waiting for a decision after 1.5 yrs of application


Registered Users (C)
hi everyone! i posted this under NYC thread but wanted to post here to get a quicker response.

i applied for citizenship based on marriage back in Dec 2011. I did have my interviews completed on June 2012 and passed all the tests. I still have not gotten a response or any decision. I keep requesting info and all they say is under active examination. I even sent a letter to USCIS and Federal Plaza but nothing yet. Federal Plaza does not arrange infopass appointments. What can I do? Do I really a need a lawyer? FYI, i do not have any criminal activities, not even a traffic ticket, i have a good income and have been paying taxes since I moved here for about 10 years. i really have no clue what is holding their decision.

Hi Lady,

That seem to be quite long of a wait even for NYC. Of all the knowledgeable members of this forum. I find that the User JACKOLATERN is the most trust worthy and most reliable info provider. I would send him a private message regarding your case before you take any further steps. I myself is waiting for my interview letter. Some people who applied after me already have their oath done, and all from Federal Plaza, So I am a Bit concern just like you. Good Luck and hope all goes well.
just tried to send him a private message, but i guess he doesn't accept messages. i hope he sees this post and replies. thanks again.
Hmm, that is way too long. Are there any issues with your application that could case a delay? A name that would take a long time for a background check to clear (meaning, a Muslim name), or marriage problems, etc.? If not, step one is to contact your congressperson and senators. If that doesn't move things along, think filing a lawsuit under section 1447(b) would be useful. Before you do so, send a letter of intent to sue to CIS and the Department of Homeland Security, and maybe even the White House, and indicate in the letter all the parties to whom you are sending them. Give them 30 days to respond, and if they do not, file the lawsuit. There is a thread detailing how to do this, and people on this forum will help you. Do you live in Manhattan?
interesting, i never thought i could sue them.

well, no, my name is clear, not a very common name and thankfully no marriage problems and yes, we do live in Manhattan.
Make an Infopass appointment to inquire about your case. When you are there, say that it's much more than 120 days since your June 2012 interview (but don't make any direct threats to sue; just emphasize the 120 days). That might make them wipe the dust off your file and get it moving again.

Then wait a few weeks after the Infopass; if you don't see any sign of progress go ahead file the 1447(b) lawsuit. When 1447(b) is filed, you don't have to worry about them denying your case in retaliation, because 1447(b) will put your case under supervision of the court.
Thank you, Jack. I just made my infopass appointment. Funny that it was not possible before. It will be on May 31st. Should I pay attention to anything when talking to them?