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Withdrawing winning entry for DV 2012


Registered Users (C)
Hello all

I was selected for the DV lottery 2012 but have now decided I do not want to partake in the DV 2012 lottery as I see no point in moving to the US as it does not appeal to me anymore. I have a good college, job and have all the friends and family I need here. Moving to the states at the moment is extremely inconvenient, their health care is terrible, bad job economy and every other bad things. Plus I only have friends and few family members in the states. I also love my hometown of Vancouver and pretty much in all honesty favor Canadian life over American life.

I'd like to thank all who helped in the past with the DV lottery process and hope everybody for the best. :eek:
Hello all

I was selected for the DV lottery 2012 but have now decided I do not want to partake in the DV 2012 lottery as I see no point in moving to the US as it does not appeal to me anymore. I have a good college, job and have all the friends and family I need here. Moving to the states at the moment is extremely inconvenient, their health care is terrible, bad job economy and every other bad things. Plus I only have friends and few family members in the states. I also love my hometown of Vancouver and pretty much in all honesty favor Canadian life over American life.

I'd like to thank all who helped in the past with the DV lottery process and hope everybody for the best. :eek:

That's fine. I think you should follow your gut instincts on this. If you have something good at the moment, and you are worried that you may lose it and have nothing to come back to if life in the US doesn't work out, then you made the right choice.

The only question is if you feel that you may regret it later in life.
I feel bad for the person/family whose quota was consumed by you (I take that back if your withdrawal can redistribute your visa to another qualified applicant)
The number of winners is approximately 2 times more than the number of visas, specifically to take into account those things