When would I-131 request get denied


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Hi All,

Under what circumstances would the authorities deny my I-131 Reentry permit application???

Please Advise. Thanks!!!!
Hi Runmore,
Rejection is possible if
1.Improperly filed forms will be rejected and fee returned with instructions of correct filing.
2.If any form is not signed and is not accompanied with the correct fees.
Once you submit the form the decision will be notified to you.If rejected you have an option to make the changes and resubmit.
Are you talking about a Re-Entry permit, Refugee Travel Document, or Advance parole?

An RTD will almost always be accepted unless you do what what the previous post says. An REP can be rejected if you've had a couple before it, or if the adjudicator feels you've spent too much time out. I don't know anything about Advance Parole really.