Why India is not getting respect in the world................

Re: What's the big deal?

Totally agree with jian42. India needs to EARN respect from the world.

If India is as strong as USA, who dares to say no? India would be able to form a new UNSC (let's call it IUNSC) and other countries would beg to join.

Originally posted by jian42
Think about this, if India was in the UNSC, and China wanted to join, will India welcome the idea? Now if India brings up the same issue with US, UK, Frace, or Russia, how will they respond?

What are you expecting?

I do not understand why this "news" was brought up here at first place. Maybe the original poster has a little "Sinophobia".

By the way, patientGC, how much respect are you paying to those nations on your list? If you do not give a sh*t to their accomplishments, then why should they take your head count so seriously?

Respect is earned not given. What's given is called sympathy.
Make your country stronger, not by speaking louder, but by working harder.
Re: Re: What's the big deal?

Originally posted by YJay
Totally agree with jian42. India needs to EARN respect from the world.

Yes maybe India should also scare the world with Nuke heads like the Chinese and gain "respect". China is in not by respect but because of fear! Who "respects" China?
what's the topic again?


Who "respects" China?

I thought the topic was why India did not get the respect it deserves when it was asking for it from China.

I did not see any Chinese asking for resepct in this forum, especially from you. You respect nobody.


The biggest accomplishment of the Chinese government in the last thirty years is to lift 20% of the world population out of absolute poverty and startvation.

They understand that a country does not have to speak louder to get others listen. They just have to be stronger.
Agreed China is more prosper than it was 50 years ago.
But how does that help me ( or for that matter any other nation)?
May be in an indirect way that in future there will be a bigger market in China where US companies can sell their products.

But like I said my friend, thats not my definition of accomplishment. Maybe thats the definition for most people. Not for me. I repeat, to me accomplishment is when you invent new theories or products that serve mankind better. China has not invented anything new lately. All it keeps doing is copy the achievements of west , steal US nuclear technology , sell some of it to Pakistan. Then Pakistan sells it to North Korea and then North Korea threatens USA ( my resident country).

Thats why I think China has done more harm than good to the world.

Re: what's the topic again?

Originally posted by jian42

Who "respects" China?

I thought the topic was why India did not get the respect it deserves when it was asking for it from China.

This does not mean China is "respected". India is trying to get in. There are countries that support us but there are countries Like China which oppose with NO VALID REASON! Why? I dont know!

I did not see any Chinese asking for resepct in this forum, especially from you. You respect nobody.

Well Chinese are definitely intelligent people. They dont ask for it because they know they cant get it! As for me like you said... respect is earned!

The biggest accomplishment of the Chinese government in the last thirty years is to lift 20% of the world population out of absolute poverty and startvation.

And they all live in China? They can get out of poverty but they cannot proceed further unless they are in high Naz... oops govt position. I wonder how long it will take before democratic penetrate into China. But considering 2000 years of servitude, it probably wouldnt happen anytime soon!

They understand that a country does not have to speak louder to get others listen. They just have to be stronger.

Stronger in what? Nukes or values?
sorry to stray away from the topic....

but one thing I could never figure out... but maybe today with the help of my good neighbours China!

How you guys manage to sell everything for a $. I love to shop in Dollar shops and am very greatful to China for that.

But, Considering the cost of material, cost of labour, shipping & handling, Taxes, freight........etc....etc....., it comes NOWHERE even closer to "cheap labour". To me it sounds 'free labour!'

And Liftkarde, you expect respect from ............WHO........... Come to your senses, man!
"liftkarade" and "Mohahahuh" ..... Have you registred with the INS or BCIS yet . Get you fingerprints ,ASSprints ,and MugShots done .
I think China get on the right track!

Since Japan did it (sell 1$) in 60s, Korea did it in 70s, Taiwan did it in 80s, now is China. India maybe the next. It's not a shame, my friend.

Everything has to be start from small thing. One of my indian friend showed me a India-Made ball-pen, the quality is awful.

Ok, let's talk about GC. I wish you a good luck, PatienceGC.

Originally posted by Rene2ram

How you guys manage to sell everything for a $. I love to shop in Dollar shops and am very greatful to China for that.

But, Considering the cost of material, cost of labour, shipping & handling, Taxes, freight........etc....etc....., it comes NOWHERE even closer to "cheap labour". To me it sounds 'free labour!'

white horse is not horse

To say that China hasn't helped mankind is like an unemployed SUNs SAP specialist accuses Indian intellectuals did nothing but take away American Jobs. I bet you hear no-good-to-mankind complaint right there. But folks, getting jobs done faster, more efficiently has to be good to mankind, although unpleasant to smaller group of individuals of the bigger set.

You have to be from Mars not knowing that Indian and Chinese make up the majority of EB immigration cases. These are not cheap labors working in the restaurants and sweat shops, these are engineers, basic life scientists, physicians, IT specialists, entrepraneurs, or decision makers in the business world. To put down either nation is wrong.

I have a lot of respect for India, her people has every right to be proud, and please speak out by any means! But let me say a few good things about my motherland-China first:

UN is not a democratic entity, rather it was a product of war. China absorbed over 70% of Japanese war effort in WWII (hundreds of millions of Chinese sacraficed for the common struggle against imperialism). That allowed the Brits and American to focus on the European continent. What's more, China didn't just fight Japanese in China. Suffering enormous domestic loss, she still dispatched 100,000 Chinese soldiers to fight Japanese in south asia. More than 80% of those dispatched China's bravest sons/daughters died route to Burma, Indo-China and the Indian subcontinent jungles. The blood support it lent to the world-wide anti-fascism battle won China respect from the big four and a seat in the UN. Whether Mainland China or Taiwan Nationlists represent China is irrelevant, they would all represent Chinese.

China did a great many good to a great many mankind for a great many years. Over the span of two thousand years, Chinese language, culture and technology had positive influence. Need I say more about its influence on Japan, Korea and Vietnam, is it a coincidence that asian-pacific nations sharing similiar cultural traits with China are among the newly wealthy? Don't give me that Sino-domination-phobia lecture. All nations that were once conjugated with Chinese dynasties were treated w/ respect and generosity. In its weakest era, the Qing dynasty would still fight against Japanese occupation of the Korean Pennisula at the petition of the Korean Royals. Unfortunately, Qing lost the battle in yellow sea and hence began a one hundred-year humiliation. No nations treat China w/ respect when she was weak. Led by England, which countered its trade deficit by exporting opium to China. When Qing refused, the Queen sent warships of soliders (however unfortunate, Indian soldiers among the ranks), waged the Opium War. Guess who followed suit, Russia, Germany, France, Japan, Italy, Portugal and last but not least USA, who forced unequal treaties one after another to China, who was forced to give land, gold/silver, free lease of major cities and sea ports in exchange for peace and "protection". The famous MacMahon boundary line between Indian and China was drawn during that period, by the Queen, which arbitrarily severed hundreds of square miles of Tibet land from Qing Dynasty to India. When the Union Jack was lowered from the Indian sky, thanks to Ghandi's immortal leadership, the McMahon line stayed, and set stage for the 1960 India-China war. From my side of border, I see much more land were being occupied by India. So who is right? What a legacy from Her Majesty!

China won respect by acting conciliatory. However difficult to comprehend, Mao didn't ask for one single penny war restitutions for the trillions of dollars damage Japanese army inflicted to Chinese people, and Chinese people supported his decision.

China did a great many good to human kind by being the UN's sole permanent member in the Security council. It represented the developing countries across the globe, and supported the weak, the underprevilliage in a selfless manner. However unfortunate to China and other nations, Mao really believed and acted what he preached, that is communism. Millions of Chinese people died of starvation while food were shipped to other "brother" third world nations across Asia and Africa. If communism is truely 100%, then Chinese people suffered no worse than anyone affected, while being coached to lose life in the many frontlines between the third world and the developed countries.

Nowdays, China improved the world's living standard by outputing cheap but good product. I suppose if you live in the States, unless you are a big fan of "Made in America", you enjoyed the obscenely low price of Dell computers, DVD players, furnitures all labeled"made in china", while still have extra bucks to enjoy other episodes of your American Dream.

What do you mean we did nothing good to mankind, are you not of my kind, man?
Speak loud and ask for respect = sympathy.

Countries can't stop fighting, always in war has no right to get a seat in UN.

China produces cheap products to serve minkind. People are enjoying this. I don't have anything "made in India" but can you trash everything "made in China"? I don't think any of US household can. What does India accomplish my friend??? What is your definition of "invention"? In my opinion, finding a way to produce cheap and new products is "invention".

I heard that China will be able to bring human to the space very soon too...

"You don't respect others, others won't respect you!!!"

Do you know why India dare not to fight China but Pakistan? Because India can't even win Pakistan... how can she win China!!!!!!! no way...

I stand corrected. China has provided slave labor for people of the world. I guess you should feel proud of your motherland for providing such inhumane advantages to the world. I dont know why I get so enraged when I see instances of slave labor in India. Maybe I should stop having any human feelings.

Chinese human rights are apparently "respected". But I am not sure if India should also follow such labor policies, kill any second child, Aids infected people or protestors to be on par with China on Human rights issues!

I wonder why so many Tibetans found asylum in India when Tibet "according to you" is China!

Mohahahuh : You are basically without any rational thinking but let me try to explain. China is currently not a problem for India. That war is over. Unfortunately the Pakis are forcing us to go to war. India has not initiated a war in years. Actually I dont think we have ever started a war! Unlike Pakis, India has some sense. Thats why we have the no-first-use rule. But pakis have openly said that they cannot fight a conventional war and will use the nuke first if (should have been when) routed! India has more nukes than Pak but also has more sense. We dont go picking on whom we fight.
Talk of buttering............

What Mohahahu...... plans to gain by BUTTERING China??????????????


Hey 485sucks an asswhole my country is not on the list yet. you asshole be prepared though for get f*****
I am not talking about history here. All historic civilazations have contributed to the world. I specifically mentioned in my post "Accomplishments lately". That means accomplishments in our ERA.

Baghdad area was a highly civilzed society and contributed a lot to the world. So did Indian civilazation, egypt and china.

But that doesn't mean IRAQ, as of today, is a great country. Hell no. Its run by a dictator and spreading terror. That was the context in which I mentioned China. What has China done in today's world?

- China copies every single thing that west does (their moon mission is the latest example).
- China is famous for stealing US nuclear technonoloy. Don't forget what happened just 3 years back.

- China then sells some of this nuclear technology to pakistan and Paksiatn sells that to N. Korea in exchange of Missiles. North Korea is now threaeting to nuke west coast of USA.

Guess how they did it? By the help of China? That is today's china!

Pakistan is capable of nuclear technology ( and chances are that these might be passed onto Islamist terroriests.)

Thanks to who? China. That is today's china.

One more thing, providing cheap labor is not acoomplishment. Even if you consider that as an accomplishment from any angle, that is because western companies discovered ways to cut their costs. It is an accomplishment for western companies who came up with that idea.

If not china, they would move their operations to other low cost countries. There are tons of other countries willing to provide low cost labor.

Then why these companies choose China? That is a million doallar question. DICTATORSHIP. Workers in that country have no rights. No Democarcy. Once companies are in pact with local chinese authorities, western companies are assured that their operations will run smoothly because workers will have no say as there is no democracy.

That is today's china my friend. What happend in T. Square? Chinese army ran tanks over their own people because they were trying to raise their opinions. That was not due to any religious riots or anything ( not that that is a valid reason). Purely because Chinsese dictatorship didn't like people having their own free opinions.

And if I start writing about Tibet and 1962 war with China.. I will run out of space.
to Vivekm

1. Space exploration is a pride of the human kind. It takes tremendous efforts to get the job done. Copy? If you logic holds, could I say India is stilling "trying" to copy this technology from China?
- China copies every single thing that west does (their moon mission is the latest example).

2. China detonated that atomic bomb 40-year back. So what nuclear technonoloy are you talking about 3-year ago?
- China is famous for stealing US nuclear technonoloy. Don't forget what happened just 3 years back.

3. As for the seat, Canada, Australia may deseve a better chance in my opinion.
Inida had tried to be the non alliance movement leader but after 1962, that image has collapsed. Most chinese nowadays don't even know what happened then. It's just too fast.

4. As for Tibet, that's a continuation of chinese jurisdiction.
China has 95% with the same race. We get along with the rest 55 minority pretty well. However , apparently not everyone is happy. If the Tibet exile "government" likes to stay in Inida, then be it.

5. Workers in that country have no rights. No Democarcy.

You just use your imagination. India is doing good in this decade. But China just does it better. Oversea investment comes in because of quality and affordable labor and stable environment.
It's a lot safer in Shanghai now than in NYC.
Capitalists use their own discetion to decide where money can grow.
Cheap labor is not a problem. But on't know how to convert it to cold cash is.

6. China leader forsees a huge population as a great check for future development. If India thinks the 1 billion head count is a good thing. Think again calmly.

7. As for Software industry, we'll see how much market share India has after five years.

8. How do you know? Don't spread rumor. You probably underestimate your neighbor.

- China then sells some of this nuclear technology to pakistan
Alright, this is my last email on this topic.

- I am not comparing China and India. Only shows level of comprehension bred by communist regime.

- China stealing US nuclear tech. If you were heare in US just 3 years back, you couldn't have missed this news . This was the major news 3 years back in US media. Who do you want me to believe ? Free Press in USA? or Communist dictatorship of china?
Same for China selling nuclear tech to Paksitan. It has been reaised many times in US senate hearings by CIA and well published in US media. Its not a guess. Its a well documented fact.

- As for US security council P-5. I repeat, that was the stupidiest idea democratic world could have ever think of. It is plain mind boggling how one single country can nullify the wish of the entire world.

I am not in favor of extending P-5 with inclusion of India. I would like P-5 to be dismantled. Bring democracy to UN.

Tibet - a peaceful country . Chinese army invaded in 1950s and occupied the whole country forcing its government and many thousand people to flee tibet. Those people now live in India with freedom. China doesn't understand word "peaceful resentment". Tibetians have been demanding freedom for their country but communist china doesn't give a damn to tibet and tibetians .
Tsk Tsk - sorry you have no freedom

pacercolts : all the accomplishments you have listed are actually accomplishments of the People's Liberation Army and Communist Party.

Unless you carry a red card in your pocket - you cannot even say that you had been a part of those achievements.

Your statements, however true, holds no credibility because they are basically propaganda statements made by a dictatorial regime. Do you even have an opinion you can voice ? An Indian can be critical of the Indian government but can a Chinese be critical of Jiang Zemin ?

We all remember what the consequence was last time when that happened. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

And remember - you can't even surf all sites of the internet from China .... HAHAHHAHAHAHA
I did not mean to say anything more ...

waytolong wrote:

Your statements, however true, holds no credibility because they are basically propaganda statements made by a dictatorial regime.



What makes your statements more credible than pacercolts'? Because your "democratic" government told you so? Or because you happen to be a frequent visitor, if not a resident, of China?

I assume you must have been in China before, not only once or twice, at least for some time, and witnessed the "horrible' facts behind all these fictional "propaganda". Otherwise, how can you make such a statement?

Or if you are "lucky" enough to have never set foot on China and got into any contact with this "dictatorial regime", I am surprised that you think what you see and hear on US media is all truth.

Yes, you could argue, it must be, because it has a "democratic government", isn't it?

So why don't I see any Indian take Pakistan as an ally in the global struggle againest Terrorism?

Come on, do you really look at things in such black and white?

I thought you should know better, since it sounds like you have been living in the "democratic" part of the world most of your life.
The careless & insensitive way, in which the INS treats and processes our I-485 etc. etc. are worse than the systems present in India, China or Pakistan, put together!!!!!:(