Wife received interview letter, I didn't

So my wife had her interview today, April 21st, at the St. Paul, MN office and it has ticked me off again. I kept her awake until 1:00 in the morning to make sure she revised the 96 civics questions and knew the answers to at least 90% of them, especially names of the governor and senators. Well, here's what they asked her:

1. What state are you in?

2. What is the capital of your state?

3. How many stars on the flag?

4. What color are the stripes?

For #3 and #4, there was a big American flag behind the IO!

They also told her to write "I can cook" and read "My car is broken."

I am glad she passed the interview easily and got a letter saying there will be a letter in the mail with Oath date and location. What gets me is the amount of time and effort the two of us (especially me) put to make sure we covered all the questions and now thinking may be we shouldn't have been so worried and probably should have gotten more sleep.

The IO asked her if she was a member of any association and she said no. Well, in her application I put her as being a member of AAA and it seems I forgot to tell her that. The IO then canceled the AAA membership from her application and asked her who filled it. She then had to give some details about me to him.

On a side note, I've seen people in the forums saying the letter they got after the interview had the line " A decision cannot be made.....". I think this line is there in every letter because my wife's one had it too, but it was not applicable to her. The IO had highlighted only the sections that were relevant to my wife.
USCIS is working fast here. My wife has now received the Oath Ceremony letter for May 14th in St. Paul. From April 21st interview to May 14th is a pretty quick turn around. I'm impressed.

I'll be calling USCIS end of May to see where my application is. Hope it isn't being used as a chair cushion by an FBI agent.
Some good news today. Received my interview letter telling me to appear at the St. Paul immigration office on Oct. 30th.

Only thing is I won't be able to vote this year as there is no way they will schedule me for an oath ceremony before Nov 4th election day. I really looked forward to participating but hopefully next time.
I beleive the last day to register is October 6th at least in Florida. So your interview is way passed that! I got through my interview on Monday and I am happy to reach another milstone in this long journey. But I am so bummed that I will not be able to participate in this historic election.
In Minnesota you can register on polling day itself, so if miraculously I'm scheduled for an oath before 11/4, I might still get to vote.