WAC-02-046 stats

11/22 Update

Approved/Completed Count	198
Denied/Withdrawn Count		2
FP sent Count			11
Misc Count			6
Received Count			48
Resumed/FP recvd Count		167
RFE recvd Count			18
RFE sent Count			34
Transferred Count		32
Grand Count			516
11/22 activity ..
Rfe Recvd .. 1 (changed from RFE sent)
Transferred .. 1 (changed from RFE sent).

No new cases picked up/no approvals :(
11/25 Update

Thanksgiving, happy times are here again, families get together and stuff.

So INS is gonna sit on it's ass and fart and do nothing basically.

Today's activity .. ZILCH.
11/26 Update

2 Apps Denied. Their status changed straight from Resumed to Denied. Also their FP's were done wayyy long back. (one of the first).

I would have thought these 2 apps are together, but apparently in order of series, there are 5 apps between them. Here is how the statuses look.

Denied		11/26/2002	Denied/Withdrawn
Approved	10/22/2002	Approved/Completed
RFE sent	10/17/2002	RFE sent
Resumed		1/18/2002	Resumed/FP recvd
RFE sent	10/29/2002	RFE sent
Transferred	11/22/2002	Transferred
Denied		11/26/2002	Denied/Withdrawn

wtf is going on?

In the last 1 week or so, we've had 12 transfers, 2 denials, and no new cases picked up. Seems to me the officers are doing a big coverup operation by just rejecting everyone or transferring everyone to be safe. This trend in the awakening of the slowdown confirmed by INS is especially worrisome. When is this crap gonna end? When will we see some speed @ INS CSC :( :( :( ... and .. why is 9/11 not bugging other centers??? Vermont is chugging out approvals like a goat taking a dump .. and CSC's all constipated.
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Today's status.

Approved/Completed Count	198
Denied/Withdrawn Count		4
FP sent Count			10
Misc Count			7
Received Count			47
Resumed/FP recvd Count		165
RFE recvd Count			22
RFE sent Count			31
Transferred Count		32
Grand Count			516

12/5 one case changed to RFE Recvd. and another changed to an interesting status,

On December 06, 2002, the document we made based on the approval or registration of this case was mailed directly to the person to whom issued.
Hi Silly man

In what language did u write the software for retreving the INS case status data

RFE for myself

My lawyer received a RFE for myself.

Current employer letter and W-2 forms for three years.

Should I wait for a new W-2 form of 2002, which
will be mailed to me in the third week of Jan. 2003.

Online information did not change although RFE was
sent out on 12/11/02.

Details: WAC-02-033-5xxxx, EB1-1

RD: 10/03/01, ND: 11/07/01 (here I lost more than one month).
Oh how weird

I ran the stats today and saw lotsa interesting stats.

We have another "Mailed directly" on 12-12. Online message says, On December 12, 2002, the document we made based on the approval or registration of this case was mailed directly to the person to whom issued.

If this is your case, please let us know if it was an approval or what? I am not posting your WAC for privacy purposes, but wherever you are, if you are a wac-02-046... with that status change on Dec 12, please let us know if it was really an approval.

Anyway, Regards RFE received, lots of such status have been changing a few days later, here's the summary.

12/13/2002 - 1
12/10/2002 - 3
12/9/2002 - 2
12/7/2002 - 1
12/6/2002 - 1
12/5/2002 - 1

One RFE sent on 12/03/2002 (Does this mean INS was working then?)
Another RFE Sent on 12/10/2002 .. ??

And one transferred on 12/11/2002.

Stats as they stand now,

Approved/Completed Count	198
Denied/Withdrawn Count		4
FP sent Count			10
Misc Count			8
Received Count			47
Resumed/FP recvd Count		163
RFE recvd Count			28
RFE sent Count			24
Transferred Count		34
Grand Count			516

Anyway, the last date we saw an "Approval" was on 11/18/2002. How sad is that !!!!
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cao, if you are sure about your job, and don't mind a month delay in your GC, I say wait for the W2 (provided you don't go above the stipulated 60 days to respond to an RFE).
Good news .. maybe

Lots of statuses changed from Resumed to RFE sent this weekend .. could it be they are finally coming around ???

Whats more, statuses changed for FP dates 2/6 and 2/1 ... these two groups constitute the largest chunk in WAC-02-046 .. a sure indication that these two bundles have been finally picked.

Statuses change with such delays it is hard to keep a tab on daily changes anymore, but here is the summary.

RFE's sent ..
12/19/2002 - 1
12/17/2002 - 3
12/11/2002 - 2
12/10/2002 - 5

Approved/Completed Count	198
Denied/Withdrawn Count		4
FP sent Count			10
Misc Count			8
Received Count			47
Resumed/FP recvd Count		156 <-- Whammy slammy, look at the change since the last time.
RFE recvd Count			33
RFE sent Count			26
Transferred Count		34
Grand Count			516

Good luck everyone !! My instincts tell me, the freeze is about to end soon.
New year update

Well, not much activity since the last scan (8 days back).

Transferred (changed from RFE Sent) = 4 cases on 12/20
RFE Recvd (changed from RFE Sent) = 2 cases (12/23 and 12/20)
RFE Sent (changed from RFE Received) = 1 case (12/20).

Approved/Completed Count	198
Denied/Withdrawn Count		4
FP sent Count			10
Misc Count			8
Received Count			47
Resumed/FP recvd Count		156
RFE recvd Count			32
RFE sent Count			23
Transferred Count		38
Grand Count			516

I feel really sorry for the such huge # of transferree cases. How long does it take for an interview after the case is transferred?
jan 04 update

Zero activity.

Seems like VSC's started giving out approvals again, but VSC used to be faster than CSC anyway. I am hoping this upcoming week will bring in some sort of good news our way. If it doesn't, then we're screwed double. (I assume we've already been screwed once).
1/08 update

One case transferred on 01/07. Status changed from resumed to transferred. Nothing else.
1/10 update

One case changed from RFE sent to transferred.

News is that the halt/freeze has been lifted. I'll believe it when I see some real approvals. I don't trust INS and their stupid news releases.