WAC-01 waiting for approval list


Registered Users (C)
Hi there,

Here is the summary of WAC01 pending cases:
  1. zds-----------01-137
  2. vipsha's wife-----01-161
  3. NV2001--------01-232-----2 RFEs case assigned on 10/15/02
  4. cscn----------01-233-----RFE reponds received on 11/16/02
  5. WaitRFE-------01-235-----Approved on 11/07/02 after RFE
  6. race_12--------01-243-----case assigned on 10/21/02
  7. waitinpatience----01-246-----RFE generated on 11/07/02
  8. technote--------01-264
  9. LongLongW------01-265
  10. IFM-----------01-265-----FP received & process resumed
  11. sumkap---------01-268-----Approved on 11/05/02
  12. devarak---------01-269
  13. Praveja---------01-269
  14. chads1234-------01-26X-----Approved on 11/13/02 after RFE
  15. sylee-----------01-270----Approved on 02/19/03 after interview
  16. ggyy------------01-270----interview received on 11/19/02 scheduled on 12/02 in SF
  17. zvdo2002--------01-277-----Fax inquiry replied confirmed case assigned on 10/13/02
  18. My485Pending----01-281-----Approved on 11/07/02 after RFE
  19. robin_m---------01-282
  20. rpk------------01-284-----RFE generated on 11/15/02
  21. mil_2000---------01-286
  22. Anantha Krishna----01-286-----Fax inquiry replied on 11/06/02 confirmed case assinged
  23. simplywait--------01-287
  24. the_card---------01-289-----case assigned on 11/01/02
  25. chiefcook2002-----01-290
  26. HR04-----------01-290
  27. PCee-----------01-291-----RFE
  28. dks00-----------01-293----Approved on 02/13/03 after RFE
  29. grassisgreen-------01-293----Fax inquiry replied on 11/20/02 confirmed case assigned
  30. cscgc19---------01-293----Fax inquiry replied on 11/07/02 confirmed case assigned
  31. csc2001---------01-294----Approved on 02/19/03 after RFE
  32. WaitedTooLong----01-296----Approved on 02/03
  33. garu1gsr---------01-296----case assigned on 09/24/02
  34. cmjorn's wife------01-296
  35. naam-----------01-297-----AVM 975-999 days
  36. 485aspi----------01-297----AVM 975-999 days
  37. srohit-----------01-297

    Total approval count: 3
    11/04/02---11/08/02: 3
    11/11/02---11/15/02: 0

    If your case is WAC01, you are waiting for approval, and you are not in the list, please add it below. Let's keep tracking our cases together.
    I will keep updating this thread from now on, so please make sure that you will check back with us from time to time. You will be surprised.


    To any of you who is interested in runing the VB scripts for your case, please read this thread http://www.immigrationportal.com/showthread.php?threadid=63803, I would recommand you to do it yourself and it is easier for you to keep it updated. It is quite painful to run it at the first time since it might take 2-3 hours depended on the speed of your computer, but after that it will be a piece of cake. Good Luck!

    Color Coding:
    Daily updates (11/20/02)
    Weekly approval count (updated every Friday)

    INS Related Info:
    1. CSC IIO: (949)831-8427
    2. FBI FP confirmation: (304)625-5590 option 4
    3. CSC JIT report(11/05/02): http://www.fragomen.com/immigrationrc/california/csc_110502.pdf
    4. INS case statue service online: https://egov.ins.usdoj.gov/graphics/cris/jsps/caseStat.jsp
    5. Fax inquiry format and Fax#: http://www.shusterman.com/pdf/csc2002.pdf
    6. Request your attorney to contact INS through AILA
    7. Sample letter to Senator:

      Re: INS (CSC) 485 processing concerns.

      Dear <Senatorname>,

      I write this letter to you to express my deep anguish and frustration I am faced with in regards to the processing of my I-485 application and dealing with the unco-operative and
      ridiculous ways of the california service center of the INS.

      My application # <WAC> was filed with CSC on <ND>. It has taken an unnaturally long time for me to hear anything from them, which worries me. In order to remedy the
      situation, I have tried the following.

      a) Called automated status check. --- has not changed since ....

      b) Have called INS officials at 949-831.. and have repeated come across inconsistent information. No two officials have given me information consistent with the facts that INS
      itself has released, and usually they are very rude and unhelpful (mention exact details, official names here).

      c) I have tried faxing at <number>, on the following dates <...> and have received so and so responses (mention your exact details). (If possible attach fax copies, especially for
      the faxes that ND > JIT and INS gave no reason for case not being assigned, and point that out).

      Since I have been waiting for an unnaturally long time of <..>, and INS has been extremely unco-operative in giving me any sort of answer or light on my situation, I have turned
      to you for help in this regard.

      I would like to re-iterate that I believe in the system, and I have faith I will get my due.


      (AND YEA DON'T .. I repeat DONOT copy this verbatim quo .. the idea is for you to write your own letter, expressing your details, putting your heart, pain and
      real provable/credible case details into it, so the people in authority get to know our troubles, rather than a copy paste, if you are pissed off at INS, you will put
      your heart in this letter !!! I know I would).

      WAC01-294 on 11/13/02
      Total: 515

      Approved/Completed Count: 72%
      Transferred Count: 6%
      RFE sent Count: 1%
      RFE recvd Count: 4%
      Resumed/FP recvd Count: 9%
      Received Count: 5%
      Misc Count: 2%
      Denied/Withdrawn Count: 1%
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Nice compilation

Good job collecting all these long sufferers at one place. This will really put our cases into a perspective.

You have added 'RFE' at the end of some cases. I got RFE too, two infact. First one replied in June and the second in Sep. 2002.

I got an email from my attorney informing me that according to an IIO mine and my family's cases have been assigned for final adjudication to an officer on 10/15/02. I dont know how significant or true is this info from an IIO.
Great job. We'll maintain a new thread with all the details (including FP date and location etc.) for WAC-01 waiting guys.
01-286 case

Please add me in the list

01-286 ND Sep/01

I received fax reply from INS just now

Case is currently with an officer awaiting adjudigation - What it mean ? My understanding is assigned to officer.
I'm really sick of waiting. you may add my case also


RD: 08/06/2001
ND: 09/13/2001
FP RD : 05/22/2002
NO RFE yet.

i've contacted INS couple of weeks ago, officer told me that they are waiting for background check from FBI.

My attorney contacted INS yesterday, now they are saying my finger print is being reviewed.

i don't know what is going on ..
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Another waiter:

RD: 08/23/2001
ND: 09/24/2001
FP received: 3/06/2002
csc2001, please change my status .

I had an RFE on EAD which is approved long back.No RFE on 485 so far. In fact my AVM msg. is still the same crap 975-999 days even after fp which was done in July 2002 .

This is great job, Thanks, csc2001.

Please add me in the list:

RD: 5/15/01
FP: 12/12/01
RFE issued from INS: 9/3/02
RFE reply: 9/23/02
INS update online: 10/3/02 received RFE
where to call ?

Can somebody tell me
How to contact IIO to ask the status, whats going on with the case?
What is the phone number to call and what is the good time to call?

Or sending fax is a good idea ? If yes than at what number and what format ?

My wife's case is in CSC and our interview was held at SFO.
Today my lawyer received the reply to fax query. The reply says :"case is currently with an officer awaiting for adjudications"

Lawyer says that I should wait for 2-4 weeks for something to happen before sending the query again.
Hello CSCGC19,
When did you sent the fax to INS? In how many days did they reply? Could you please provide your case details as well?
Waitinpatience is this your first RFE ?

If it is, one can see clearly how callous the INS is toward the sufferings of people like us. It takes 18 months (nearly) to generate an RFE, while it had approved 100s of contemporary filers long time ago.

INS has to improve the ways it generates RFEs and subscequent processing in a big way, in fact they should overhaul completely.