what to explain about employment???


Registered Users (C)
Hi guys,

I was seeing my application that I sent and I have a question:

I have a Green Card throught lottery. I disclosed every single job that I have had since 5 years ago, even 1 day jobs.
Well, the thing is that I worked in 6 different companies( 3 of them only 1 day job), studied 1 year and unemployed since Jun 2008:

-2005-2006 company A. I left company A because I wanted to get a better job.
- 2006 company B. Only 1 day. I went there and salary requirements not according my needs but they paid me that day and of course sent me W2. So I disclosed it just in case.
- 2006 Company C. Only 1 day. same thing that company B.
- 2006-2008 Company D. I left this one because i got a better job.
- 2008. Company E. Only 3 months. They fired me in the 90 days. After this I couldn´t find a job.
- Jun2008-jun2009. English student in community college.
- Jun2009 - Today. Taking care of my daughter and studing by myself. I got a 1 day job in Octuber 2009.

Sorry about putting all this information but I want you to understand my quesition. I´ve always tried to improve myselft, even I have been studying English in order to get a better job. What could the IO think about so many jobs??. I don´t have the letter of company E about firing me. What can I say if they ask me why did you have so many jobs??.

Ever heard of "job interviews"? they are these cool meetings where you discuss things such as "salary" before you work for the company... that way you don't end up quitting after 1 day.
@Praetorian: I don't think flipflop has been seeking advice on how to job hunt... :)

@flipflop: the IO does not care how many jobs you held and why and when you switched, the number of job changes do not invalidate GMC (and you do not need documentation of your termination either).

What will be more interesting to the IO is: how did you support yourself since Jun 2008 while you studied at the CC and by yourself. You should have either joint-income/tax returns, affidavits or saving/investment account bank statements to prove legal income/support.
@Praetorian: I don't think flipflop has been seeking advice on how to job hunt... :)

@flipflop: the IO does not care how many jobs you held and why and when you switched, the number of job changes do not invalidate GMC (and you do not need documentation of your termination either).

What will be more interesting to the IO is: how did you support yourself since Jun 2008 while you studied at the CC and by yourself. You should have either joint-income/tax returns, affidavits or saving/investment account bank statements to prove legal income/support.

Thanks DavidSEA,
I have tax transcripts jointly for the 5 years.

No coments for Praetirian...
As DavidSEA rightly said, IO won't bother why you had so much jobs....

But, I think he might be curious to know why you were fired at your last job. Did you mention you were fired anywhere in N-400?

No I didn´t put in any place that I was fired. There is no place for that. Only filled out the employment with dates.
I don´t have anything to proof that one becuase it happened in the 90 days. They told me basically it was due to my english and problems of communications.
Really? Why do you think? The reason why I said IO would be curious is that to find the applicant's moral character.


I didn´t say anything about being fired on my N400. Why are they going to think that I have bad moral character if I left a job or they fired me???. I don´t have proof to show that they fired me in the 90 days period. they didn´t give anything. I doesn´t make sense that they denied me because of that.
Please clarify.

I didn´t say anything about being fired on my N400. Why are they going to think that I have bad moral character if I left a job or they fired me???. I don´t have proof to show that they fired me in the 90 days period. they didn´t give anything. I doesn´t make sense that they denied me because of that.
Please clarify.

I initially thought that you have mentioned it in N-400 (may be an explanation letter with N-400).....That's why I said IO might be curious to find out why you were fired.

I brought out the good moral character when the other member (TheRealCanadian) told me ' he wouldn't be curious...'.

Never mind, you are fine I think.

Sorry If I had caused you any trouble.
I initially thought that you have mentioned it in N-400 (may be an explanation letter with N-400).....That's why I said IO might be curious to find out why you were fired.

I brought out the good moral character when the other member (TheRealCanadian) told me ' he wouldn't be curious...'.

Never mind, you are fine I think.

Sorry If I had caused you any trouble.


I appreciate your answer. You didn´t cause any trouble. I want to make sure that I have all under control in my interview. Only you made me think about that. But I don´t undestand about the good or bad character in this incident. That´s because I asked you why do you think that. Do you thing the IO will ask me about all my jobs because of being fired??.

But I don´t undestand about the good or bad character in this incident. That´s because I asked you why do you think that. Do you thing the IO will ask me about all my jobs because of being fired??
Getting fired from a job, especially within the first 90 days, has no weight on the determination of GMC. And there is also no need to declare this on a N-400 application (as you mentioned, there is also no space to declare that fact on the form). Of course, should the IO ask why one job was only 30 days, just go with the truth and give a brief and honest answer ("they didn't like my communication skills"). And before you ask, there is no documentation needed about the reasons of the termination either.

Only exception to that would be if you had been fired because you e.g. defrauded your employer or due to other illegal activities (and I strongly assume you didn't, so just hypothetically :) ). But in that case you'd already had to answer yes to questions 15, 17, 18 etc

good luck at your interview; when is it?
Getting fired from a job, especially within the first 90 days, has no weight on the determination of GMC. And there is also no need to declare this on a N-400 application (as you mentioned, there is also no space to declare that fact on the form). Of course, should the IO ask why one job was only 30 days, just go with the truth and give a brief and honest answer ("they didn't like my communication skills"). And before you ask, there is no documentation needed about the reasons of the termination either.

Only exception to that would be if you had been fired because you e.g. defrauded your employer or due to other illegal activities (and I strongly assume you didn't, so just hypothetically :) ). But in that case you'd already had to answer yes to questions 15, 17, 18 etc

good luck at your interview; when is it?


Thanks so much for your answer. Actually I had 3 jobs of 1day( 1 of them eas only for 1 day and the other 2 I left the same day because of salary and coditions). The job I was fired happened around the 90 days. At that time my English wasn´t good. I don´t have any documentation for any.

But I didn´t do any illegal or something like that.
I have the biometrics the next week, so I don´t know yet about my interview. I´ll let you know :)

Again thanks.
Congratulations for your citizenship
Really? Why do you think? The reason why I said IO would be curious is that to find the applicant's moral character.

Having or not having a job, and the fact that one was fired from a job has no bearing on eligibility for naturalization or GMC, and the IO will not be asking questions about that. In fact, in the current recession millions of people have been fired simply because of the global economic downturn.

In any event, my advice to fliflop is not to volunteer any unnecessary information unless specifically asked for by the IO.
Hi guys,

I was seeing my application that I sent and I have a question:

I have a Green Card throught lottery. I disclosed every single job that I have had since 5 years ago, even 1 day jobs.
Well, the thing is that I worked in 6 different companies( 3 of them only 1 day job), studied 1 year and unemployed since Jun 2008:

-2005-2006 company A. I left company A because I wanted to get a better job.
- 2006 company B. Only 1 day. I went there and salary requirements not according my needs but they paid me that day and of course sent me W2. So I disclosed it just in case.
- 2006 Company C. Only 1 day. same thing that company B.
- 2006-2008 Company D. I left this one because i got a better job.
- 2008. Company E. Only 3 months. They fired me in the 90 days. After this I couldn´t find a job.
- Jun2008-jun2009. English student in community college.
- Jun2009 - Today. Taking care of my daughter and studing by myself. I got a 1 day job in Octuber 2009.

Sorry about putting all this information but I want you to understand my quesition. I´ve always tried to improve myselft, even I have been studying English in order to get a better job. What could the IO think about so many jobs??. I don´t have the letter of company E about firing me. What can I say if they ask me why did you have so many jobs??.


Since you won GC lottery and you have been resided in USA for 5 years, your application for naturalization is not based on marriage. And IO won't ask you about your employments because you didn't get your gc based on employments and you got your gc based on GC lottery. So don't worry about jobs. You will be fine unless you commit crime.