Wait over Dec Bulletin Out - Start Waiting for 2008 Bulletins

you're re-iterating and recycling this without questioning it and that's part of the problem - how this thing gets crystallized and stereotyped.

I didn't see any need to question it - I'm merely pointing out a common view of the H-1B. You should also note that I have not said anything about my own views on the subject.

lprkhoj said:
EU is now coming up with their own "blue card". Canada has always allowed smooth immigration.

I think the jury is still out on this, and some of your other observations. Canada has traditionally had much easier immigration criteria and a larger quota (adjusted for population, is proportionally 10x the size of the US) but there's been a continual problem in Canada (going on 20 years now, I'd venture) about the great difficulty immigrants have integrating into the Canadian economy and recognition of foreign qualifications. I don't see Canada currently taking much advantage of skilled foreign workers, since their degrees don't seem to count for much in Canadian eyes. As to the Blue Card, give it a few years and get back to me.

I would also point out that much of the significant growth in India and China is not related to the number of skilled workers in either country; it's related to dramatic growth in manufacturing (in China) and taking advantage of pay differentials, and it's also important to note that it's coming from a much lower base in a less developed economy. It's not much different than the dramatic growth rates earlier posted by the Asian tigers and (before that) the United States itself.
I would agree with that. For a variety of reasons (not all of them legitimate) the H-1B is seen as the visa of underpaid Indian computer professionals and little more. Ensuring diversity in country of birth and profession would probably be a good idea, but the pessimist in me suggests that no one really wants the H-1B system to be fixed.

I would NOT want, however, to see a matching of H-1B numbers to EB numbers. EB permanent residents come from a variety of backgrounds, and not all of them previously held an H or L.QUOTE]

The main difference between EB & H1b is the H1b quota is controlled to a great extent by american business firms (changes once in a while from 60K to 120K to 65K) and it is almost up todate (I am sure they need to add more H1b visa) and EB quotas were designed long long ago, so it is outdated and need to match the employment conditions.

The main purpose of both these categories is not diversity. They both are for business aligned. In the new world do you want to hire a less educated/less skilled or you want to hire somebody to encourage cutural diversity at workplace (sacrificing main skills); if you ask that question to most american companies (research/business/medical) they will prefer the former because they look at the profit. And mind you all these fellos on H1b's have team spirit and are top quality available with their skills. they understand the primary goals of the firms (there are some firms who misused the visas;thats another story) .Thats why these american firms are in the forefront, fighting for these indians/chinese employees. Most of these employees have to go through, wage determination process (you quoted Tom tancredo by saying underpaid) and show they are equal to americans before labor certification. so Tancredo tactic is not right. Listen to people like Bill gates.

You are recommending an old system of allocation of visas so doesn't matter you are skilled or not, you are eligible because of the visa quota. Thats old school of thought . The cost is primary issue today. so companies have to compete to bring the cost down using the best brains.I cant believe sending semi skilled people to some of these inustries where you could bring down your company share value (Unfortunately I am an ex investment banker so cant think below shares) . Its not about being canadian/indian/chinese. how well you do things for these companies (irrespective of your skin/race, which ultimately improve american lives in the global competition. This is the main diff between american and values in many other developed countries including canda/britain/australia. you are judged in america based on the deed.

There are many in capital hill with your thoughts (right end democrats) , they will gone soon. This coutry can't afford them in the long run. Either they will change voluntarily or through pressure from people like Bill gates. Ultimately it is all come to dollar. I think if they embrace hiring these indians/chinese they will atleast make some tax revenue by employing them here. If not , coys will go to those places and america get nothing (Because coys need profit for their existence!!!).
So EB's will be modified for sure to fit these needs. This Country can't afford otherwise.
If an Indian couple happen to have a baby on such a trip, that baby would be counted in that country's quota. In this case, where is the diversity? The baby still is brought up in an Indian household; may be even in India if the parents have gone back to India after their temporary trip abroad. I think if they really want diversity, they should go by racial ethnicity.

But race is an even worse form of "diversity". I don't see any logical reason to group together people of Indian origin, especially since some may be from India, others from South/East Africa, others from the UK and some from Canada. 20th Century migration patterns may ensure that some of these indiviudals need to go back two or three generations to find an ancestor who actually lived in India. It's no different than a black family; they may come from the Caribbean, the United Kingdom or Africa? Which quota do they fall under?

Then there's my friend, who was born of a Filipino-Chinese father and a Newfie mother in Canada, and his children were born in Beijing. What quota do the kids fall under? :)
I would also point out that much of the significant growth in India and China is not related to the number of skilled workers in either country; it's related to dramatic growth in manufacturing (in China) and taking advantage of pay differentials, and it's also important to note that it's coming from a much lower base in a less developed economy. It's not much different than the dramatic growth rates earlier posted by the Asian tigers and (before that) the United States itself.

As mentioned earlier, people sitting here don't know the changing dynamics in these countries. Their opinions are based on how the media projects these countries. Most of the people lack first hand experience is lacking and no wonder big firms realize what's happening based on experience and hence pushing for reforms.

And the comment on Canada never alluded to skilled labor. Reread my friend. it was a generic comment - basis of it was the fact that when a country needs something it should realize it and adjust its laws accordingly. Canada needs people - for whatever reason - and so doesn't have too many restrictions when it comes to immigration.
Per Country Quota:
When they (USCIS / State Dept / DHS / Congress) implemented per country quota in issuing Permanent Residency Cards, they should also consider the below ideas to make it fair for all the countries. They have to be honest in both sides of the spectrum

1) They should also consider issuing H1b visas per country quota

2) They should also consider H4 visas per country quota.

Why just only for issuing Green Cards ?? million dollar question ???
one more point about the canadian system. that immigration system is flawed. The idea is good. but they dont maintain the integrity of those systems. the main weakness in those systems is they are lazy to do the actual home work. they should have the skill matrix updated and syncd to the point system based on market requirement.

you seek most qualified people on earth. but you don't have jobs for them .. NO .
those trying to replica US to imitate canadian/australian systems are also bound to go down.
That is really a sad perception when in reality it is far from the truth. Majority of the Indians are very ambitious and well paid (better than or on par with US citizens). And they are always looking for better opportunities.

You may not believe this. There are lot of Guys who works in Indian Hotels and other small firms (like jeweler shops or some ancillary industries) on H1. H1 visa is more often used for this kind of business than regular for software developer. These guys are paid like 20K per annum. On the W2 it is shown as 60K. This is very common.

About L1 Guys, employer need not be abiding by wage laws. So salaries are so pathetic for these L guys.
Why people so worried about bulletin? People got EAD and AP. we should be happy. We still need to get cleared Name checks which will easily take 6 to 8 months from now. Since they made all the dates current in july, people expecting GC soon. The delay is not new. It has been there since years. So guys be happy with what you got and it will come when it needs to come.
You may not believe this. There are lot of Guys who works in Indian Hotels and other small firms (like jeweler shops or some ancillary industries) on H1. H1 visa is more often used for this kind of business than regular for software developer. These guys are paid like 20K per annum. On the W2 it is shown as 60K. This is very common.

About L1 Guys, employer need not be abiding by wage laws. So salaries are so pathetic for these L guys.

I do not think it is common at all. If you look at the distribution of the H1B visas, most of them are taken by big companies like Microsoft, Oracle, Intel, TCS, Wipro, Infosys etc. These companies don't even dream about violating the prevailing wage conditions specified on the LCA.
If there are small businesses that are abusing the system by blatantly falsifying the records, it is only a matter of time before the authorities get onto them.
If you personally know of anyone who is in that type of situation, tell them the options they have. They should go to the USCIS/DOS and ask them to force their employer to comply with the LCA. If they do that, USCIS/DOS can make sure the company does not retaliate against them.

L1s: Don't they continue to get paid their base salary in their home country? On top of that don't they get some allowance for their expenses while on assignment?
Also, it is an opportunity for them to travel, see the country, and scope out the market if they want to come back later.
I do not see that as pathetic.

Am I miss informed regarding the L1s situation?
It's all come down to being STERIO TYPE, it is no exception for a person or a country. After all people are bunch of animals called HUMAN BEINGS came from place called JUNGLE. What else I can say..&#?..