Whats happening to CSC plastic cards?


Registered Users (C)
I stamped in august 2001 and my message is "processing completed ..." since past 1 month. I just read someone who stamped in Jan 2001 got card yesterday......this is insane with people on east coast getting it in 3 weeks !!
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Hi debo_nair,
        How did you check the message. Do you use the same procedure(WAC no. & CSC no) to get the update. Thanks in advance.
same here debo

my case is same as urs. got stamped at SFO ( CSC Center) in Aug.
Msg changed one month back and still no sign of cards.
No Title

my case is same as urs. got stamped at LA ( CSC Center) in May.
Msg changed in Aug. and still no sign of cards. Right now, waiting the officer review your case.
mine is 04/2001 stamp, Just got mine a few days ago

so, your 08/2001 case is not quite unusual...
Mine case:

stamped at SFO in Oct01, message changed to"Process .. complete..." in Mid Dec. Still waiting.
My second message a bit different - end result still waiting

I got my pp stamped in September 2001 at San Jose.
In mid-December message changed to "Processing for your alien registration
card .....blah blah ".
On January 17, 2002 message changed to "This case has been approved. If 14 days have passed
and you have not received the document.. blah blah blah". Nothing in mail so far.
What does the second message imply? I read in some of the discussion that the second message would
be something like card ordered ...
Any inputs would be appreciated.

Stamp in 07/01

My passport was stamp in 07/01. When I checked last week, the msg is still the same as before: this case was approved at.......
Hi, Debo. My son already got the plastic card.

I got the stamp (for me and my family) one day before you got one (August 23). But I got it in LA.
Two months ago all our three messages (me,wife,son)changed to "processing has been completed...". On December 20 my son (17 y.o.) received the actual plastic. Now, when I listen the messages, mine and son\'s messages are still the same - "processing has been completed...", but message for my wife has been changed to -"your case has been approved...". Neither me, nor my wife still did not get the plastic...
my experience


I stamped my passport and applied for I89 in January 2001
in San Jose,CA. My wife recd. her card in July 2001 but I
did not receive the card. I sent several G731C forms to INS
but no response... My lawyer also sent several inquiries.
Finally I got my passport re-stamped in first week of Jan. 2002.
I asked the Immigration Officer (or whoever he was) why I haven\'t
received the plastic card yet. He said he had no idea. He told me
to send a inquiry form G731. I said I have sent many forms to this
date and there was no response. He gave me one more form and said
wait for some time before I send this stupid form. I was
really mad because I had to stand in the line for 3 hours and
wait for 5 hours inside. The re-stamping line is much worse than
the initial stamp.
So I called the INS service center in the next week. It took a while
to connect to a IIO. The lady there was very helpful. I explained her
all the details of my case and gave my A number. She said that sometimes the files get misplaced or is not placed in the correct
queue. so she told me that she will pull my file and put it in the
card processing line(she did not exactly say that. this is just my
interpretation of what she said). She said that I should hear from
INS in a month. Guess what, I received my plastic card in a week
after I made that call. So, I think if you are very close to re-stamping of the passport don\'t send that form, call INS and explain
to them that it has taken undue to time for them to process your
card. They will take you seriously if that is true.

Best Luck.

message chaanged to card ordered

FYI: my message changed 10 days ago to card ordered. but spouse\'s has not changed. passport got stamped in oct\'01...