wife not co-operating :(


New Member
"hey me and my wife have been married for 5 months but been dating for 2yrs.we filed the papers for AOS and i have received the EAD,SSN..and we are scheduled for greencard interview.and she doesn't want to attend it and even before that she didn't want to take her W2 forms.i mean she says im asking her to do too much.im tired of this!how can i go about this without her?":confused:
"hey me and my wife have been married for 5 months but been dating for 2yrs.we filed the papers for AOS and i have received the EAD,SSN..and we are scheduled for greencard interview.and she doesn't want to attend it and even before that she didn't want to take her W2 forms.i mean she says im asking her to do too much.im tired of this!how can i go about this without her?":confused:

Unfortunately there is no solution for your problem. Just 2 options
1. convince her
2. forget about your application
"hey me and my wife have been married for 5 months but been dating for 2yrs.we filed the papers for AOS and i have received the EAD,SSN..and we are scheduled for greencard interview.and she doesn't want to attend it and even before that she didn't want to take her W2 forms.i mean she says im asking her to do too much.im tired of this!how can i go about this without her?":confused:

Be nice to her. Buy some flowers. Ask her to take day off that day from work so you guys can finish interview and goto something that interests her - movies, park, restaurant etc.

If she is worried that USCIS will do something to her like deportation, tell her they cannot do anything to USCitizen. Dont laugh, someone was asking advice awhile back because his/her USC spouse was worried that she will goto jail because of GC sponsor.

Try to understand real reason behind her unwillingness to come to interview. And address it.

If none of the above applies, then think if she really wanted to be in the marriage. No offense, but stuff happens and there are many folks who had issues in marriage that turned ugly on immigration front. Things turn ugly if you make her go to interview by force and she refuses to answers properly and truthfully at the interview.

I am not a lawyer, nor a psychologist nor anything that qualifies me to give any advice in such matters, so take it with grain of salt.
"hey me and my wife have been married for 5 months but been dating for 2yrs.we filed the papers for AOS and i have received the EAD,SSN..and we are scheduled for greencard interview.and she doesn't want to attend it and even before that she didn't want to take her W2 forms.i mean she says im asking her to do too much.im tired of this!how can i go about this without her?":confused:

Why doesn't she want to attend?! Start off by finding this out!
as your wife, she should be helpful and co-operate if she truly loves you. Why wouldn't she want to got through this process.??? Remind her ( politely) that your vows were for better or worse and if there is a problem she should tell you. Unless she has something to hide , she should go through the whole thing if she is in the marriage. Good luck mate.
An observation: OP and most others are far more concerned about the GC than relationship. It appears that spouse may feel that she is being used just for a GC. It is certainly a valid concern.
Read the postings. The ONLY issue seems to be a GC. If I were not having a good relationship with my spouse, I would not be concerned first and foremost about an immigration benefit from her/him.

I think the spouse has a valid concern.
Concerned.. this is an immigration forum.. even if there are a hundred more important issues OP has in mind, the only ones he is going to talk about here are the ones that are immigration related.
Explain to her the importance of attending the interview. I think you also need to court her again I mean show that you love and care for her. In that way I think its easy for you to convince her.
No point in discussing this thread. The OP has not posted anything since he posted his original query three and a half weeks ago :)