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Won DV2009 but did not marry my fiancee yet. What should I do?


New Member
Could anybody help me on this?

The dillema is actually: should I sent my forms asap and send the letter of changes later or should I marry first and after send the forms.

The problem is that I am curently in UK and my fiancee is in Moldova. I should really stay here at least other 3 months so the erliest I would marry her would be august 2009.
If it was important to get married asap I would go home in Juine.
I overstayed my UK viza so I cannot just go home and come back.
What should I do?

My case number is 2009EU000080XX so I expect my interview in nov, dec or jan.

Could my mariage lead to viza refuzal or lower my chances to get GC?
Could the fact that I overstayed my UK viza lead to USA viza refuzal?

Thx for help
If you marry her in August, that shouldn't be a problem. Send the documents now back and once you're married, send the marriage certificate plus updated forms for you and the form for your wife to KCC.
Yes, your marriage could cause the consul think it is not genuine. That way you both might be refused visas.

I would advise you to get married ASAP first, and send documents to KCC after that, for consular processing in your home country.
In case you do not want to marry, you could proceed with CP in London instead.
Agree with raevsky marry asap!
Disagree with raevsky; slow down with the marriage. Separate the 2 issues. marry when you are convinced about the matter. Then send in your forms as a married couple.
Then at the time of the interview, supply the CO with overwhelming evidence of your relationship before the dv [love letters, e-mail, photos, text messages etc].
If you already know you WILL marry, do not create any mess with the documents by submitting them several times. Send them just once (after marriage). Those three months do not really matter (with your low number), but you will definitely have less amount of mess.
I am in the same situation.. We had agreed to see what to do after the interview and IF I pass. But reading some of the other responses I wonder if this is a good idea...
If you marry after the interview, your spouse dont get a GC and cannot follow you to the US!
That is incorrect. The no-return-point is entering the US. If you marry after you get the visa, but before you enter US, she is still eligible for the visa
We had agreed to see what to do after the interview and IF I pass
Might be a wrong strategy. If she is refused a visa, your visa is very likely to be revoked, or, if you are in the US already, your GC is likely to be revoked. The right strategy for you is to be present at her interview (if they allow it) so that it would be easier for them to revoke your visa in case she is denied. That makes your chances higher, in case you marry after getting the visa.
Really. If we are talking about CP way for principal applicant. If we are talking about AOS for principal applicant, the no-return-point is the date of making decision about GC.
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You can not proceed with CP in London because you currently don't have the legal right to live there.If i'm right , you said you've overstayed your visa in the UK so the best option for you in my opinion will be to go back to your home country,get married to your fiancee and pursue CP there.I suppose you have substantial documentary and other evidence to prove that you have been in a relationship long enough to get married at this particular time.This will erase any doubts about your marriage from the mind of the consular .Most importantly ,before you risk leaving the UK, you need to consider how you 'll return if the DV doesn't work out.Make sure you actually qualify to be issued a visa in therms of the basic accademic requirements or otherwise work experience.This is just my opinion and i hope no one misconstrues me.Of course you have every right to take it or Leave it.
All the best of luck.
Yes, your marriage could cause the consul think it is not genuine. That way you both might be refused visas.

I would advise you to get married ASAP first, and send documents to KCC after that, for consular processing in your home country.
In case you do not want to marry, you could proceed with CP in London instead.

she can not pursue CP in London if she doesn't have legal right of abode.
Thanks you so much for your advices. I think I'll go and marry my girlfriend in July and will send the forms after I get the mariage certificate.
If anyone think it would be better to send the forms now please tell me why?