Yes!!! There is a GOD!!


Registered Users (C)
Just when I was about to get to a point of no return in my depression, disappointment, and uncertainity... God finally decided to give me the break I have been looking for about five years.

I usually go home for lunch and today was no different. Open my mail box and found the approval notice. Even though I checked the status this morning but the same old 'RFE received' message was showcased for me in its all glory. I am still in a state of awe and shock but I am going to say the traditional words as it is my turn to follow the suit:

"My case has been approved!!"

Here are my case details:

RD: 10/18/01
ND: 11/21/01
FP: 04/30/02
RFE Issued: 02/30/03
RFE Received by BCIS: 03/11/03
AD: 06/09/03
An applicant of an SR country

I have been associated with this forum for five years and I am planning to keep this association intact.

Trust me when I say that your turn will come, IT WILL COME.

Heartiest thanks to all the friends and folks who belong to this forum as this forum was an outlet for me to release my frustration and anger. This forum helped me carry on my journey and at occassions invigorated me when I was feeling really weak.

God bless you all!!


Enjoy your long awaited moment. Make this moment a memorable one in your life like other great moments you had in your life.

RD Nov 2001
ND Dec 2001
RFE Apr 2003
AD ???
Congratulations Haraputta!!

Signal for life's road is hara (green) now. Enjoy it.
congrats, man!

always encouraged to see approvals for SR applicants, being one myself. once again, congratulations, and enjoy your freedom!
Congrats! It is very encouraging to hear NSC atleast progressing whatever slow pace it might be. Progress at a snail pace is better than standstill. Enjoy your freedom. My info as follows:

ND: Nov 26, 2001
RFE: May 23, 2003 - Employment letter and BC
Service center: NSC EB-3 SR country
Haven't replied yet. Gathering documents as I need to invoke AC21.

Good luck haraputta.
Heartiest congratualtion. Yes there is a God and if you keep praying from heart there is no reason he will not give what you want .
Congrats Haraputta !

Good bless us all who are waiting !

RD - 10/29/01
ND - 11/19/01
RFE - 02/27/03
RFE Recd by INS - 03/27/03
AD - ???

Heartiest congratulations. You’ve been a helpful source of information and advice to many of us. Don’t forget us and do continue to surf this forum. You mentioned in your previous post that you’re from Pakistan, correct? This is good news to me as I am also from an SR country.

Best wishes to you and your family,

RD: 12/18/01
ND: 12/26/01
Mubarak ho Haraputta. Insha Alla rest of us also see that day soon.

Have fun and hang around in the forum. It is good to see your posts.

Congrats harraputta
Now a days any approval gives us a light of hope specially if it is from SR countries.
By any chance did you switch from CP to AOS ?
congrats haraputta!!

does your status still say "RFE received"?

RD Nov 30, 2001
ND Dec 4 2001
RFE April 22 2003
RFE Response Rcvd May 23 2003
Thanks for all the wishes you all have extended to me!!

Thanks, Gracias, Merci, Shukriya, Dhunnayvaat... to all of you. Your kind words and wishes mean a lot to me. I have been an old customer of this forum and I will try to share and help the fellow 485 applicants as muc as I can.

I have updated the rupnet. Please let me know if I can answer any of your questions.

Thanks again you all.... I am waiting for you guys to join me in **THE CLUB**...

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Some answers...

googol ... yes my online status still says 'RFE Received'.

tan67.... I never opted for COP. Mine was a straight AOS case.

Sadiq ... yes I am from Pakistan

Thanks guys...
COngratulations Haraputta!!!!
You case is sure inspiring. 5 years is heck of long time. ENjoy the Freedom.
Congratulations Haraputta,
You being a senior member of this forum, your contributions to this forum has been great. Enjoy freedom.