Washington SESA Tracker


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Labor certification in Washington state

My Labor certification was filed in RIR category in July and the lawyer has received an acknowledgment from SESA giving a priority date. I have the following clarification:
1)No case number is mentioned. At what stage is it allotted?
2) The acknowledgement does not say that it is a RIR application. Is it ok?
3) SESA says that it will take about 8 months to review the application. Is it normal?
4)Is it possible that the application would have gone in Non-RIR? If so how do we find it?
Gurus please advice.
Little help

Hey buddy, I don\'t have lots of information on the way they do things in WA but I am interested in finding out myself, as I will be applying here too. To tell from what I know of the process, if it is a RIR application, the SESA should not be reviewing it, just checking it for completeness and forwarding it to the certifying officer. At this stage, according to the current processing times, it should take just 4 months. The 8 months they told you at the SESA correspond to the current SESA processing time, which applies to non-RIR cases. After that, they forward the case to the certifying officer, for an additional 4 months. As I said, I may be wrong, but if I were you, I\'d double check with the attorney AND SESA directly. Since at this point your employer owns the petition, your only choice might be the attorney, or the HR guy at your company.

I hope this helps, and good luck with your application. Please keep me posted on how it goes, because I\'ll be going through the process myself some time soon.


P.S. What field are you in?
who knows?

Hi Ray,

Who knows why people aren\'t replying. I guess there are few people who apply for labor certification in WA, which I guess is good for us. The priority date, by law, is the date on which you filed your application. You keep it all throughout the process. The case number, I assume it will be assigned when they start working on your case, or at least when they enter it into their system.

Hang in there buddy, and keep bugging the attorney. That\'s the only way you\'re going to get your case to move forward. Good luck!

P.S. You didn\'t say in your past message, what\'s your profession?
Electrical Engineer

Hi Ray,

I\'m an Electrical Engineer. Mine hasn\'t been filed yet, but we are about to start the process soon. I want to go for RIR, but the attorney will have the final word. I only have a B.S. so I wonder if RIR is the best route to take, or if the certification is at all feasible. The area where I am is the advantage -small rural town- but we\'ll see.

How many ads did you guys run on the paper? Did you get many responses? Who\'s your lawyer? I\'m trying to get as much advise as I can, so I can ensure a positive outcome. My boss is willing to go through the process, but unfortunately, he has so many other things to do that the process has been delayed (he\'s comfortable because he knows I still have 1 year+ left on my H1B). Again, any input is appreciated.

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same here

Hi, I\'ve got the same problem here.
I just filed my RIR LC to Washington SESA. today my lawyer told me exactly the same thing. I am also wondering what\'s the difference between ESD and SESA?
I know there might not have many people file LC in Washington state. just hope someone can answer these questions...
No Title

I haven\'t got my PD yet. My lawyer just filed my case, and told me ESD will take about 8 months to process the LC. I didn\'t get more information.
It should be your filing date

Hi titi,

If you filed your petition, your priority date is the date on which you filed it. Of course, we all like to see it written on paper! :) But for your own reference, you should know that for all purposes, the PD is the date on which you filed your petition.

I have a couple of questions for you, since I am going to file my petition pretty soon too, and I\'d appreciate your feedback very much. My questions are:

1.- Did you file a RIR or non-RIR petition?
2.- How many ads did you run on the paper? Did you use any other alternate source (i.e. internet, etc.)?
3.- How was the response to your ad? Did many people reply? If so, what was the approach?
4.- What\'s your field? Have you heard anything on how hard it is to get the certification in WA??

Good luck on your petition!
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No Title

Hi, thanks for your infomation. here is what I know about my case:
1) I filed RIR petition
2) I don\'t know how many ads, but i do know that my company posted the ad for 10 business day. Neither do I know where they post the ads. I guess you can do it through internet.
3) as Q2
4) IT industry.
I checked the processing time in WA, SESA is currently processing 4/2001 cases, and DOL is in 8/2001. It\'s really weird that my friend filed the RIR LC in May, and got the approval last month. So I am consused now:(.
Again, I hope we can share our experiences and information here, and keep this thread alive.

No Title

I believe my friend has gone through the ESD as well. Here is what my attorney explained to me: The RIR application is filed with the Alien Employment Certification Unit (AEC) of the Employment Security Department in Olympia, WA. The filing date is the priority date for the subsequent green card application.
So that\'s all I\'ve got, and I hope what you heard is true so that we don\'t have to wait so long to get the LC.
Any updates?

Hi guya,

Are there any updates, comments, inside info, etc. on the Labor certification in WA?? Any thoughts? How is the process going for all of you?

I talked to my boss today and he said he doesn\'t want to do anything that would jeopardize my H1B status, and not grant a successful LC in light of the slowing economy and the 9/11 tragedy. Has anybody heard anything about the DOL in WA not giving LCs or making them harder to get??
No Title

No I haven\'t heard anything from my lawyer either, also I haven\'t got my receipt yet.
No Title

Hi, Jesus
I don\'t understand why you want to wait. There shouldn\'t have any risk to get the LC if you are working in a company legally, and ur employer is willing to support for your GC. Maybe I missed something...
Hi Titi

Hi Titi,

Yes, indeed, I have never been out of status and my employment is legal, but my boss fears that, due to the slowing economy and recent layoffs, if we advertise my job then somebody (or several people) will apply for it and that would somehow jeopardize my chances of getting the LC. He said he would talk to the attorney who took care of my H1B paperwork to see how we can proceed. They\'ve been willing to sponsor me for a GC all along, but since the LC process is so tricky and restrictive, hence his reservaations. I\'ll keep you guys posted. For now, all I\'ve done is write the ad for the paper, and we\'ll see when it gets published.

Advertising requirements

My employer is doing a labor cert for me right now, in WA state, in consultation with our attorney. Anyway, I\'m wondering just how much advertising is normally done. We have run one print ad in a local paper for 2 days, along with other acceptable forms of advervtising. My concern lies with the 2 days in the paper. I seem to recall someone saying that it needs to run for one week? Is anybody aware of this?
Hi Ray

Hi buddy,

I sympathize with you, I, too, know what it is to be frustrated because of this H1B status. I want to have it changed ASAP, but things go so slowly that it drives me crazy. Hang in there, sooner or later we all will have the stupid paperwork taken care of. The important thing is to do things right from the beginning, as it looks your lawyer did, because that way you won\'t have the labor certification denied. Good luck!!
No Title

Hello folks:
It is terrible to see this agonizing wait for a Permanent Residency to this great country... Many of us have to face this agonizingly slow task and as soon as we are through we forget about it! It is high time we, the taxpayers did something about it!
I propose the following:
Everyone (including anyone that you know) should ask their lawyers to petition AILA to lobby in the US Congress and House (in fact, our employers can write a petition too), to streamline the Labor Certification approval process so that Labor must be certified in a reasonable amount of time (like 1-2 months instead of 1-2 years!).
Please post your thoughts on this...
Better yet


I agree with the points of view you expressed in your message, and I would take it one step further... If any kind of lobbying should be done, it should be to completely overhaul the Labor Certification process. It just doesn\'t seem logical to me that an employer should be required by DOL to hire a barely qualified candidate over a better qualified one just because of citizenship status. It just goes against normal and reasonable business practice, especially in a global economy. It is understandable that they want to protect the job security of US workers, but the current process doesn\'t ensure that. I suggest they focus on: work conditions, wages offered, and duties for the job, instead of availability of workers for the position. If the employer has legitimate reasons to prefer a foreign-born professional over a US-born one, it should be his/her decision and not the goverment\'s. Furthermore, what they don\'t realize is that, when you allow for foreign professionals to come to this country to work, they are stimulating the economy because:

a) The goverment didn\'t invest any resources in the education of this workforce.
b) Professionals are not blue-collar workers, therefore, they usually have high-purchasing power, which in turn results in increase in the demand of goods and services, which boosts the economy. This is an added benefit you can\'t be sure to obtain with other kinds of immigration.
c) Professionals are the least likely of all immigrants to be a burden for the government. We have health insurance, retirement plans, savings, etc. and that means we won\'t be living out of social security.
d) Our talents and skills make our employers more productive. This results in an increase of economic activity, which creates additional jobs for everybody.

Forcing an employer to hire somebody based on citizenship status just seems wrong and contradictory to the "non-discrimination" policy they are supposed to have. The best qualified person, to the eyes of the employer, who is the ultimate beneficiary, should be the person who gets the job. The Department of Labor should intervene only to make sure the employer is not taking advantage of the employee against normal business practices, not to determine selection criteria.

I also think there should be a straight-forward process to get the certification in cases where the employee has been working for the employer as an H1B worker, and the employer is so satisfied with his/her performance that he\'s willing to do the GC process on his/her behalf. Does the government take into account the cost, in terms of time and resources that it represents to the employer, to allow a new employee become familiar with the procedures and the company overall? I don\'t think increasing costs is what you look for in a slowing economy.

Anyway, I\'m pretty sure most of you share these points of view, but I just wanted to be vocal and express them, hopint that someone with initiative will read them and take them to the next step. I, for one, will be doing lobbying at my level.

Good luck folks, and hang in there, sooner or later, all of this ordeal will be over.
Right on!!

Hey Ray, you hit the nail right on the head!! If you\'ve been here legitimately, keeping your job, paying your taxes and so on, and if your employment hasn\'t adversely affected american workers (which will be pretty much obvious after you\'ve been working for 2 years without massive layoffs in your company), then why not be entitled to apply for your GC on your own?? It sounds fair to me, and preserves the rights of everyone. I, too, hope somebody reads this thread and takes the initiative.