What I have to do?


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I have RTD marked ASYLEE.
Today my case was approved and I am Newest Permanent Resident
Do I need return my RTD and get new one with new status?
Or it still valid for travel?
I have RTD marked ASYLEE.
Today my case was approved and I am Newest Permanent Resident
Do I need return my RTD and get new one with new status?
Or it still valid for travel?

You can use it but it may be taken away from you when you enter back into the United States for the right reasons since ur not an asylee anymore.
Do you guy know if i can "upgrade" my pending I-131 from RTD to RP since I have a GC now? I called 1-800 #, but they couldn't tell me anything certain as usual.
Do you guy know if i can "upgrade" my pending I-131 from RTD to RP since I have a GC now? I called 1-800 #, but they couldn't tell me anything certain as usual.

How long your case is pending? Try to scheduled INFOpass appointment filed new form and submit if possible!
Do you guy know if i can "upgrade" my pending I-131 from RTD to RP since I have a GC now? I called 1-800 #, but they couldn't tell me anything certain as usual.

Are you planning to be out of the US for more than a year? If not I think you don't need RP and RTD should be enough.
I-131 is pending since Jan 3, and I'm planning to be out of the country only 7 to 10 days, but i thought RP would be better in 2 way-it's valid for 2 years and I think it will be much easier to reenter the US without regular questioning.
Green card holders who get the residency through asylum could apply and use RTD, that is clearly stated in I-131 application. Am I missing something here?

You can use it but it may be taken away from you when you enter back into the United States for the right reasons since ur not an asylee anymore.
Yes he did but he recently became Permanent Resident. So he ordered that RTD when he was in Asylee status. Since he LPR now he have 2 choices RTD or RP.
He wants RP