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Where is my 'alien number'?


Registered Users (C)

I just arrived to USA a week ago having winning the DV lottery with an immigrant visa in my passport which is gonna work as a green card until I receive the original one.

My question is that now i'm filling out several forms for working and they ask for my alien number..but i only have that visa in my passport..where is the alien number?

I'm in the same boat as you... I used the "registration number" on the immigrant visa. However, I'm not entirely sure whether this is actually the A number. (I also have a number printed in red on the visa (below the expiration date of the visa).
The immigration officer stamped my visa with the date, and wrote "DVI" on it, that's all.
if you see the number starting with "A" followed by 7 or 8 digits(I forgot), it is most likely the A number.
Thanks Tazmania. The problem is just that you have to know this number before you have the plastic card.
Thank you, bizza. I figured that was the case but I'm now relieved as I've already used that number on a form.
I received the welcome letter today and as there have been different opinions about where to find the A-number before receiving the plastic greencard, I figured I should give an update:
The A-number is indeed the "registration number" on the immigrant visa, even though it does not start with an A. I can confirm this as the A-number is on the welcome letter (the only difference is the A and a "0" before the number on my visa).