Why India is not getting respect in the world................


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China Refuses To Support India For UNSC Permanent Seat

BEIJING, China: Mar 06 (PNS)- China refused to give any commitment supporting India's candidature for a permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council and said more discussions are needed to arrive at a "consensus" on the issue.

When asked to comment on India's wish of becoming a permanent member of the UN Security Council, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Kong Quan said it "involves changes in the Security Council as a whole."

"Reform of the Security Council involves the interests of many countries. There is no time-table for that and there should be plenty of discussions for consensus to be reached," Kong Quan said at a regular press conference, he added.

It is improper to set a timetable for the reform of United Nations Security Council. The reform of the United Nations is necessary along with the change of the times since its establishment over 50 years ago, Kong said.

The top priority of the reform is to expand the representative rights of developing countries inside the UN Security Council, he said.

Meanwhile, a member of Chinese Think-Tank Tao Jee said China will never support India to become member of the Security Council, in view of its human rights' record.

When asked to comment on China's position on the issue, he said, India's claim for Security Council's membership on the basis of population is not justified.

The End.
Well, frankly speaking, we have the same record as they do... it's just that they became nuclear power at the right time. Otherwise, if democracy is the reason for getting permanent seat, they would have not gotton that...

And now, if being N. power is the criteria under which we are expecting to have this seat, then they will have to give permanent seats to others as well...

I could not get the criteria under which we should get the seat anyway. Can you guys in favor of this seat shed some light on it?
Was there any criteria set for this seat in the past?

It is based on the fact, how many countries you manage to get support to win the vote in order to get the permanent seat in the council.

It is same issue as whatever stupid one person may be, if majority of MPs are behind him, he will become the PM in democracy.

Not getting respect in the world? From what's in the article, Maybe saying not getting the respect in China would be more appropriate.

But do you think China would support India's permanent membership? If you do, you are too naive.
Why is it so important for India to be a member of the security council anyway ? Is it that important to kiss China's ass to get into Security Council ? If India becomes a truly world class economic and military power, then all the big boys will come grovelling to India and begging us to join their little club. India should just invade and occupy France. They were never any good at fighing and right now Uncle Sam can care less what happens to them.

China seems to have forgotten that they are a third world communist power headed by self-elected despots with no freedom of press or relegion. Granted they have made more cheap junk for the American markets than anyone else, but that hardly qualifies them for the "holier-than-thou" attitude.
Hindustan doesn’t have crazy weirdo people like you claim. Its actually crazy weirdo’s like you who make it seem so. You want to see crazy weirdo’s? You should probably go to Middle East, Pakistan, or even some places in Africa. Why just there, you can find many rite here in the US. Now, going by what you have written, I would assume you have very less knowledge of the world.. so let me tell you something ... do you know which country has the most homicides? US. So which country do you think has many crazy weirdo’s??
Educated elites of China don’t have any confusion about their NL eh!!. Well considering that China is NOT a democracy, I am not too surprised, because communism doesn’t give you as liberal rights as a democracy does. Well yeah, people in India argue about region, language etc… but at least India gives you freedom to do so. Try doing something like that in the Middle East and before you know, your head will be chopped off.
As far as China being against India becoming a permanent member ... well China has its own agenda, never mind the reasons they state for being against it. China wants to be THE most power wielding country in the Asian region. It will NEVER want India or any other country for that matter to balance that power. I am sure you are not even aware of the fact that China has military bases set up all over Asia, sort of covering it from all ends; to kind of flex its muzzle. Which is the very reason why they were not happy with US’s presence in Afghanistan & Pakistan.
China hates the fact that India supports Tibet, and well relations between India and China have not particularly been great, and they probably wont; especially when 3000 sq miles (appx) of Indian land is under Chinese occupation.
Do you think China would want India to get that extra muzzle (permanent membership)?? I don’t think so.

Assholes like you should probably first go fact-finding before they blab things out.
God!!! Sharabi!! CHANGE MAN.. CHANGE!!!!

Any and every topic out here is related to our fight??? Oh! Please!! China doesn't support India's candidacy to permanent seat in the UN??? Oh, that's because India doesn't have ONE national language and because the likes of "prajaram" don't accept the national language that has been accepted by the elite likes of Sharabi! Is this your argument for everything????

You have been saying this over and over in every post! Be it a message on "Muslim name .. " or "China doesn't support" .. your answer is canned and ready to ship!!

India is quite diverse in every aspect!! That is precisely why it is called the Indian sub-continent!!! (Apart from the fact that we are on a separate tectonic plate... not sure of the technical terms). It is this diversity that makes us, US!! Even china has a few dialects and it is not easy for one region in China to understand the other! These dialects are VERY different from one and other. There are provinces in China which want to secede! Most western Chinese don't look so oriental and don't consider themselves to be chinese!

Despite these if they are part of the P5, it is NOT because they have some sort of a common language!! Some methods such as communism, though most of us won't agree with it, worked for them ... at least so far. They pursued a good dose of diplomacy and constantly engaged the world and put themselves in a position where the world couldn't brush them aside!

But, they were not in this shape when they were admitted into the UN. US and UK joined together and decided to have an "association" for themselves. Ofcourse, they let their war ravaged friend, France, in. Then, as an afterthought and because they didn't have a choice, admitted Soviet Union. China (actually the present day Taiwan) was supposed to be the 5th member. Obviously, such a tiny country could not be included while the behemoth next door has been left out. And so, China (communist) came in and Taiwan stayed out. So, there was no political or moral standing that let China in, but their size did.

"Hindustan" is VERY politically INCORRECT as India belongs to Indian Muslims, Christians, Buddhists and Indians of all religions as much as it does to Hindu Indians! India provides education to its citizens at no cost??? Exactly which India are you from? I would like to know. At the very least, I can speak for myself as the school and college where I studied, there was monthly and semesterly fees!

Your third point hardly makes any sense and so we can leave it out of our discussion.

I would rather take the option where because of the freedom that we enjoy, it takes another 100 years before our country sees any improvement than that of living in a police state like China where government tells you which websites could be viewed and what religion should be followed.

Your argument that China's advancement is owed to the fact that there is ONE national language and ONE religion, is so flawed. Indeed, despite so many distractions China has grown to this extent. But, I can not accept the reasons you cite.
Originally posted by prajaram
God!!! Sharabi!! CHANGE MAN.. CHANGE!!!!

"Hindustan" is VERY politically INCORRECT as India belongs to Indian Muslims, Christians, Buddhists and Indians of all religions as much as it does to Hindu Indians! India provides education to its citizens at no cost??? Exactly which India are you from? I would like to know. At the very least, I can speak for myself as the school and college where I studied, there was monthly and semesterly fees!

My understanding and knowledge on this and I could very well be wrong.

India or Hidustan or Bharat or Land of the golden bird... whatever it is called or known as today. "Hindustan" is a very much correct name from its origin's standpoint. If you look at the history of that name you will notice that the name was derived thus .... "Stan" (place) beyond the Indus river. and thus became Indus+Stan later "Hindustan". People who lived in this region came to be known as "Hindus".
And that is the history as I know it. As all of you probably know the river Indus (also know as the cradle of civilization) was a great contributor in the development of that region. Starting from the Indus valley civilization to present day.

In short... I don't think the name "Hidustan" is anyway incorrect for present day India. The river still flows and people still live on both sides of the river.
peaceful country?

How can a country in war over decades qualify to have seat in UN??? Stop the war with Pakistain first!!! A non-peaceful country has no right to ask for a seat in UN...

If you guys love your country that much, all of you should just go back to India. I am sure the processing time for other people will be much faster!!!! Thanks.

Are you not deported yet. Your name must be in the next batch. Dont waste your last few days posting such messages.

I will have to agree with Mohahahuh to a great extent...
Why are we slaughtering our own people "Kashmiries", "Sikhs", "Gujratis", "Christians" and others??? We being educated and trained to see out of the box, see any problem here???

Why do we fight with all our neighbours, Pakistan, China, Srilanka (sending mercenaries and exploiting tamils), Bangladesh etc? Don't we see a problem here with our attitude towards our relatively weak neighbours? I am sure most of us don't want to do that but when would we start making a difference so that those politicians stop taking advantage of poor masses in the name of national interest?
Why do we keep building means to kill while our own people are being killed by poverty and stupid superstition?

No offense meant to my fellow, these are just a few questions to think about them, with cool mind, open heart and mind.
Now, who is this Mohahahuh........

:confused: I don't remember anybody inviting him to our peaceful conversation!!!!!!!!!
Re: peaceful country?

Originally posted by Mohahahuh
A non-peaceful country has no right to ask for a seat in UN...

Hmm lets see the security council:

UK - The king of conquests and in-human rule
Germany - The root cause for WW2 and holocaust
US - I shouldnt talk much standing in the green card line but what do you think about Vietnam and Hiroshima?
France - Although they are our friends, they were in Vietnam before the Americans
Russia - How many billions have been wasted on WMD because of them!
China - Need I say anything?

So does India deserve to be in the permanent elite? HELL YEAH! I think India ranks above these people!
We have a billion people. Although our per-capita may not be high, the GDP ranks pretty high and is growing fast too. It is ot our fault that we are sorrounded by war mongering (Pak/Chn)and ungrateful (Bang) neighbors.
What's the big deal?

Think about this, if India was in the UNSC, and China wanted to join, will India welcome the idea? Now if India brings up the same issue with US, UK, Frace, or Russia, how will they respond?

What are you expecting?

I do not understand why this "news" was brought up here at first place. Maybe the original poster has a little "Sinophobia".

By the way, patientGC, how much respect are you paying to those nations on your list? If you do not give a sh*t to their accomplishments, then why should they take your head count so seriously?

Respect is earned not given. What's given is called sympathy.
Make your country stronger, not by speaking louder, but by working harder.
Re: What's the big deal?

Originally posted by jian42

By the way, patientGC, how much respect are you paying to those nations on your list? If you do not give a sh*t to their accomplishments, then why should they take your head count so seriously?

Well the original thread clearly states, "human rights" is the major concern. China talking about human rights is like china talking about human rights!(I couldnt think of a more ironical metaphor)

I do understand the nations have accomplished a lot. But What has India not accomplished? We couldnt get cryogenic engines so we built our own and launch our own satellites. We got no help for our bomb programs.In 50 years, India has come a long way. Like I said check the GDP numbers and projection and I hope you understand what GDP means!

Who the heck respects China? America spent billions to bring down communism and we have them supporting one of the worst commies in existence! China has provided Paks with Missiles. They attacked India and took Tibet in the 60s! Ran tanks over its students. Why should anyone respect such a country?

France strongly supports India's inclusion and so do many other countries. China is the strongest opposition cuz it wants to be the asian bully!
Permanent five in security council was the stupidiest idea that democratic world could ever think of. How insane is that a single country can nullify the wish of the entire world by using Veto. That is so undemocratic.

Dismantle P-5. Bring democracy to UN. Thats the solution.

As for accomplishments, I do not see anything that china has contributed to today's world. All they do is provide cheap labor for US companies back in China. Indian Software companies are doing the same. I don't call that accomplishment. To me, accomplishment is when you invent new theories or products that serve mankind better.
