Why Name Check before both permanent residence (green card) AND naturalization?


New Member
From (Wikipedia)/FBI_Name_Check :
"One of the biggest customers of the National Name Check Program (NNCP) is USCIS (formerly INS) which, since late 2002 requires comprehensive FBI Name Checks for all applicants for permanent residence (green card) and for naturalization."

Since a permanent resident has already undergone the comprehensive FBI Name Check, why would he/she need to undergo the same Name Check again when applying for naturalization?
I doubt that's the reason in most cases of naturalization delayed processing. In most cases I have heard of, green card was approved much faster than citizenship.
If there is a security problem with a person who is already in the US (as a permanent resident), the government wants them to be removed ASAP, not after years of waiting for a decision on their naturalization application.
Also, things can happen even after one becomes a citizen. Why not keep checking their name forever?

Mathematically, if you are an average person with an average suspected name (e.g. Muhammad Al-Khalili), your name gets X new references in the FBI spying system every year. So the FBI would have much more work on your name with the data they collected in the last 100 years before you applied for green card, than in the 5 years that passed between the approval of your green card and your application for citizenship. But this is not the case, usually. Usually, "name check" delays are much longer when applying for citizenship.

I think what happens is that with many people, the government wants them to live in the US as residents who are not citizens, they often give more than they take, both in taxes and in fees to the immigration system and the legal industrial complex. Once they become citizens, these people are freed from many constraints and become less profitable to the government.
The FBI name check is just an excuse why not to approve their application. It's safe to do since for the most part the FBI and USCIS are completely nontransparent and unaccountable.
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

"A conspiracy theory is an explanation for an event or situation that invokes a conspiracy by sinister and powerful groups, often political in motivation, when other explanations are more probable."

You have not provided any other explanation which is more probable.
Everyone has to go through background check and name checks. Most people get no hits. I recall that my GC name check and background check went through in 24 hours. So what you are saying makes no sense.
Ignoratio elenchi.

Fin: Listing facts and anecdotal reports that do not contradict anything of what I had said.
Also Fin: "So what you are saying makes no sense."