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Visa lottery winner - I-131 form


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I am a visa lottery winner from Nigeria since 2008.

Last week, after being away from the usa for 15months, i tried to reenter the country through dulles airport although my husband was still living in the usa. I was the primary visa lottery winner and was travelling with my daughter ( a usa citizen) at the time. I was given a hard time before i was allowed reentry, after explaining the reason for travelling for so long and i was told the fees was not going to be applied this time etc.

I was told that i will be allowed in this time but next time, my husband and i will be deport, i guess it was the fact that i didnt lie about how long i had been out help me. The immgiration officer gave me a I-131 package but i am confused after getting home. I have read it and cant understand if i have to file it now or if i have to fill it out if i instead to stay out of the country longer than 6months in the future.

I have currently travelled again within just a few day of arriving but will be returning back within 2 weeks.

What do i need to do before i can reenter the country in 2 weeks, i am really scared if there is something i am suppose to have done before travelling out again.

Can someone help me in understanding this process.

If you leave the US for more than a year without having a reentry permit before you leave it is considered that you have abandoned your green card. The fact your husband stayed and hopefully was filing joint income taxes may help you. DO NOT leave the US before you make an info pass appointment to make sure your greencard status is still valid. If it isn't cleared up you may be refused entry next time and your husband would have to apply for an I 130 to allow you to come back and that could take 5 years.