what happened to the thread of Mr Habib


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I think Habib could not digest Futuregen\'s excellent view about him .

Futuregen Please Start a new thread about what you think of Habib , Futuregen You know what i am talking about

Man that was excellent one .
I am highly pleased for opening a thread in my name..

Lets post all you vulgur word which will show your family status.
Here you go.....

Mr. Habib took a ruler to bed to see how long he slept.
 ...Mr. Habib sent me a fax with a stamp on it.
 ...Mr. Habib thought a quarterback was a refund.
 ...Mr. Habib tried to put M&M\'s in alphabetical order.
 ...Mr. Habib thought General Motors was in the army.
 ...Mr. Habib tripped over a cordless phone.
 ...Mr. Habib spent 20 minutes looking at the orange juice can
    because it said \'concentrate.\'
 ...Mr. Habib told me to meet him at the corner of \'WALK\' and \'ONE WAY.\'
 ...at the bottom of the application where it says
    \'sign here,\' Mr. Habib put \'VIRGO\'
 ...Mr. Habib studied for a blood test.
 ...Mr. Habib thinks Taco Bell is the Mexican phone company.
 ...Mr. Habib thought that Mr. Habib could not use his AM radio in the evening.
 ...Mr. Habib had a shirt that said \'TGIF,\' which Mr. Habib thought
    stood for \'This Goes In Front.\'
 ...when Mr. Habib went to the airport and saw a sign that said \'Airport
    Left,\' Mr. Habib turned around and went home!
excellent Anil . Hey Mr.

Habib 0/1, isn\'t it cool how well people have come to know you.
futuregen - you gotta post yours again. This time Habib can\'t get rid of this thread.
Ha Ha ha....

Two Italian nuns and Habib and go to heaven, where they
are met at the Pearly Gates by St. Peter. He says "Ladies,

you all led such wonderful lives, that I\'m granting you six months to go back to earth and be anyone you want to be."
The first nun says, "I want to be Sophia Loren;"
and poof she\'s gone.

The second says, "I want to be Madonna;" and *poof*
she\'s gone.
Habib says, "I want to be Sara Pipelini."
St. Peter looks perplexed. "Who?" he says.
"Sarah Pipelini," replies Habib
St. Peter s! hakes his head and says, "I\'m sorry, but that name just doesn\'t ring a bell." Habib then takes
a newspaper out of his Underpants and hands it to St. Peter. He reads the paper and starts laughing.

He hands it back to Habib and says...."No you SheMale, this says the Sahara Pipeline was laid by 1,400 men in 6 months
We all need some humor.

This is going really good. And look Habib is pleased too! For once he is pleased instead of pleasing :))
Habib\'s T Shirt

Anilsingh72 said

...Mr. Habib had a shirt that said \'TGIF,\' which Mr. Habib thought
    stood for \'This Goes In Front.\'

Well Mr Habib had another T shirt which said

"My father says Condoms dont work"

futuregen 6/7/02 2:36pm

futuregen 6/7/02 2:36pm

with your spelling problems
I am sure you meant to spell sucking
starting with another alphabet

GET IT!!!!!!!!!
Have a Great weekend all of you

Futuregen and Habib lived next door to each other. Futuregen owned a hen and each morning would look in his garden and pick up one of his hen\'s eggs for breakfast.
One day he looked into his garden and saw that the hen had laid an egg in the Habib \'sgarden. He was about to go next door when he saw Habib pick up the egg. Futuregen ran up to Habib and told him that the egg belonged to him because he owned the hen. Habib disagreed because the egg was laid on his property.
They argued for a while until finally Futuregen said, "In my family we normally solve disputes by the following actions: I kick you in the balls and time how long it takes you to get back up, then you kick me in the balls and time how long it takes for me to get up, who ever gets up quicker wins the egg."
Habib agreed to this and so Futuregen found his heaviest pair of boots and put them on, he took a few steps back, then ran toward Habib and kicked as hard as he could in the balls. habib fell to the floor clutching his nuts howling in agony for 30 minutes.
Eventually he got up and said, "Now it\'s my turn to kick you."
Futuregen said, "Keep the damn egg!"