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DV-2015 winners from Asia with CN 10,000+

Good luck to you too Asia!

Bonus - my wife was born in ROA so if I win ROA gets an OC visa! (or is it the other way around, does OC steal an asian visa?)
Same here. I am in a inter-regional marriage myself. I don't know whose visas we are stealing either, but the fact is we stole the ROA wives.
and 6.5 hours later....

Wow - time flies.
wow asia, such low cn, didn't see this coming, i was expecting 9.xxx to 10.xxx. no change at all, same number as the last one, 7,650 except neal 7150
wow asia, such low cn, didn't see this coming, i was expecting 9.xxx to 10.xxx. no change at all, same number as the last one, 7,650 except neal 7150

this has got to be some kind of mistake
even if Iran takes EVERYTHING, there has still got to be an increase of SOME kind, my number was always iffy, but i really thought the 8000s were safe, wow i really feel bad for them if this is not a simple mistake