Where is the flood of approvals...

Arnold is just won. Wait for the next recall and then see the approvals flooding all over california??:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Originally posted by bankebihari123
Where is the flood of approvals?

It looks like the approvals have drowned in the flood :confused: :mad: :rolleyes: :eek: :eek: :(
Internal audit going on right now, there will be no movement of files till it is done.
Re: Re: Where is the flood of approvals...

Originally posted by 140_takes_4ever
Internal audit going on right now, there will be no movement of files till it is done.

Ya right

The checks in the mail
I believe in Santa Claus and Easter Bunny

The magnificant 7 back in July - remember that myth too?

There will be no flood

(excuse me for being cynical....but after 2 years of their perpetual lies, i just don't believe anything from them anymore)
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I agree with what you are doing Kashmir, been putting in long hours implementing... so I rarely have been to this board.

This is fantastic what you are doing and I applaud your unselfish effort

I will fax either tomorrow or friday.....I am in Orange county and work in sunnyvale, who are all the people I should fax and do you recommend the whole signature list or what should I fax?

I know theres probably a thread on it, but like i said i don't have the chance to get on much so would appreciate if you respond, otherwise i will set aside some time to sift through the threads
gettingclosernow, Here are the fax numbers for Elected official from California, Se. Feinstein and Sen. Boxer.

Sen. Feinstein Fax: (415) 989-3242

Sen. Boxer Fax: (415) 956-6701

For more info http://www.congress.org
Originally posted by gettingclosernow
I agree with what you are doing Kashmir, been putting in long hours implementing... so I rarely have been to this board.

This is fantastic what you are doing and I applaud your unselfish effort

I will fax either tomorrow or friday.....I am in Orange county and work in sunnyvale, who are all the people I should fax and do you recommend the whole signature list or what should I fax?

I know theres probably a thread on it, but like i said i don't have the chance to get on much so would appreciate if you respond, otherwise i will set aside some time to sift through the threads
Hi, gettingclosernow,
I recommend to send
1) your cover letter with your signature and your residential address sample
2) petition (8 page, PDF)
The list of signatures is too much to fax, so you don't need to include it.
You can send it to two Senators and a Congressperson of your district,
then you should receive a reply in written letter within a month.
Re: Re: Where is the flood of approvals...

Originally posted by 140_takes_4ever
Internal audit going on right now, there will be no movement of files till it is done.

When did they start this audit? Do you have any idea how long is it going to be?
I know that two years back when they were doing audit the
flow of approvals declined. But comeNovember there was a
flood of cases when most of my friends got approved. Who
knows maybe we should wait for November and not October
When did they start this audit? Do you have any idea how long is it going to be?


The audit will continue for the next few weeks which means that it will be followed by a well deserved rest period for the adjudication officers during which they will do a whole lot of NOTHING. This will be followed by Thangsgiving holiday which leads us into Christmis shopping season (afterall the officers have friends and relatives too). And you know what they do after Christmis shopping... They celebrate Christmis!!!!
X-mas and New yr celebration will end just in time for Special registration, which will safely lead us into Spring break!!!
I go on till the next audit if you like me to..... (ever heard of infinite loop?)
Re: Re: Re: Where is the flood of approvals...

Originally posted by gettingclosernow
Ya right
The checks in the mail
I believe in Santa Claus and Easter Bunny
The magnificant 7 back in July - remember that myth too?
There will be no flood

Well it was not my intention to give you a rosy picture and say once the audit is done, there will be approvals, just stating as a matter of fact that there is an audit going on right now and I would be surprised to see approvals. In case the approvals start showing up towards the end of October then terrific, else, there is nothing to do other than wait! Good luck to all of us.


Been waiting at INS/BCIS for over 2 years now, this is standard procedure, they always do an end of year audit of the status of cases to decide on priorities for the next year in which time there is a freeze in movement of the files. I don't like to predict as to the approval rate after the audit is closed, but for sure it is going to be difficult to see approvals in the immediate future!
"Well it was not my intention to give you a rosy picture and say once the audit is done, there will be approvals, just stating as a matter of fact that there is an audit going on right now and I would be surprised to see approvals."

how do you know that the audit is going on? can you give us a link where you found this info? or are you just speculating?

I don't understand why some people insist on putting their own spin on things when we have the facts directly from CSC:

CSC Liaison Meeting Summary For August 27, 2003 (09-16-2003) [Top]

Adjudication Priorities
The priority for adjudications until September 30, 2003 is that of religious worker cases. It is anticipated that in October 2003, the adjudication of adjustment applications (I-485s) will resume at a faster pace (perhaps double). It is also expected that in October the adjudication of Employment Authorization Applications (I-765) and Advance Parole Applications (I-131) filed concurrently with I-140/I-485s will be faster, so that eventually these applications will be adjudicated within 45 days.. By the end of September 2003, it is hoped that H-1B visa petitions, except for extensions, will be processed within 90 days. H-1B visa extensions should be adjudicated within 4.5 months and eventually by the end of this calendar year - 90 days. However, the processing time for Immigrant Visa Petitions (I-140) will be delayed.


i have certainly seen a moratorium in the AP approvals since october 3, but EAD approvals seem to be coming.
Do all approvals stop during audit or is there a phased process?
from last year

This is what I read about the Audit held last year between sept 24-oct4, 2002.

Effect of the audit from September 26 through October 4. The recent audit did have an impact on the CSC's workflow process, as adjudicators were responsible for counting files, which impacted their productivity. Receipt notices were generated and officers adjudicated applications/petitions during the audit, however; adjudicative decisions were not updated as approved, denied, etc. in the computer system until after the audit was completed. Notices of Action were not produced until after the audit was completed.

INS File Audit Starts September 23, 2002

INS began its annual audit on September 23, 2002. Internal and external movement of files is restricted until the audit is completed. However, case processing continues and it is still necessary to comply with any deadlines occurring during the freeze.

California Service Center

The CSC anticipates that the restriction on movement of files will end on October 4, 2002. In preparation for the audit, files were given in advance to appropriate personnel for review and action in order to avoid delays. As a result, case review and issuance of notices will continue without any delay in processing times. The officers will continue to review the files and generate notices. The files will simply remain with the officers until the completion of the audit. Incoming filings will be accepted, fees cashed, and receipts issued as usual.

There will be exceptions to the "freeze" for premium processing cases and emergencies. Delays in responses to inquiries are also possible, if it is necessary to move a file in order to respond.
Originally posted by peter23
how do you know that the audit is going on? can you give us a link where you found this info? or are you just speculating?

I don't understand why some people insist on putting their own spin on things when we have the facts directly from CSC:

I wasn't trying to SPIN anything! All I was doing was saying that ever since I can remember, INS closes shop for the annual audit around this time, that is ALL! I was not saying they are going to start approving cases or NOT! Just that around this time they conduct an annual audit! Can you please do us the courtesy of actually READING and COMPREHENDING posts before putting forth your opposing views! Though it was hilarious to see one actually believe "the FACTS directly from CSC". So you probably believe in Santa as well?

WRT Audit, it is an annual event, if you have been here long enough you wouldn't be foolish enough to forget anniversaries!

Here is an old link wrt annual audit http://www.immigrationlinks.com/news/news1566.htm, remember the key word here is ANNUAL!
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I140 this only applies to final adjugation ie Approval. General things like RFE etc continue to be generated .. here is a copy of that link as a sample ... So impact wont be too much.

VSC expects that the audit will continue through October 8th, but may be completed sooner. Noting the exceptions above, VSC will not be able to update the CLAIMS system with a final adjudicative action during this time, so approval and denial notices will not be issued throughout the audit. VSC will continue to issue RFE's as this does not constitute a final action
lets hope

For everyone's sake, lets hope that the Audit does infact not impact things too much. ANd again praying that once the Audit is done, we'll see some approvals.