Who Is with the Latinos March-Please Vote

Are you with or against the Latinos March?

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Hi guys and girls of this great board.

I am assuming most of you have heard about the Latinos March on May 1st.
If you are not familiar here is some info about it, which is the same link suzy thankfully provided earlier :

Now, after reading about it, I am not going to comment yet till i hear your opinions and see your votes.

Please participate actively and cast your vote in the poll on this post.

Thank you,
Suzy977 said:
Against...if still there were any doubts :rolleyes:
thanks for participating.

I voted against because I went through the process of naturalizing and i paid high price , wheather physically, financially, or socially.

It's not fair for me to:
  • Work hard to learn English
  • Pay high income taxes every year
  • Keep a clean criminal record for years
  • Pay high prices for application forms
  • Go through many stressful thoughts and immigration interviews
  • Respect all the laws of immigration and be treated as someone who doesn't respect those very laws!
So you tell me how could it be fair for somebody who didn't commit to all those points to be treated the same as somebody who did commit to them!

Think and think and then think, and please let me know !
Thank you,
4Jasmin said:
thanks for participating.

I voted against because I went through the process of naturalizing and i paid high price , whether physically, financially, or socially.

It's not fair for me to:
  • Work hard to learn English
  • Pay high income taxes every year
  • Keep a clean criminal record for years
  • Pay high prices for application forms
  • Go through many stressful thoughts and immigration interviews
  • Respect all the laws of immigration and be treated as someone who doesn't respect those very laws!
So you tell me how could it be fair for somebody who didn't commit to all those points to be treated the same as somebody who did commit to them!

Think and think and then think, and please let me know !
Thank you,

You are, in part wrong! You are a lucky example who finally became an American citizen
...but there are millions, inside or outside of the country, waiting, doing everything legally, and again, waiting for years and years...and those ILLEGALS=LAW BRAKERS just demand the "right" to jump in front of everybody :rolleyes: :mad:
I would have voted yes!! It seems to me that you are forgetting that they are here for the same reasons as you. Although I am stuck in the name process I will vote yes, because you are giving these people who risked their lives to be in this country a chance to be legal and lead a normal life. Do you know how many unscrupulous people are taking advantage of them? I am not sure why immigrants who went through the hassles and sometimes hell to get their papers will oppose to this law? Do you think they haven’t suffered enough? Or do you think they are here just because they would like to break the law? Have some compassion and empathy for God sake!!!
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sobelle said:
I would have voted yes!! It seems to me that you are forgetting that they are here for the same reasons as you. Although I am stuck in the name process I will vote yes, because you are giving these people who risked their lives to be in this country a chance to be legal and lead a normal life. Do you know how many scrupulous people are taking advantage of them? I am not sure why immigrants who went through the hassles and sometimes hell to get their papers will oppose to this law? Do you think they haven’t suffered enough? Or do you think they are here just because they would like to break the law? Have some compassion and empathy for God sake!!!

People work hard all their life and some of them make a lot of money. For the same reasons (to make a lot of money) a guy robbed a bank. He risked his life and based on your rationale he deserves a chance to be legal and lead a normal life

As for the UNscrupulous people who allegedly take advantage of them...those are the s.o.b. who encourage the illegal immigration ;)
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sobelle said:
I would have voted yes!! It seems to me that you are forgetting that they are here for the same reasons as you. Although I am stuck in the name process I will vote yes, because you are giving these people who risked their lives to be in this country a chance to be legal and lead a normal life. Do you know how many scrupulous people are taking advantage of them? I am not sure why immigrants who went through the hassles and sometimes hell to get their papers will oppose to this law? Do you think they haven’t suffered enough? Or do you think they are here just because they would like to break the law? Have some compassion and empathy for God sake!!!

And from all the people, in my opinion, it is especially sad to see immigrants to cannibalize on other immigrants. Empathy and compassion are seldom larger than the ego and self pitty. Alex
Suzy977 said:
You are, in part wrong! You are a lucky example who finally became an American citizen
...but there are millions, inside or outside of the country, waiting, doing everything legally, and again, waiting for years and years...and those ILLEGALS=LAW BRAKERS just demand the "right" to jump in front of everybody :rolleyes: :mad:
I see your point suzy, thank, it makes sense.
I am just saying that I did everything and i think i earned my citizenship, and those illegals, i have nothing against them, they are humans like everyone else, or even better, they just need to respect the law and do everything by the book just like we did. and then , they need to wait their turn.

sobelle said:
I would have voted yes!! It seems to me that you are forgetting that they are here for the same reasons as you. Although I am stuck in the name process I will vote yes, because you are giving these people who risked their lives to be in this country a chance to be legal and lead a normal life. Do you know how many scrupulous people are taking advantage of them? I am not sure why immigrants who went through the hassles and sometimes hell to get their papers will oppose to this law? Do you think they haven’t suffered enough? Or do you think they are here just because they would like to break the law? Have some compassion and empathy for God sake!!!
But those illegals even though some citizens take advantage of them, they don't pay taxes, and they get benefits that tax payers are paying for. for instance, when they have babies, their children are automatically medically covered and they get government benefits which sucks the country's blood on our expense, we, the taxpayers are paying for that, it's not fair.

Once again, nothing against them illegals, just their actions, they are dare enough to threaten their host country and threaten to put cities into a halt,wow, now that's daring:)
4Jasmin said:
(...) they just need to respect the law and do everything by the book just like we did.

You may also consider that the US openly tolerated illegal immigration even after the amnesty of 1986. It would have been easy to control the stream of undocumented workers by simply enforcing the laws that were put in place at that time.

It appears to me that in the past two decades there was a big economic interest behind the tolerance of illegal immigration ... I would not expect that this necessity has disappeared today.

I also don't think that it is remotely realistic that undocumented workers would receive a 'carte blanch' and jump the line. The talk is more about 'earned citizenship' and dealing with realities since deporting all undocumented workers is simply not posssible.

Besides that, we appear to assume that all the undocumented workers would end up as US-citizens. However, many undocumented workers may just be contend to be able to live and work in the United States and return at a time of their choosing to their native country ... with savings, that are worth way more in the place they come from. So any legislation does not have to include the option of citizenship.

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4Jasmin said:
But those illegals(...) , they don't pay taxes, and they get benefits that tax payers are paying for.

Would you say that you personally benefit in your everday life from lower cost for services and products because the cost of running a business is less for certain industries due to their undocumented employees ?

So they march, wave their flags, beat their drums ...

When they came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews,
I did not speak out;
I was not a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.

---- Pastor Martin Niemöller
"Tyson Foods will shut meatpacking plants on Monday, citing market conditions and a possible shortage of workers. Meatpacker Cargill Meat Solutions will give 15,000 workers the day off so they can participate (in the demonstrations)"

CNN News,http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/04/28/boycott/index.html

In my opinion, this selected information indicates that undocumented workers are indeed somewhat important for the industry.

If anyone of you has been in a meat-, chicken- or fishprocessing plant, you may possibly to agree that these are not jobs you would see well educated highschool or college grads standing in line for. You don't see these undocumented workers, but they handled almost all the protein you store in your fridge tonight.

Against it 100%.i know a lot of first generation and second generation mexicans who are totally against it....
this has been blown out of proportion by the politicians and the second generation thugs who just want a reason to get out of school...
you see all those kids with mexican flags ask a couple of questions about mexican history and you will know the answer.....
dude we paid taxes all these years and where does my tax money go?
to a mexican who illegally migrated and taking welfare and foodstamps...not to forget all the dependents tht they claim everything is a fake....
Again a big no to hispanic version of the national anthem....what these people are not realising is they are creating a rift between the legals and the illegals....i wont be surprised if there is a hughe backlash after the so called great american march....
why not learn english?
i am not racist...i am a legal green card holder since a long time ,u know what i pay taxes and a very law abiding person still i could not get my girl friend here till now...coz if u r a gc holder it takes 5 yrs for u to get ur wife while these ppl bribe their way in....
u really wanna give amnesty then bring the people from sudan,bring the ppl from kenya...brring the ppl from e timor....bring the people from nigeria
trust me those ppl who eat once a week will work a hundred times better than these ppl, will voluntarily learn english and i will bet 90% wont even commit a crime once in their lifetime....
and then there other idiots who talk about merging the south west with mexico....i mean what kind of bullshit is this....you request amnesty u dont demand amnesty....
like lou dobbs said why not go back to mexico and march with mexican flags so they can bring a revolution in their political system....
AlexanderG said:
Would you say that you personally benefit in your everday life from lower cost for services and products because the cost of running a business is less for certain industries due to their undocumented employees ?


The answer is NO. Their no tax income, their food stamps for their 3-4-5-7 kids, the high price for auto insurance we pay because of the uninsured ILLEGALS, are just a few of the "benefits" we have because of them...and the list is much longer...
Would you say that you personally benefit in your everday life from lower cost for services and products because the cost of running a business is less for certain industries due to their undocumented employees ?

Suzy977 said:

The answer is NO. Their no tax income, their food stamps for their 3-4-5-7 kids, the high price for auto insurance we pay because of the uninsured ILLEGALS, are just a few of the "benefits" we have because of them...and the list is much longer...

I would take from that you are not living in a house that has been build with immigrant labour, you are not dining in restaurants, you are not eating meat,poultry or fish than has been processed in the United States and so on ... otherwise I think you would have credited the undocumented workers for that.

That is very firm stand which surely deserves to be respected for its determination.

I don't think that the announced demonstrations will actually turn out to be as large as it is indicated in the news, but in any case, you will not be impacted in your life. That is good for you!

AlexanderG said:
And from all the people, in my opinion, it is especially sad to see immigrants to cannibalize on other immigrants. Empathy and compassion are seldom larger than the ego and self pitty. Alex

If I understood correctly you're from Germany. You must be a soccer fan...and if you're not let's assume that you are and you, at a point in time, were in a situation like the following one:

Raining hard. You wait in the rain along with your friends and others, a few thousand people to buy tickets for the Bundesliga's big finale.
A lot of people are coming, park their car to the red curb, run to the window not to get too wet and purchase the ticket.
I bet you felt a lot of empathy and compassion for those poor guys who got wet and were in a danger to get a ticket for parking to the red curb...while you were waiting quietly there in the rain for hours
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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Suzy977 said:
The answer is NO. Their no tax income, their food stamps for their 3-4-5-7 kids, the high price for auto insurance we pay because of the uninsured ILLEGALS, are just a few of the "benefits" we have because of them...and the list is much longer...

By the way Suzy, since you are well informed ... In your opinion, how much less could we expect to pay in taxes and for car insurance if the undocumented workers would just leave ? Like 0.3%, 10%, 15% or more .... ?

(This is not considering that you can save up to 15% by switching to Geico)
