Why do we tolerate ppl like Techy2468?


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Originally Posted by techy2468
i would live in india for the sake of my family and friends any day......if i was a millionaire...

but if we take that aside.....and try to compare the life of a human being......the reason why india is still a developing(third world ) country....and not a developed country.....

the reason why people have to become eunuchs to make a living...why they harass the common people.....on every traffic junction in delhi and mumbai...

why do you see thousands of people begging in every town and city ???

I want GC but I don't visit these forums to hear insults for my own country.

Techy2468, even thousands beggars on indian streets won't be able to match you and the kind of statements you are making begging for GC.
Techy2468 ...is not

bad guy. He is not venting his frustration rightly.

Techy2468 bhai, have patience. Things will be fine.

We say.... "Innallaha ma'saabereen" meaning God is with the patient person.
Akbari bhai.......you got it right.......i am venting my frustration that my motherland is still getting screwed by politicians and bureacrats....

that i am still thinking 100 times before deciding to move back there...

that population there is still growing so fast that we may run out of land in 20 years.......but still the government will not make any legislation...

that city population increases twice very year....but the government increases infrastructure only 2 times every 10 years....(and now they are running out of resources).

anyways....whats the point....people dont want to be there....but still want to worship it as a sacred thing...
Hey Techy

Techy, Do you ever been to Five Points train station in Atlanta?

The Country you are put up with also has lots of lots of beggers. Try to drain your frustration in some other way.

techy2468 said:
Akbari bhai.......you got it right.......i am venting my frustration that my motherland is still getting screwed by politicians and bureacrats....

that i am still thinking 100 times before deciding to move back there...

that population there is still growing so fast that we may run out of land in 20 years.......but still the government will not make any legislation...

that city population increases twice very year....but the government increases infrastructure only 2 times every 10 years....(and now they are running out of resources).

anyways....whats the point....people dont want to be there....but still want to worship it as a sacred thing...

I agree with you 100%. The only thing I want to add is that its not just the Politicians and Bureaucrats but it is the mentality of the people which is selfish and shortsighted. Politicians are just a sample of the population.
gclover007........thats just one of the reasons......

i have seen homeless people every where.... but what is the percentage......and how much do they harass you?
gctome said:
I want GC but I don't visit these forums to hear insults for my own country.

Techy2468, even thousands beggars on indian streets won't be able to match you and the kind of statements you are making begging for GC.

gctome, what are you talking about man? He is criticizing the India that it turned out to be, because of people. Not the India he was born. Hope you get it, without getting emotional.
Stop comparing countires......My take

Each country is at a different stage in its development.

India is a lot younger country in terms of its Independence than the USA. US just celebrated it 230 th birthday, India is barely 60.

The US has vastly more natural resources that India.

India has a longer and arguably richer culture than the USA.

However it also faces serious social and economic problems despite showing recently encouraging signs. It is also a democracy which in and of itself poses many challenges to implementing policy that pulls the country in a positive direction. Just look at the difficult time the US is currently having in coming to a sane Immigration legislation. On the other hand, just look at how China has managd to implement the one chld policy and India's population is still soaring despite its land crunch.
So when Techy demonstrates his impatience with progress there, it is perhaps his youthful idealism speaking.

None of us control where we are born on this earth, but how significant that can be in terms of how we live is remarkable. Just think that according to a recent UN document on immigration only less than 2 % of all humanity migrates to another country in their lifetime, the rest of them pretty much die where they are born.

Trying to compare the US and India is unfair. Life is easier here for us as this country is more developed and works better for its citizens at this time, hence our desire to stay here. That does not mean one ought to denigrate a country that gave some of its meager resources in getting you to the point that the US even would consider utilising your labour.

Hence like most Expats just have a balanced view, contribute to India rising when you can, and fend for yourself daily.
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posmd....i appreciate your insight...

but i am not trying to denigrate.....i am just trying to state the facts with which i will have to live every day if i have to go back...

my education was not paid by the government.....so the subsidised thing does not apply to me....

few things just make me scream when i compare india with usa.....no matter what some people say:

1. security (911 service, cops will be with you in 10 mins in most places)
2. emergency services (paramedics within 10 mins)
3. public infrastructure (roads)
4. income/cost of living (atleast for me, a two income family, savings are atleast 5 times that of india...)

and these things define a human life.........if i was in somalia.....i would be scared of my life everyday......so millions wont matter
Techy must be coming out of slums or so in India - which would completely justify his apathy for India and the way he has seen it. Frankly speaking, I would love to see his credentials too.

No one is getting emotional here. But passing sweeping remarks about country like India will not be tolerated. Go and tell it to thousands of people who have decided to go back to service their country - go tell it to people of paritrana.

Just because you opted here for the sake of paramedics, good road and for you - yourself only, it doesn't prove a thing. IT doesn't make you the wise guy around with enlightened thinking either.

anyways....whats the point....people dont want to be there....but still want to worship it as a sacred thing...

ITs your narrow thinking again. I have met more people here, who are here just to make some money and go back. Yes, they do have GC but they were never dying for it.

I really hope someday, a whitey tells you.... [edited by myself] :eek: eeeek goes techy -
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That last line was not necessary. This is not the USA I know, atleast the majority of americans are fair minded and non prejudicial. As for the capitalist system and its exploitation, consider that they will exploit an Irish H1b as they will you, it is the system.
Compared to other anglo saxon societies, this country is light years ahead in this regard in my view. Trust me, I have lived in many countries.
I did not enjoy Techy's comments either, but your last line too was not called for.
posmd said:

That last line was not necessary. This is not the USA I know, atleast the majority of americans are fair minded and non prejudicial. As for the capitalist system and its exploitation, consider that they will exploit an Irish H1b as they will you, it is the system.
Compared to other anglo saxon societies, this country is light years ahead in this regard in my view. Trust me, I have lived in many countries.
I did not enjoy Techy's comments either, but your last line too was not called for.

that was only to highlight - how sometimes perceptions of misguided people can irk your feelings! I have anyways edited it to keep the spirit of the forum alive.

looks like techy248 did only IT coding in some corner of some town..not sure if he grew up in the metros, but I never seemed to have a huge problem with the country like he does..he feels safe in US, let him be, after all he is sitting behind the comp the whole day crying to awarded refugee status here.
puhrince said:
looks like techy248 did only IT coding in some corner of some town..not sure if he grew up in the metros, but I never seemed to have a huge problem with the country like he does..he feels safe in US, let him be, after all he is sitting behind the comp the whole day crying to awarded refugee status here.
A couple of days ago a friend was visiting me and on his way he had to have some stuff done to his car,thanks to the mechanics outstanding work..as soon as my friend parked the car in front of my apt,the car cought on fire.
For a moment we panicked because there were a lot of cars parked and it was a apartment so chances are fire can spread pretty fast,i just took my cell and dialed 911.I swear to god,within 3 mins there were 2 guys in front of our apt in their pickup trucks and they started to dress up and within say 5 mins the fire truck was in front of our apt,in about 7 mins the fire was history.The guy in the pickup later told us he lived a few blocks away from where we live.
Anyways,had this happened in india lets see by 7 mins the driver would have probably started his truck,by a couple of hours he would have managed to avoid the traffic and get to our apartments,only to ask us for some rishwath so he can spray water on the totally wrecked plz.
Just kidding, one of the most bizzare things i have ever heard is where dawood almost everynight after some shots of liqour weeps like a kid saying how much he missed the streets of mumbai.
Am not a great fan of dawood,yet when a goon like him can shed tears it just proves the greatnes and diversity of the country.
No country in this world can replace india.The feeling is different. :)
I would strongly recommend not getting into personal attacks on this forum. This forum serves a different purpose of helping eah other out. Also, there are anti-immigration and xenophobes watching all the time. You are making them happy for sure by arguing here.

The moderator should delete this whole thread.
msh626 said:
I would strongly recommend not getting into personal attacks on this forum. This forum serves a different purpose of helping eah other out. Also, there are anti-immigration and xenophobes watching all the time. You are making them happy for sure by arguing here.

The moderator should delete this whole thread.

no problem. delete it!

but make sure you also delete other threads where slandering remarks are made by him. They don't server any purpose in this forum.

You need to know that there are people who come here, read and go. I was one of them until this friday when I had to just write because I couldn't not tolerate it any further.
I hope techie see's this..and changes his views...

July 08, 2006

India has emerged as the 12th wealthiest nation in the world with its GDP touching $785.47 billion or Rs 35,34,615 crore in 2005, the World Bank said.

US was the wealthiest nation with GDP of $12.46 trillion, according to a list of 15 wealthiest countries prepared by the World Bank in terms of their gross domestic product.

The GDP figures have been adjusted to reflect purchasing power.

While India was way down compared to China, positioned fourth with $2.23 trillion of GDP, it was wealthier than Mexico, Russia and Australia.

The first nine countries had GDP of more than a trillion dollars.

The United States was followed by Japan with $4.51trillion and Germany $2.78 trillion.

Britain, France and Italy occupied fifth, sixth and seventh ranks with GDP of $2.19 trillion, $2.11 trillion and $1.72 trillion, respectively.

Next came Spain, Canada, Brazil and South Korea with their GDP estimated at $1.124 trillion, $1.115 trillion, $794.10 billion and $787.62 billion, respectively.

There was no African country among the 15 richest nations, while India was the only south Asian country in the list.

PS...if techie is NOT happy in Alabama, US...and Not with India....the other options are listed above.

J'espère qu'il comprend, apprend et devient sage
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indone on this note....i will just add....that you take the factor of population....and you will understand the difference between usa and india...or any other developed country...

usa population= 300 million, which is 1/3 of india....usa gdp=4 times india , that means usa is ahead of india by 12 times......do you know what 12 times means.....

as i have said again and again....if i have to go back...i will go....but the pain is mine that i am going to a inferior place than where i am living since past 4-5 years...
What is your problem dude... I hope you get your GC soon and stay the hell away from India... India is better off without you... I am sorry for you man...
Till now I have never commented on threads like this.
And would request to you all as well, people like techy2468 enjoy everybit of when we rest of us get excited with his comments made on purpose, and start reacting. Probabaly he/she must be enjoying and laughing at all of us saying how much little it takes to ignite forum and can have little bit of timepass.

I second all of our affection and love towards home country, I'am one among you all but just do not find it worth spending thoughts and efforts for people like techy... .

You know, in my childhood my mom use to say, if there is gutter flowing besides you and if you throw stones it is just going to spalsh the dirt the back on you.

So lets not give chance to techy to sit back and enjoy readings on threads like this, instead just ignore him.