volunteer moderator

We are always open to suggestions

Originally posted by pingpong02
Hi operations,

I suggest if you can look into the possibility of recognizing valuable members with some kind of awards.

- The award may be either selected by moderators, Alumini/ Retired members

- OR may be through a poll on this forum.

This type of awards will motivate people in posting most valuable postings and increases positive competition .

Just a thought


Tell us what you want.
Hi operations,

As a starting point , I think conducting a poll would be fine.

I do not know what options we have but these are my thoughts.

- Each one would be provided with choice of top candidates. These candidates may either be selected by the operations based on # of postings or the propective candidate may request operations to add to the list.

- Each candidate will have five options

1 - Excellect - 5 points

2- Very Good - 4 Points

3 - Good - 3 Points

4 - Average - 2 Points

5- Below Average -1 Point

-- Each member will have a chioce to select one or none for each prospective candidate.

-- Each member can vote more than one candidate with different ratings.

Also you may want to keep this thread as the first thread so that it is not lost.

Originally posted by pingpong02
Hi operations,

As a starting point , I think conducting a poll would be fine.

I do not know what options we have but these are my thoughts.

- Each one would be provided with choice of top candidates. These candidates may either be selected by the operations based on # of postings or the propective candidate may request operations to add to the list.

- Each candidate will have five options

1 - Excellect - 5 points

2- Very Good - 4 Points

3 - Good - 3 Points

4 - Average - 2 Points

5- Below Average -1 Point

-- Each member will have a chioce to select one or none for each prospective candidate.

-- Each member can vote more than one candidate with different ratings.

Also you may want to keep this thread as the first thread so that it is not lost.


OK. Then what do we next? Let me invite attention input from moderators. Monica, invite please.
I am not sure if this is really required. Operations, could you please explain why you want to think about rewarding some people here for their postings ? I guess that this forum, as it is now, is going in the right direction and you may not need to invest your precious time in unnecessary things. Why do we want to convert this forum into an essay competition forum ?
Most of the people (including me) post here because of our free time and also it's a constant learning place for immigration issues.
We all learn from one another here. Ofcourse, if you see some good reason to reward any one here, please share your thoughts with us. Thank you very much for your support to immigration community.
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pingpong: Thanks for the recognition. My "retired status" means that I have "been made" ( MAFIA lingo!). I don’t think we need to waste Mr.Khanna's or other case manager's time by asking for special features. This is already free forum! Its unfair to expect more. Anyone who wants to waste lawyer's time should read Grisham!

Mr.Khanna (or "operations"): Like dsatish had mentioned most of us are here because we treat this like a "support group". We are just having fun while waiting for the approvals. This forum has been more than helpful. I have learnt a lot of things by being on this forum.

As far as moderating the forum, I had suggested "volunteering" in one of the threads a long time ago but never did so myself. Its not because I was lazy but because I might be "ineligible" because of some of my posts! My unsettled business with some people might cause serious violations of the rights granted by the 1st amendment! You know how that is in our "business"! Also, I think two people are more than enough for one forum (roran and ar888 are been doing a great job). I don’t think we need to reward or recognize anyone. We have a thread rating system and that should be good enough.

Again thanks to the all the people in the office for this forum.
:) I am listening

Whatever you folks want to decide. .. My job is to try to make it happen to the best of my ability.:)

I do feel people who spend much time and effort should be recognized (if not rewarded)....My 2 cents.
dsatish and patienceGC,

Your posts reflect how magnanimous you are ..

I truely feel people like you and couple of others deserve some kind of recognition.

The process for recognition may be agreed by concensus.

Most of us are contributing their time just for the social cause without any expectation.
I think I saw my name somewhere in that thread - and frankly I am flattered and blushed. I have been around here for around a year now and I can't describe in words what a great job Rajib has done for the immigrant community. Not only we got our immigration knowledges enhanced by sharing - but also we cames to understand that we are not suffering alone in the immense waiting process - there are more people like us with the same pain and we as a group will some day overcome this process of becoming an immigrant from a non immigrant status.
This has been an immense psychological boost and has benifited me very much. If in return - I can give back anything for the people in the forum or Rajib's office - I will consider myself honoured.

All the guys mentioned here have contributed genrrously to the forum with their knowledge and expertise. I will take a moment to name a few of theveterans who have signed off - dma_va, july16, Anita_Gupta, checken65 and so on. Roran has been a nice example of how to fight adversities and not to loose heart.
I see many Karma yogis on this forum who are in majority.

And in democracy Majority wins!!


You made a very good start by identifying some well known contributors to this forum.

Hi All,

Let's make this a dedicated thread to recognize all such selfless users.

Please post the member names and any experiences.

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I am not sure, i'll go in that way conducting a poll and rate all the members. Every post and every member contributes in their own way to this forum. Once you start rating and rewarding the members, that starts a bad compitition between members.

B.t.w, nobody (except patienceGC) is appreciating the modetarators in this forum, who are trying very hard to keap this forum dedicated to immigration issues, by cleaning out the offensive posts and kickingout those members who are misbehaving with other members.
Hi GC050102,

I think this forum has been pretty good so far.

Bad competition is the LAST thing we want on this forum.

I must confess that i appreciate the work done by moderators here. They are doing a very good job.
dma_va is back in new incarnation as channu. I became dma_ca from dma_va after GC. VA stood for Virginia.