What to bring to Oath ceremony?


Registered Users (C)
I was handed Form N-445 and on it, it says "You must bring the following with you" and the only thing that was marked was:

Permanent Residence Card

But it looks to me that item 1 is needed as well "This letter, WITH ALL THE QUESTIONS ON PAGE 2 ANSWERED. TYPE OR PRINT ANSWERS IN BLACK INK".

Should item 1 have been marked as well? Is there anything else I should bring with me?

Also, can I take pictures during the ceremony?
All you need at oath is the filled out and signed oath letter, GC and passport if you traveled since interview (in case they ask for proof of travel dates since interview).
Depending on DO rules, you should be able to take pictures after ceremony.
I went to a ceremony once, and I could not take any pictures during the ceremony.-
I went to the oath today in Seattle Office. All they asked for was Oath Letter and greencard.
As far as taking pictures, people were taking pictures before, during and after ceremony and they were even using flash. A few people were standing on the side of the room video taping the whole thing. Now your oath office may have different rules. I'm just telling you the experience I had today.
