizenship-they will accept any way you want to go.
No, I was born in Indonesia-however I'm an Australian citizen. In the application if i can remember correctly you are either go under your country of birth or your country of citizenship and i go with country of citizenship-they will accept any way you want to go.

Umm..where does it say that? :eek: I thought you can only be eligible through your native country, which suppose to be your country of birth, unless your country of birth is not eligible, then you can claim your parents or your spouse country of birth. I guess the rules changed since last year DV.

Quote from DoS website: http://travel.state.gov/pdf/DV_2008_Final.pdf

Your country of eligibility will normally be the same as your country of birth. Your country of eligibility is not related to where you live. Native ordinarily means someone born in a particular country, regardless of the individual's current country of residence or nationality. For immigration purposes “native” can also
mean someone who is entitled to be “charged” to a country other than the one in which he/she was born under the provisions of Section 202(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act.
For example, if you were born in a country that is not eligible for this year’s DV program, you may claim chargeability to the country where your derivative spouse was born, but you will not be issued a DV-1 unless your spouse is also eligible for and issued a DV-2, and both of you must enter the United States together with the diversity visas. In a similar manner, a minor dependent child can be “charged” to a parent’s country of birth.
Finally, if you were born in a country not eligible to participate in this year’s DV program, you can be “charged” to the country of birth of either of your parent as long as neither parent was a resident of the ineligible country at the time of the your birth. In general, people are not considered residents of a country in which they were not born or legally naturalized if they are only visiting the country, studying in the country temporarily, or stationed in the country for business or professional reasons on behalf of a company or government.
If you claim alternate chargeability, you must indicate such information on the E-DV electronic online entry form, question #6. Please be aware that listing an incorrect country of eligibility or chargeability (i.e. one to which you cannot establish a valid claim) may disqualify your entry.
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Hi, thanks for the explanation. I just looked at my entry (i did print it out), all I did was entered my country of birth which is Indonesia and I claimed an alternate chargeability in which I answer Australia--and I can establish a valid claim for this-which fit to to statement that you copy and paste:
"If you claim alternate chargeability, you must indicate such information on the E-DV electronic online entry form, question #6. Please be aware that listing an incorrect country of eligibility or chargeability (i.e. one to which you cannot establish a valid claim) may disqualify your entry"
Congrat and best wishes for all Indonesian winners.


Thanks Benz, just want to ask you, how come u receive KCC email confirmations? Did you email them to check whether they already receive your applications? Because i only send it to them without further check about it to KCC. The only informations that i had got was from USPS email confirmations.


You already a citizen of Oz? Wow, sooo many people in Indo wants to move to Oz right now, but you prefer to move to US :). I had been studied in Sydney before and after that, i keep looking for a way back to Oz. But suddenly i wont GC lottery ;). I think Oz economic are better compare to US right now, especially booming in mining, constructions, etc....well dunno which one are better, may be because i am familiar with Oz rather then US right now which made me still thinking about going back to Oz...

Anyway, congrats to all and keep posting ok...good luck and God Bless you all..
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Helloooo Indonesian 2009 DV winner......how are you guys???? No news or new post here???? :):):)
Hi Skyoz..trust me haha I still feel homesick in the US..I really wanted to go back to Sydney sometimes because my family and friends are there..but yeah..initially my husband and I moved here because he got a job offer and we are both on working visa.

But like you I found out that I won the lottery so I guess it goes from there. Luckily the current job that I have here in the US is so much better than what I used to have in Sydney so in a way I want to take full advantage for the job opportunity right now despite the economic downturn and Sydney will always be 'home' to me.

Oh yeah, I just got my interview this morning..you can see my updated signature below heheh. I wish you all the very best too--it was the longest 17 mths for me!!
Corrections "I won GC lottery"....phew my English getting bad or even worst...:)

Glistenpearls, congratulations to you....cant wait to chase you up hahaha....
try this website www.ozmate.org (Australian alumni network) and www.indoz.com (Indonesian student in Australia forum), both free to join.

You are really lucky with the GC and jobs, i dont know whether i could found a jobs base on my current skills or education or not, because my background employment already mix to much and my education already too general....wish i could go back to engineering or finance jobs....well keep crossing my finger then and keep fighting...

About Oz.........LOVE OZ SO MUCH....(and quite insane to keep looking my way back to oz)...hahaha....but have to face and thankful with what i have got...there still lots of people suffer and not as lucky as i am out there...:):)
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Anyone know if a document is in Bahasa Indonesia need to be translated into English for the interview at the U.S Embassy in Jakarta?

I have my Mother's Change of Name document (Surat Ganti Nama) that is in Bahasa Indonesia and I was wondering if this need to be translated.

My Mother name in my birth certificate is different than the name that I put in the DS-230 because she changed her name after I was born. I want to prove this to the consulate by showing them the official change of name document that was issued by the court.

As you know, changing name is very common for Chinese-Indonesian in Indonesia. It is a law that was put in place in 1966 where all Chinese Indonesian who has a Chinese sounding name must have their name changed into an Indonesian sounding name, including their family name.

My mother has her Chinese name in my birth certificate but I put her current Indonesian name in the DS-230 because She never use her Chinese name anymore (all her legal documents like passport has her new Indonesian name). I hope this won't create a problem in the interview.
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I think it is best to translate everything non-english to english.
My husband's documents (in Indonesian) are even more messy than yours.
His birth certificate shows incorrect date (because his uncle went to the registry not his parents), believe it or not....his parents are not listed on his birth certificate too, because of this..his parents have to go to court and 'pretend' to adopt their own son, so now he has an adoption paper as thick as a text book all translated to english--the list goes on :rolleyes:

But yeah, for your sake, no matter how complicated the paperwork-just translate it!
I think it is best to translate everything non-english to english.
My husband's documents (in Indonesian) are even more messy than yours.
His birth certificate shows incorrect date (because his uncle went to the registry not his parents), believe it or not....his parents are not listed on his birth certificate too, because of this..his parents have to go to court and 'pretend' to adopt their own son, so now he has an adoption paper as thick as a text book all translated to english--the list goes on :rolleyes:

But yeah, for your sake, no matter how complicated the paperwork-just translate it!

Thank you. I will get that document translated then.

I understand how messy that could be. Most of my family before my generation have very messy documents too. Most of them don't even have their birth certificate anymore. Most documents that were written in Chinese including birth cerificate were burned during that time to protect their indentity during the many anti Chinese prosecutions in the 1950s. I have an older cousin who had to get adopted by an Indonesian family so She could get a passport. My mother had to married an Indonesian man then divorced him just to get a passport. It was a mess.

I just hope the U.S Embassy understand what the Chinese Indonesian have to go through in the pass and why they have such a complicated documents. :rolleyes:
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