Where is the Best?

I believe NJ or Boston or Virginia might be better

I feel NJ is the best, even though I am not staying there, I used to live for 2 years, currently in North central PA, once job market comes back probably I might settle over in NJ or Boston, if I feel to continue my stay in USA after another year ...
Just my personal thoughts ...
why looking...

\'ve been to Hawaii 2 years ago and can tell you for sure that people are great there!!!!
Nice friendly nad helpful - not becuase you leave a tip or pay them. Just becuase they are nice.
This is why i am still looking.
Thanks for all (agree mostly).
Create a base in NJ and commute to work in different states...

You will get to see places and eventually will settle where you like.
Hey snowman I owe you an apology...

Snowman, I think I owe you an apology for extolling the cultural benefits an Indian immigrant would have in NJ. You could read the email by just subtracting the above points. I too have been to quite a few places in the US and would like to add my feelings about them, to this discussion.
- Chicago - good for employment and cultural diversity but the climate is really severe in winter.
- Same goes for Detroit & Boston. (Boston also has horrible traffic and very expensive housing).
- LA & Bay area - very expensive. But if you think you can make enough money, then this is the place. The climate is awesome. I heard the same goes for San Diego, but I have not been there.
- Charlotte, NC - nice place. In my short stay here, I met very friendly people. Not much diversity though. It is (I believe) the banking capital of US. But not many job opportunities to come by.
- Nevada state - forget it
- Utah - Very beautiful state. People are orthodox. Job opportunities are not so easy to come by, though.
- Phoenix - Supposed to be the fastest developing city in the US. But very high crime rate and extreme hot climate. (I know a friend whose car\'s wind-shield exploded due to excess heat, during peak summer. Also there is a separate car insurance clause here, called as \'Glass coverage\'. Theft of ).
- NJ - expensive housing. But my choice-at-present. Lots of opportunities in nearby NYC & Philly & in NJ too. (Since you are from Slovakia, have you looked at places in NJ like Manalapan & Marlboro. I believe there is a sizable population of immigrants from the erstwhile USSR).
- A lot of my friends have recently relocated from Chicago & Detroit surroundings, to Atlanta. I heard this is one of the best places now. Having seen the accolades showered on this city, I think I too shall be giving it a look-over sometime this summer.

Have to agree with WatchDog though, the US socieyt is based on materialism. So your value dictates how welcome you. Also, it is difficult to generalize an entire state / city population based on your interaction with a handful of the population. Having moved around in the US a bit, I too find NJ a bit claustrophobic. But a short 20 minutes drive to the west (PA) or south (NJ) or north (upstate NY) makes me feel my mind opening out and relaxing.

I am finding this discussion thread very informative and shall be following it for some more time. Best of luck to all.
Opinion of fellow Slav

Dear Snowman3:
Being from a Slavic country and having spent 5 years in NJ I could not resist to add my opinion to this very interesting discussion.
I am not an IT person, however, my job required me to travel extensively around US, so I have been to many places named above by other people. I can tell you that NJ (at least North and West Jersey) is one of the best locations to live for the immigrants like us due to its cultural diversity. During my 5 years I never ever heard any kind of negative comments from Americans. I am sorry that you had negative experience and I urge you not to make your judgment based on some stupid kid\'s comment. I agree with you that non-materialistic values are more important than money, but it takes a lot of time and effort to make friends in a new country and it does not matter where you are. NJ for that matter is much better that other states, since there are a lot of immigrants here and people of NJ in general are much more open to other cultures. I took me about 4 years to establish some very small circle of friends (all of them are Americans) and I\'d rather stay in this area and try to survive with high real estate prices, then to move to a new place and start all over again with nobody to call and to go out with. Besides NJ is closer to Europe, so the flight times are much shorter (in case you get homesick...) Although, I have to agree with some of the above respondents and say that North Virginia and DC area are also very cool. There are a lot of opportunities there and DC is very cool city with a lot to do. But if you are looking for cultural experiences, freedom and open-mindness, what could be better than New York??? You won\'t find the same diversity anywhere in the US (especially for European person). San Francisco is very beautiful, but terribly expensive, Midwest is nice but rather conservative and boring (Scandinavian background plays certain role...), and there is absolutely nothing to do in the middle of the country. So, stick to the East Cost,buddy, maybe you just happened to be in a wrong neighborhood of NJ right now. Good luck!
No Title

I don\'t know where is the best. But I do know Colorado is the worst. People here are generally mean. Remember the Roy Smith story on CBS?
Snowman3 - I live in NJ and I think I\'m happy here....

Its almost getting 3 yrs in US & NJ. Liked NJ in the beginning, as there are lot of immigrants and society kinda accepts/open, you know. We (Spouse & myself) like socializing so we started making friends but had few bad experiences with other immigrants from same origin and thought life and people in India is far better then here. Slowly we have come to know a few good friends and I feel good about it. I don’t want to leave NJ, just becoz I don’t wanna start this again in a new State. Here is the punch line I like – As there are many immigrants in NJ you have a choice to hang out with guys of your taste & your frequency, other places you might not have this luxury. Good luck.
one more choice

If you are looking for low cost-of-living you may consider Houston. There is no state tax therefore your income will be more. But disadvantage is
(i) Extremely hot weather during summer ( There is virtually no spring or fall season here).
(ii) Far from all other important cities in US. It is not possible to drive to any other place except Louisiana , Oklahoma and Arkansas.
(iii) Very bad roads , bad traffic - terrible drivers and people are quite rude (my observation !)
(iv) City is not very well kept. Downtown is dug-up everywhere as they are are building light railway system and some entertainment district.
(v) City is huge. One end to another end is like 50 miles. Commuting to airport is also problematic as it is very far.
RE : ...So why are you inviting the people to the TROUBLE???

Sorry if I am not clear. Houston is Good for savings. If you can bear with all other points which I mentioned.
why no one mention CT ?

Live in a small country , people are very nice and you can expect best value of life and can commute to near by metros NY,NJ .
I live in Dallas

Good things:
You see snow ( only 1-4 days per yr) and lots of sunshine
Not muggy as Houston (another TX big city), weather is nice.
Flooding is not much a problem
Housing is not expensive.
Can buy a home for 1/3 cost of Bay Area\'s prices of a similar specs.
International Airport (2nd busiest in US)
Roads are wide (compare of North East), so driving is fun if you can drive faster.
Clean and Green (limited ofcourse compare to NJ or Atlanta)

Lot of Desi population (for Indians and Pakis) and Chinese too
And all kind of Indian regional movies. About 20 Indian Restaurants.
Lot of Family entertainment places (San Antonio is 4 hours away, one can get unlimited fun upthere)

Jobs point of view:
Lots of Telecom ,semiconductor and Tech companies
Richardson (part of Dallas) is called Telecom Corridor
Big 4 Houston is nearer if you need to look for jobs somewhere else.

-ve Points:

No Beaches.
Have to move to Pittsburgh

Hi,My wife got residency in pittsburgh. I am planning to move there. What are the chances of getting job there. Are there any companies. I am into java/c
Help needed

Hi Garla,
In the next two months I have to move to Pittsburgh. I am looking for opportunities in Java/C/and internet tech. Pl. advise me on how to proceed. How is the job market in Pittsburgh??
Please answer.

Snowman - You have to ask yourself what are you really looking for

I just read all the way through this interesting thread.

I have travelled extensively in the past 6 years in US and have observed and on several cases participated in various aspects of American living. For the little time that I have spent in US, I consider to have had a good exposure to American culture. I am an Indian and for a about a year I have lived with someone from ex-Czechoslovakia.

To tell you the truth, I am not sure if you will be able to find you ideal neighbourhood in US. For all intensive purposes, you can rule out Hawaii to be even a part of main land US.

Anyway, after having browsed through the entire thread, I am still not sure what are you looking for. It seems like you are frustrated with people being arrogant or not nice. Is that your only motivation to move?

I am sure friendly people is not the only bullet point in your decision factors. Would you like to share how do you weigh other aspects?
I guess this is a forum for Immigration purposed and not for these craps..........

Go to yahoo chat or other forum and disucss your options!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For relief from INS tensions - Pleasant discussion :)

I vote for Dallas. Because of the following reasons.

1. No state tax. So if your income in falls in high bracket OR if both husband and wife are working you can save the extra money.
2. Cost of living. You can rent a single bedroom apartment for 60% of the rent you pay in NJ.
3. Airport with International destinations. Also if you are a good traveller you can get nice deals from DFW to other major cities.

It does have some disadvantages like,
1. Traffic problems
2. No greenary. Very warm in summer. Very rarely it snows. All you get is ICE.
3. Not much for entertainment. You do have Sixflags but other than that not many places in driving distance.

Just my opinion. I lived in Dallas for more than 2 years. Would love to move back.