VSC I485 Fiscal Yr 2002 - Progress Reports

Re: djc

Originally posted by viewgc
could you run it for 02-119 i tried but unable to run
I can't run the 119, but I am sure someone elese is running it. Wait for sbctsublc to post the weekly stats, he has all series.
I'm not able to rescan this week, due to known reasons... most of the cases are 'status not found'. And every 5 or 6 consecutive 'status not found' hits, access is denied. As others say, may be some programming bug in BCIS case status. Lets hope to be fixed soon
Stauts Unknown

Hi All,
My i-140 and i-765 approved 5 months back but while checking my 485 status i just typed my i-140 and 765 receipt numbers but the meesages shows that " no record found". I did receiveapproval notices and EAD card in MAY03... Does BCIS remove the records from the website after certain period of time? Anybody had a similer expereince? I called Customer service number and the telephone system, after punching the receipt number it gave the approval recording.

Kindly advice...

My last post was slightly incorrect as some previously "Undeliverable" cases have moved to approved. Here's corrected spreadsheet.
111 & 112 scanned on 09/26/2003

111 - 2 approvals
112 - 1 approval

Thing are moving real good!!! :) :)
At that rate we should expect all 445 remaining untouched cases to be processed in the next 5 to 9 months!
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Progress Of BCIS since Last Scan

Includes List of approved/transferrred cases which were not updated previously by BCIS (Program Bug?) but caught during this scan. So this can't be taken as last week progress alone.
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Great Job sbctsublc

I really appreciate the time and efforts you put in to scan the whole list of I485's for Jan till April. It would be great if you could do that for the month of May 2002 also.

Thanks a lot sbctsublc for your efforts.

Sen_gc, it might be a little too early for scanning May but I think if everything goes right we should soon start seeing some movement in May.

My ND is May too.....
111 & 112 scanned on 09/30/2003

last scan 09/26/2003

111 - 2 approvals
112 - 2 approvals

I've re-scanned undelieverable cases... Some have changed to approved
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111 & 112 scanned on 10/03/2003

111 - 1 approval (today's)
112 - no changes

Don't they know October has started and they're supposed to overflow us with approvals???
I think the problem is process of second round of finger prints. I agree that processing speed is still very slow but atleast they could have focused on Jan/ Feb if second round issues were not there rather than going for MAr/Apr cases.
Re: Great Job sbctsublc

Originally posted by sen_gc
I really appreciate the time and efforts you put in to scan the whole list of I485's for Jan till April. It would be great if you could do that for the month of May 2002 also.


I really don't have time to scan vigorously May02 series. Still I contribute considerable amount of time everyday to scan May cases. At this rate, it will really take long time for me to complete unless I get some help from all of you. If any of You could scan from EAC02-181 and share with me the 485 numbers, I can help in re-scanning and consolidation.

PS:- I'm not an expert in VB. Can anybody help me modify the program so as to automate the process of changing the proxy after every 1000 numbers? Like run recursively for given list of proxies..? Thanks in advance

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My 140 approoved

Last week, it was special and good week for me, because I came to know about my I-140 approoval.
ND 01/14/03 and AD 09/26/03

I did not expect my 140 approoval so early, that too without any RFE. I thought it would take atleast an year based on others approovals. It has been approoved in 8+ months from RD (1st wk of Jan). Happiness is doubled if it comes as a surprise. Lately I've been seeing higher rate of approovals, from the post of other members and last week's progress. I think that the new Director of BCIS is doing and will continue to do what he has promised, reduce backlog and faster approovals of immigrant petitions. For those who have been waiting for long, your time has come. My Advance Congratulations to all those people who are going to get approoved soon... Lets hope that this trend continues..


Here is last week's progress
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