what the hell....


Registered Users (C)
Hello everyone I just receive my refugee travel document and its valid for three years!!! Is this a mistake or they've changed something? Because my work permit is only valid for one year. What do I do? Do I call and ask them or not? I think I am gonna call.
ign82 said:
Hello everyone I just receive my refugee travel document and its valid for three years!!! Is this a mistake or they've changed something? Because my work permit is only valid for one year. What do I do? Do I call and ask them or not? I think I am gonna call.
TAKE IT and BE QUIET!!!!!! :) They may have changed the rules.
Why would you question it?

If I were you, I wouldn't question it. Enjoy your cost savings and also three hassle free years. "Mum" is the word. If they made a mistake, its not your problem and if they didn't make a mistake, we'll find out soon. Either way I wouldn't question USCIS competence, yeah right :rolleyes:
Questions for you though...

Besides kidding, could you tell us your time-line? Are you a GC holder. One thing I was thinking, it could be part of the negotiated deal in Ngwaniya Ashcroft. May be they didn't highlight this deal so that people who have pending RTD applications and RTDs that were in transition, would start calling and drive them crazy. I think if they have changed the rules, its because of the lawsuit. One thing though, knowing the greedy nature of USCIS, I think they would have asked you to pay for three years fee, like they did in the case of EADs. You can apply for five years EAD but we'll have to pay 5 years fee.
Just my thoughts on this...
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I don't think it has anything to do with my green card application. My RD is 10/28/2002 I think. I have to double check the date, its either september or october of 2002. Anyway, I was thinking the same thing mabe it was a result of the setllement, but I doubt it, although everything is possible with USCIS. Still, I think I have to call them. What if I go somewhere and on my way back here they make a problem out of it. We all know how incompetent these guys are.
My first hunch after reading your post was that they have done that on purpose. They have limited staff in Lincoln, NE and now they would have to process more I-485 (atleast few thousand more per year) for upcoming years, they might have decided to issue RTD's with longer time frames to reduce their workload.

But this is just my guess cuz no news has come out on this issue.
ign82 said:
Hello everyone I just receive my refugee travel document and its valid for three years!!! Is this a mistake or they've changed something? Because my work permit is only valid for one year. What do I do? Do I call and ask them or not? I think I am gonna call.

I would not complain ,,, not at all.

In Canada, Refugees get (I think) their RTDs valid for 3 years (may be even up to 5 years). Hopefully, they (@ USCIS) figured that this is fair way to give us freedom of movement, instead of having a system that doesn't give us almost no way of going out of the country for 4 to 6 months out of a year. :cool: :rolleyes:
It is highly unlikely..

I think it is very unlikely that you'll get stuck coming back. The reason I say that is that you have a legal document in your hands issued by BCIS. You didn't forge the date and their system will show the same expiry date as mentioned on your document.
Go ahead and give them a call but I doubt it if you'll get any valid response from people who answer your calls on 800 number regarding a policy change that no one knows about. If some knew about this change, trust me we would have seen it on AILA or USCIS web-site. Its a good change change and I'm sure USCIS would have given it the publicity to collect some kudos from the immigrants community.
I think all we need is few more people who receive their RTDs from here on... Please post your RTD's validity date if you have received it after 02/21/05.
Damn, I called USCIC and I don't know why I did it. I want to rip my tongue out now. It was a mistake they want me to send it back now, and will issued a new one with the correct date - for one year only. I am so pissed I should have kept it without questioning their motives. I am sorry guys for giving you hopes and confuse you. I should have called USCIC first and then tell you. My RD was 01/03/2005, AD 02/15/2005. I received it on feb. 19, 2005. It was really fast, but the rest of my family are still waiting on theirs and they have the same RDs. Go figure!
Can't say we didn't tell ya....


That's why it would have been better had you not said anything. Anyway, did you give them all your personal data and your case number and all that. If you didn't, then you can probably still keep it but if you did identify yourself on the phone, then probably they put some notes in your file....
I gave everything. They also asked me for my I485 receipt date. I don't know what I am gonna do now. I have to wait for few more months until they fix all that. I really wanted to have some good news for you and all of us, but unfortunately it was a mistake. Do you know if a asylum needs a travel document to go to Hawai, or you can go with a regular ID card?
Lazerthegreat said:
Hawaii is USA. You can go only with your ID (Drivers Licence).

Are you sure about that? I mean do you or somebody else in this forum have gone to Hawaii and Puerto Rico only with ID?

I know both are part of USA, but I just need to be sure. Thanks.
TO ign2:
Yeah, they probably mixed up 2006 and 2008, cause 6 and 8 look similar. I feel bad for you, ign82.


Hawaii is USA. My girlfriend went there for her honeymoon and she was out of status at that time, although she married a US citizen, the papers were not filed yet. She only had her national passport with her with no visas, as this was the only ID at that time that she had. The returned with no problems. Hawaii is a domestic flight.
Puerto Rico & Bahamas could pose problems. These are territories. But Hawaii and Alaska are the states of the union. Yes I have known people traveling to Hawaii with only ID's. Alaska can pose problem if you are driving through Canada (you need Canadian visa on RTD). But not a problem if flying.
Cheer up...

I feel for you dude but there is a good new that you don't need an RTD or a passport to go to Hawaii. It is considered a local flight and all you need is you state ID or Driving Licence. I went to Hawaii last year, no problem at all.