WAC-02-059-XXXXX Approved


Registered Users (C)
Free at last, free at last...

Just ckecked the status on the web: "This case has been approved. On February 12, 2004, an approval notice was mailed. "

Thank you to all of you without whom the wait would had been more difficult. Big hug to all of you ;-)

ND: Dec, 7, 2001
2FP: Oct 2003
RFE-Rcvd: Nov 13, 2003 (90 days ago!)
Very happy to see your approval. Your RFE recvd & 2nd FP dates are close to mine. This gives me some hopes.

Congratulations from a fellow WAC 02 059 case. Gives me hope that I may see at least an RFE some time soon.
Are you the EB applicaiton?

Congratulations for you!!!!!

IS your I485 belong to the Emploement -base adjustment application?
The processing Dates on CA is Dec 16 , 2001.
but yours is Dec 07, 2001.
Is the processing dates not correct?

My case is WAC-03-205-****? My ND is 07/03/2004, seems a year and half later than your case, it is really long way to go.
