Vote: UN leaving this forum was good or bad? :)

UN leaving good or bad?

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As garam.chadi said, UN was good but lost it recently. I have read almost all of his posts, but lately got the impression that he liked to make fun of peoples (GC) misery, which is negative energy.

So I say UN leaving was good.

I personally benefited a lot from his advice in my GC process. With his help and support I could argue with my attroney to get my work done in the right way.

I think he was a big asset to the forum & people do not know what they are losing.
He Along with, Ginnu & REalCanadian made this forum a very informative site.

I am off little while and from the messages, it appears that UN had left the forum.
More news to me is that he is selling/assisting in selling labors.

I don't see one need to spend so much time to get a fame in order to sell Labor. This logic is beyond my reasoning, as labors themselves attract many desperate prospective candidates.

He discussed a lot many issues as I expected in a forum like this. Its always good to see both sides of a coin so that we can take informed decisions and exposed to different views of several events happening in immigration.

I personally don't like to loose ANY BODY in a forum as that only decreases the chances of exposing a different angle.
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"None" Option

This should have an option "Neither".
In my books as I'm sure in the books of many others, it makes no difference whether one member stays on the forum or leaves.
Its all about you and you!!
I have observed all sorts of posts on this issue and have also seen pot shots taken at me. This is my last post regarding the UN topic. I want to clear the air so there is no misunderstanding of my stand on this issue.

First, I have no interest in what UN is doing. His presence or absence from this forum makes no difference to me. Second, I have never considered myself as an expert or made major claims like "I know the process","I have done analysis" etc etc.
You are making to many assumptions and conclusion about UN.
Yes I have tussled with UN when I clearly saw an ulterior motive in his posts and total apathy towards people who are struggling. Poking fun at people and belittling them was UNs hobby. I have never disputed the fact that UN knows more than anyone on this forum, he probably knows more than lawyers because it was his side business. I have nothing against that either. If someone can make money helping others, no problem. However, there are bound to be conflict of interest problems in such situations and increasinly I found that to be the case. UN never saw labor sub as a problem? Why? UN also found it in his interest to keep stating that India and China will take 10 years when clearly none of us know this for sure. Why?

On another note, a very successful individual like UN who has managed a portfolio, rubbed shoulders with SEC officials, earns 300K a year, doesn't care about GC and is older WILL NOT WASTE HIS TIME ON THIS FORUM UNLESS THERE ARE ULTERIOR MOTIVES. A person with that kind of experience and caliber will also NEVER FILE IN EB3 CATEGORY LIKE UN. Give me a break ....

Whenever I tried to challange his motives he resorted to name calling, bullying and many other cheap tactics.
And you still going on and on!! Whining
Anyway, I am just waiting on my GC and only provide input for things that I have gone through. I do not claim to know it all because none of us do. As for UN, if I know him well enough he will be back stating that he could not stay away from this forum because helping people is more important than anything. Either way I could care less.
And you are still not done yet..dude UN is gone..don't happy as you advise others!! to move on with you lives
PS: I still can't believe UN would just leave this forum and delete everything because of a few posts from so called "stupid" people like myself and a few others. Its to easy. There is defenitely another reason for this. We may never know.


Hi guys,
I decided to take a break and post here:
So UN is no longer around? What happened?!

Guys, after exact 6 months after getting GC I got the EXACT job I wanted. Things are looking great. What a relief when you get the damn GC. For those who once said that life after getting GC is the same, that could not be further from the truth.

Well, maybe someone will post 'good or bad that Marlon is leaving'?
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I though I was done with this senseless thread. I can not resist when you spreads baloney.

Speak from facts. UN only mentioned he was processing subsititute labor. Did he say he was selling ?

If someone wanted help in filing how can UN be accused of SELLING LABORS.

I do not defend his behaviour but time to move on.

Docboston you can do a favor to this board by either deleting this thread or stopping this vote.

UN was very active .. and most read whatever he posted.. I had great respect towards him until recently.

The problem started when he said that he is selling substitute labor at the rate of 25 a week. Now for last two or three years UN always played down the effect of sublabor on retrogression. When some of the forum members tried to challege him about this .. his behaviour changed so rapidly by saying that most of the post in the forum other than his, are "nonsense".. Tried to become Juggernaut.. by degrading some of the members by trying to potray there thoughts as useless. He showed more immaturity by deleting his posts.
He used this forum to pull distressed people towards him

He may be fund manager at J P Morgan ... but selling labor is not good.

PS: I read many posts in the forum and get educated on the issues of immigration .. but when it comes to real advice .. I generally do what my attorney says. I wonder why many people feel that deleted posts are big loss to them.
I though I was done with this senseless thread. I can not resist when you spreads baloney.

Speak from facts. UN only mentioned he was processing subsititute labor. Did he say he was selling ?

If someone wanted help in filing how can UN be accused of SELLING LABORS.

I do not defend his behaviour but time to move on.

Docboston you can do a favor to this board by either deleting this thread or stopping this vote.

I am having too much fun to stop this thread. Glad to see I am not the only one with too much time on hand :D
you are right

If someone wanted help in filing how can UN be accused of SELLING LABORS.

Your car breaks down ... you take it to the local garage. The guy out there says the transmission is dead. The new one will cost lots of money .. I know a place where you can get a used one. I will get for you real FAST.
No I am not selling you the old transmission ... I am just fixing your car up.

bigbang2001 -- you are right and so you win.
If a poster (who contributed with the right and proper information) has indeed left and not going to be back, it is very sad. I think something similar had happened about another poster who used to help people and then was driven out for telling the right advice.
In a group discussion, it sometimes does not matter whether you know; it only matters if you can shout loudest regardless what you know. The same is true on an internet forum like this. It does not matter who knows and what they know; it only matters if you have the time to assail the poster who knows (kinda like shouting in a group discussion).
If posters get chastised\ridiculed for providing the right advice, there is no incentive for them to provide it.
If posters get chastised\ridiculed for providing the right advice, there is no incentive for them to provide it.

Sir ... it so happened that UN started ridiculing some of the forum members. He started saying that all there posts are worthless.. Now when the forum started to respond to his negative comments -- he freaked out.

Why would anyone drive away someone who is giving right advice for FREE? And whatever advice you get from someone from this forum .. I guess .. you should take it with a grain of salt.. and move according to what your attorney advices.
.. I guess .. you should take it with a grain of salt.. and move according to what your attorney advices.

Words of wisdom that too coming from a "thermal underwear" ... well, that's what I'll take with a grain of salt.

sorry, I couldn't help taking a cheap shot your screen name :p :p :p
I personally benefited a lot from his advice in my GC process. With his help and support I could argue with my attroney to get my work done in the right way.
I think he was a big asset to the forum & people do not know what they are losing.

It would be great to tell us .. what your attorney did not know.
I was having arguements with UN in the forum sometime back, when he was bashing Indian companies...... I could not assess him well at that time but a lot of his supporters were of opinion that whatever he says is RIGHT.
After a while, I did like his skills on how he used do vague interpretations ... but never agreed to his view points.

I am sure UN will be watching this thread to know what people think about him.

Now that he got his GC, maybe he wants to forget all this as a dream and leave this place alltogether and not leave any footprints here.

Anyways good luck to him.