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DV 2015 Selectees from Ghana

@ Moderators & SusieQQQ, can you help me retrieve a friend's confirmation number?

I just found out that a friend at my work place has also been selected for visa processing but his agent is demanding GHC 10,000 from him. The agent collected his details and submited his ds 260 for him in september. so his 2NL came last month, and the agent is demanding his money before handing over his 2NL to him.

From my little knowledge gained from here, i took his date of birth and cross checked with all the case in transit for africa from Global-2-3-2015.xlsx file (from britsimonsays.com). fortunate for me i found his case showing all his detatils in the completed DS 260 form. I then picked the email address on the ds 260 and tried to retrieve his confirmation number from the entrant status check but the email address on the ds 260 is different from what the agent used in the initial registration.

I'm locked up, can you help me? Because that my friend cant afford that money (GHC 10,000) the agent is demanding now.

OK, so you have the case number and the DS260. Why does he need the 2NL? All he need to know is the date and preferably the time of the appointment - he can get the date from CEAC and a phone call to KCC will probably get him the date and time. All KCC will ask is date of birth, name and case number. They might even be prepared to give details in an email.

Now - your friend needs to be very careful that between the original application and the DS260 there are no mistakes.
wont he need the 2NL when going for the medicals and the interview?

Not essential for the interview. For the medical why not call the doctor, explain the situation, and see if they are prepared to schedule the medical without the 2NL. THey might accept a print out of CEAC and a print out of the DS260 for example.

By the way - I would be screenshotting the DS260 if I were him....
His case is showing
In Transit
the details for the interview is not yet shown there?

Grrr - frickin Accra embassy being lazy. He should contact KCC. THey will accept an email from any email address with the three bits of info -

The full name in order as lastname, firstname, middlename

The Date of Birth in this order Month, day, Year (MM/DD/YYYY)

Full case Case Number, like this2015AS00001234
Not essential for the interview. For the medical why not call the doctor, explain the situation, and see if they are prepared to schedule the medical without the 2NL. THey might accept a print out of CEAC and a print out of the DS260 for example.

By the way - I would be screenshotting the DS260 if I were him....

Thank you boss
Thowa, one last word of warning. The agent is a blackmailing scumbag - so I have no sympathy for him/her. However, once he realizes he has been outsmarted, he may not be a happy chap and since he is a scumbag your friend should consider how he will react. Personally I would be ready for that either by speaking to the police (who may or may not give a damn) or by "other means".
The funny thing I notice on the ds 260 is the phone number entered is a 11 digit number, which is odd. all phone numbers in ghana are 10 digits (i.e. without the country code). only God knows if he has not made a major error on the form.
wont he need the 2NL when going for the medicals and the interview?

Has he tried to contact the embassy? They are surely aware of the problems agents call and might be sympathetic to him if he explains and asks...it's worth a try?
Thanks very much for the response @ thowa
My CEAC is also showing in transit and my interview is April. What do I do
GHC 10k, WOW
ok , ur friend can print out the confirmation page of the DS260 FORM, and the embassy ll accept it.
but warn ur friend to be very vigilant the day of the interview since the agent ll be around lukin 4 him.
if his interview time is 7:30, he shouldn't join the queue @ dat time. he sld be about 30min late since by then there ll be no queue.
He can also report the case to the police for assistance dat day but dat ll cost u a lil bit.
Masa, did ur friend agreed to pay the said amount be4 interview?
good question. although i agree the money is too much and also will not encourage the use of agents, there is the need for you friend to note that in reality He did not play the lottery but it was the agent.i will advice they talk to avoid any problem if possible. but masa 30 mins late is too much. are you saying 30mins before 7.30am?
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