worried - wac-02-086


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Need some positive reinforcement here. I have not received my 2nd FP, let lone any RFE though people around the 80 series are getting their approvals.

Any help, word of encouragement will be more than welcome:(
Don't worry.
You would get RFE within three months unless your name was hit at the security checks.
Good luck,
Same here, man

I'm several days ahead of you and nothing from BCIS yet.
Calling my lawyer and nothing can be done until the JIT date moved behind our ND.

how to tell if mine is stuck at security check?

I am wac02-046-5xxxx, no 2nd FP, no 2nd RFE. A so called CIA guy came to see me twice last year asking my previous work experience back at home country.

JIT has passed my ND (Nov. 21, 01). Attorney did an inquiry, response said they were going to locate my file and assign to an officier. I will submit another inquiry in 30 days if nothing occurs.
I'm an 076 and nothing, no 2nd fp, no rfe

I have no security issues that I'm aware of being from Canada and New Zealand
wac-083 no 2nd FP no RFE

I have also not gotten any FP or RFE. TAlked with my laywer and they told that they cannot send inquire unless JIT moves to Jan 10.

ECGC: Please post what kind of fax you sent? Is it possible to post the fax on this board?
If your receipt date is before the current processing date(which is Jan9th 2002) you or your attorney can ask for a 2nd FP. Atleast this can start initiate the process.

Don't be worried, its not just you. I see lot of 02-5X cases also.

I am WAC02067*****, no 2nd FP or RFE. We have been waiting forever. Sent many fax enquiries to USCIS, senators and congressmans. No response from anybody. ND is not 1 month before the JIT date. ND is dec 18th, so lawyer is not ready to make an enquiry till the JIT moves. And same thing when I called the 1-800 number....were not ready to make an enquiry till the JIT date is 1 month past our ND date. Looks like everybody other than us are getting approvals or some kind of activity when we are receiving no hope whatsoever in our case. Dont know if our documents have been shredded. Dont know about the security check. We are not from India. Dont know why our case could be held on security reasons. We have not changed companies. But just wondering if my spouse being on student visa before the 485 could have caused the delay for our case. Have no idea. Any kind of suggestions or help would be really appreciated.

Why can't you send enquiry .. Your ND should be Jan9th .. aint it .. so you should be able to send enquiry on april 22nd .. 30 days after the JIT moved to Jan 9th ..true ??

Let us know if you did enquire .. and rcv any results ..
Re: how to tell if mine is stuck at security check?

Originally posted by ImmigrateMe
I am wac02-046-5xxxx, no 2nd FP, no 2nd RFE. A so called CIA guy came to see me twice last year asking my previous work experience back at home country.

JIT has passed my ND (Nov. 21, 01). Attorney did an inquiry, response said they were going to locate my file and assign to an officier. I will submit another inquiry in 30 days if nothing occurs.

I think you should just bug them, pretty often and also goto senators/congressmen.
According to the IIO's your notice date is less than 30 days from the processing date, the system will kick it out.

What I did was a change of address - gave them my same address as a change of address, hopefully that will trigger something in their system.
country of citizenship

No racial profiling.
But along with wac details if we post country of birth info, we could track security hits. thanks.
Re: Re: how to tell if mine is stuck at security check?

Originally posted by mango_pickle
I think you should just bug them, pretty often and also goto senators/congressmen.


The attorney said if we bug BCIS too much with inquiry, they will send me to interview, which means even slower.

I have nothing to fear about interview. I have been with the same employer all the time. Doing a good job. Changed address once. File tax on time. Good citizen.

How to get to senator/congressman?

Can not send inquire

According to my lawyer, the inquiry can be sent only after your ND is one month before the JIT date.
My ND is Jan, 9 which is the same date as JIT. Probaly I should ask my lawyer send an inquiry.
here is the response from my lawyer:

We are almost there where we can make an inquiry. We can make an inquiry
(which they would actually have to respond to) exactly 1 month after the
receipt date of your application.

In your case, if the Processing Report says they are now adjudicating cases
filed before 2/4/02 (your I-485 receipt date is actually 1/4/02), then we
could make an inquiry with immigration.
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where does bcis say that ..

CSC processing times say that .. you can call toll free number (after 30 days) if your case was filed before the processing times shown on the chart ..

Hmm .. Lemme check with my lawyer ..