Want to adoption from Bangladesh


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Me and my wife lives in Florida. We want to adopt a child from our home country Bangladesh. How to do the "home study" required by the USCIS. Is there any way we can do it cheaper than standard price 1000 to 1500 dollars.

Help me.

Are you US citizens? Unless at least one of you is a US citizen, or have lived abroad with the child for 2 years, you're not going to be able to bring the child to the US to immigrate. Your other problem is that in your other post I see you're receiving food stamps. They're unlikely to approve an adoption when your finances are that constrained.

I've never heard of an adoption process being as cheap as $1000 to $1500. Usually it's more than $10000.

You need to find a forum that focuses on international adoption.
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If it is your concern that you adopt a child of your nationality, you may find a child relinquished in the US whose parents are from your birth country and avoid the need to deal with the international problems.
I am sorry to make you confused. Actually the another post you noticed is not for me. I was trying to find the answer for other. By the by, I studied the whole process for adoption. Everything is fine. I didn't know adoption is expensive. Interesting matter, USCIS fee is $760 and visa fee is $400 that's it. But for filing I-600 I need a home study from any licensed social organization who will visit my house and fill up the questionaire. It will cost $1000 to $1500. My question, is there any agent or any way that i can do this home study cheaper???

You live in the U.S. and will need a home study that is authorized under the laws of the state where you live. Since Bandladeshi adoptions are so difficult to obtain, and may result in only a guardianship rather than a complete adoption, one may be required to complete the adoption process after bringing a child to the U.S.

FROM: http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/us...nnel=6ba1741b78c73210VgnVCM100000082ca60aRCRD

Home study Preparer’s Authority to Conduct Home Studies

The home study must include a statement certifying that the home study preparer is authorized to complete home studies for Hague adoption cases (see 8 CFR 204.311(s)).

The certifying statement must specify:

*The State or country under whose authority the home study preparer is licensed or authorized.
*The specific law or regulation authorizing the preparer to conduct home studies.
*The license number and expiration date (if any) of the authorization or license.
*The basis (i.e., public domestic authority, accredited agency, temporarily accredited agency, approved person, exempted provider, or supervised provider) for the home study preparer’s authorization to conduct Hague adoption home studies.

Home Study Preparer’s Signature

The home study preparer must personally sign the home study and any updated or amended home study. The preparer must declare, under penalty of perjury under U.S. law, that the study was either conducted or supervised by the home study preparer. If the home study preparer did not conduct the study then the person who actually conducted the home study must be identified.

Review of the Home Study

If the prospective adoptive parent(s) reside in a State which requires the State’s competent authority to review the home study, such review must occur and be documented before the home study is submitted to USCIS. See 8 CFR 204.311(t).

When the home study is not initially performed by an accredited agency or a temporarily accredited agency, then an accredited agency or a temporarily accredited agency must review and approve the home study before the home study is submitted to USCIS. See 22 CFR 96.47(c).

A home study prepared by a public domestic authority does not need the approval of an accredited agency or temporarily accredited agency.

LOOK UP THE CFR Titles 8 and 22 at: http://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=ecfr&tpl=/index.tpl
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"A home study prepared by a public domestic authority does not need the approval of an accredited agency or temporarily accredited agency." can you pls explain this line.

If you all help me it's possible to do without attorney. Pls give me more information.

If you all help me it's possible to do without attorney. Pls give me more information.


Even simple adoptions by people should involve an attorney. An international adoption is not simple - or quick.

If you cannot afford the attorney, you cannot afford to adopt.
Thanks for the reply. I already talked with some home study agent located in Florida. Their cost is $1000 to $1500. They will complete two part of home study, 1-before coming the child in US, 2-after coming the child in US. Full adoption is not possible by Bangladeshi law that leads to US law. The child will come here as a LPR and after few months we need file a case into local court for full adoption. Home Study agent will help you to go court hearing and other home work. The child will be the US citizen in the same day when I will have the decree from the court. Pls ecourage me my friend. I want to do the whole procedure myself with help of some brilliant people like you. Give me more more suggesstion. By the by, I am processing to take the guardianship of the child from Bangladesh. After having it I will file I-600. If I am doing any mistake pls correct me.
Stay away from BS family adoptions, they rarely ever work except when the natural parents are both dead.

INA 101 = 8 USC 1101, below cites from 8 USC rather than INA. SEE: http://frwebgate1.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/TEXTgate.cgi?WAISdocID=4hf2kk/0/1/0&WAISaction=retrieve

(b) As used in subchapters I and II of this chapter--
(1) The term ``child'' means an unmarried person under twenty-one
years of age who is--
(F)(i) a child, under the age of sixteen at the time a petition
is filed in his behalf to accord a classification as an immediate
relative under section 1151(b) of this title, who is an orphan
because of the death or disappearance of, abandonment or desertion
by, or separation or loss from, both parents, or for whom the sole
or surviving parent is incapable of providing the proper care and
has in writing irrevocably released the child for emigration and
adoption; who has been adopted abroad by a United States citizen and
spouse jointly, or by an unmarried United States citizen at least
twenty-five years of age, who personally saw and observed the child
prior to or during the adoption proceedings; or who is coming to the
United States for adoption by a United States citizen and spouse
jointly, or by an unmarried United States citizen at least twenty-
five years of age, who have or has complied with the preadoption
requirements, if any, of the child's proposed residence; Provided,
That the [Secretary of Homeland Security] is satisfied that proper care will be
furnished the child if admitted to the United States: Provided
further, That no natural parent or prior adoptive parent of any such
child shall thereafter, by virtue of such parentage, be accorded any
right, privilege, or status under this chapter; or

(ii) subject to the same provisos as in clause (i), a child who:
(I) is a natural sibling of a child described in clause (i) or
subparagraph (E)(i); (II) has been adopted abroad, or is coming to
the United States for adoption, by the adoptive parent (or
prospective adoptive parent) or parents of the sibling described in
such clause or subparagraph; and (III) is otherwise described in
clause (i), except that the child is under the age of 18 at the time
a petition is filed in his or her behalf to accord a classification
as an immediate relative under section 1151(b) of this title.

(2) The terms ``parent'', ``father'', or ``mother'' mean a parent,
father, or mother only where the relationship exists by reason of any of
the circumstances set forth in subdivision (1) of this subsection,
except that, for purposes of paragraph (1)(F) (other than the second
proviso therein) in the case of a child born out of wedlock described in
paragraph (1)(D) (and not described in paragraph (1)(C)), the term
``parent'' does not include the natural father of the child if the
father has disappeared or abandoned or deserted the child or if the
father has in writing irrevocably released the child for emigration and
adoption. ........

From: http://www.uscis.gov/err/F1 - Petitions for Orphans/Decisions_Issued_in_2010/Apr192010_05F1101.pdf

"The sole issue before the AAO on appeal is whether the petitioner has established that the beneficiary's
birth mother, his surviving parent, is incapable of providing proper care to the beneficiary, consistent
with local standards in Lebanon, pursuant to 8 C.F.R. 5 204.3(b)."

Other AAO Decisions are found at: http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/us...6539190aRCRD&path=/F1+-+Petitions+for+Orphans
thanks you very much for your detailed information. you know a lot of things about adoption.

"Stay away from BS family adoptions, they rarely ever work except when the natural parents are both dead." Actually I am taking the child as a guardian not adoption from Bangladesh. And applying for IR-4 visa catagory. When the child will come to USA than final adoption will be here. Do you think if father and mother of the child is not deceased then Bangladesh Govt will not give me this child as a guardian?????

You really need to read all the information available. Start with: http://dhaka.usembassy.gov/adoption.html

You have to convince two federal governments plus local authorities. Before you do anything make sure that the child in question actually qualifies under U.S. Immigration law as an "orphan". If not, find a different child.

Since you have a child picked out. How did you find this child? Is this child a blood relative to either you or your spouse? If it is a younger sibling, niece or nephew then both parents had better be dead and all other close relatives in Bangladesh are unable and unwilling to take the child into their home and thus the child should be in an orphanage that you are seeking to rescue the child from.

Is either biological parent still living? If yes is he or she (or are they) destitute, crippled, mentally incapable of being a parent, incarcerated, or on their deathbed?

Is this child legally an orphan under U.S. laws? Is this child eligible for guardianship under Bangladeshi laws (not some homespin "affidavit" type of agreemant between you and your brother/sister/cousin/whatever but LEGALLY under Bangladeshi law)?

IF you cannot answer these questions then you need experienced immigration and adoption lawyers licensed to practice in both the U.S. and Bangladesh in these legal specialties [2 to 4 lawyers].

When you read, see or hear about news reports of an international adoption finally concluding, those "happy parents" always say that it has taken them years and anywhere from 40 to 100 thousand dollars to get it all done.
thanks you very much for your detailed information. you know a lot of things about adoption.

"Stay away from BS family adoptions, they rarely ever work except when the natural parents are both dead." Actually I am taking the child as a guardian not adoption from Bangladesh. And applying for IR-4 visa catagory. When the child will come to USA than final adoption will be here. Do you think if father and mother of the child is not deceased then Bangladesh Govt will not give me this child as a guardian?????


This is an issue for US immigration.

PLEASE, consult an attorney. If you have an agency willing to do a home study, they may have an attorney who will assist for a reduced fee. At the very least, check with your local university's law school's legal clinic or the social service agencies in your community that assist with immigration and family law problems.
Thanks for the mail. I have picked the child whose father is dead and mother is disappear. This chid brings up in a poor family and she needs special protection. This is the history in breif. What you things guy- can it full fill the "orphanage" defination by USCIS. I am trying my lavel best to do the whole adoption without getting any attoney assistance if you all help me. I will inform you every steps what I going to do and what the result.

You absolutely NEED an attorney!!!!!!! No responsible person would attempt a simple US adoption without one. You are in a far more complex situation. This forum is nto the right group to assist you on this matter as it is nto d do it yourself legal issue. Please contact an attorney if you intend to pursue this.
Adoption from Bangladesh.

You absolutely NEED an attorney!!!!!!! No responsible person would attempt a simple US adoption without one. You are in a far more complex situation. This forum is nto the right group to assist you on this matter as it is nto d do it yourself legal issue. Please contact an attorney if you intend to pursue this.

Hi guys,
Sorry I am late to come back to this forum. Meanwhile I was busy to communicate Bangladesh govt agencies about adoption. I didn't know I lost my Bangladeshi citizenship automatically while I took oath for us citizenship. Strange!! Now I need to apply for Bangladeshi citizenship at bangladesh embassy (very disturbing), then go back bangladesh facing court for taking legal guardianship, come back USA, apply N600 with home study (cost $1800), wait for approval, after approval apply IR-4 at us embassy dhaka, getting visa child will come to us, hire attorney for final adoption in us court and -----.
This is the story. But I am confident I will. Now I am gathering papers for applying bangladeshi citizenship. Is there any body who can advice me "If i apply for bangladeshi citizenship, will it affect my us citizenship, as far I know usa never allow dual citizenhip?" Any body has any experience on it.
