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Winning notification dated May, 1? WTF??


Registered Users (C)
I just talked to someone who got selected today.

The date over the barcode in his letter is May, 1. :confused:

Any good explanations? That is pretty strange.
I just talked to someone who got selected today.

The date over the barcode in his letter is May, 1. :confused:

Any good explanations? That is pretty strange.

Yes, they probably even bothered to change anything from the original software or whatever they use for the draw....just waited until 15th July...
I don't see anything peculiar about it. The original notification date as always planned is May 1. The first lot results were annulled so they are wiped off and never in existence. Today's new winners now stand as May 1 winners as intended.
I don't see anything peculiar about it. The original notification date as always planned is May 1. The first lot results were annulled so they are wiped off and never in existence. Today's new winners now stand as May 1 winners as intended.
What? The did whole new redraw with all applications. It is not possible to have a past date on the letter.
What? The did whole new redraw with all applications. It is not possible to have a past date on the letter.

Why is it not possible? There is nothing to prevent it. The original results were rescinded. They can put any date they want.
Why is it not possible? There is nothing to prevent it. The original results were rescinded. They can put any date they want.

Then how would they be able to prevent ex winners from going forward with their original results/first letter from actual May 1?
The date over the barcode in his letter is May, 1.
Any good explanations? That is pretty strange
Seems strange to me as well. I think this is an error, it should be July 15th. It could be very important for those who just turned 21.
They can put any date they want.
They should not be able to.
Then how would they be able to prevent ex winners from going forward with their original results/first letter from actual May 1?

Sweetie, everything's in their computers! If you ain't on the list, you're not in. If it was so easy as turning up with a piece of paper, I'll be using Photoshop now :)
@Barium: well said,probably i should give it a trial since i still have the initial confirmation letter,do i stand to loose something?
@Barium: well said,probably i should give it a trial since i still have the initial confirmation letter,do i stand to loose something?

If you were to try you would be found out and they would tag your file for a material misrepresentation for immigration purposes and you would get a lifetime ban for ANY visa to the US . Don't throw it wll out for a silly idea.
Is it possible there's the same bug. I mean on 1st may it was 5-6 Oct. and on 15th July it was as example 13-14 Oct. Winners dont wanna share day when they filled lottery form. So we cant check my theory, but if you like it - send reports to DOS as you did before that there's the same mistake.
And if it was the same bug...our dear Amin would find it sooner or later and choose new day for lottery in august-september, because 15th July would be as unfair as it was on 1st May. Very funny.
Also I know why there's not so many winners. Possible on 12-13 Oct not so many people filled forms. Is it reasonable? On first days many people did it - many of them won, but on 12-13 we dont have 100.000! That's why we have only a few winners. I believe mr.Raevskiy could support or argue with me.
Seems strange to me as well. I think this is an error, it should be July 15th. It could be very important for those who just turned 21.
They should not be able to.
Exactly what I thought. I asked a 2nd winner from Europe whats written on his latter, still waiting for the reply.

And I agree, they can't put fantasy dates on that letters.
All letters are dated May 1. It doesn't make a difference. They can put any date in the past they want. It simply means that they are installed as winners as of May 1, retrogradely. This is also a way to demonstrate no continuity b/n those falsely informed on May 1 but a replacement. It makes prefect sense to me.
I think they made a mistake initially. When I checked my letter yesterday it was dated May 1 but I rechecked this morning and it has been changed to July 15 now in a smaller typeface.
Check again, I won yesterday (May 15th) at 2 pm and had a May 1st date. I have doublechecked (in May 16th at 1 am) and the date of the letter has been changed to July 15th. Case number remains the same.

Good Luck to all!