Visa expiration date???


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My dad got 3 visitor months visa yesterday. It says it expires June 28th.
Does it mean he has to leave US by June 28th? His trip to US is in May and return date in mid July. Consular did not look at it.

Or does it means that he can enter US anytime before June 28th and stay up to 3 months?
We are not sure if we need to change the tickets for him now.
Your dad can use the visa until June 28th to enter the US. How long he can stay in the US will depend on the expiry date of the I-94 he will be issued.
B1/B2-- asked for 4 months, staying longer - violation?

I have a question similar to that, so did not want to start a new thread. I am currently in the US on B1/B2 visiting my spouse who is a citizen. I have a two-year home residency requirement after J1 and am fulfilling it, visiting my husband once a year for several months. My concern is that in the consulate I asked for a 4 months visa, but my I-94 says I can stay for 6 months and I am going to stay here for all the 6 months. Is this a violation of any kind? Would there be a possibility that I will be denied a visitor visa in case I will have to apply for it again before I fulfill my requirement? I have to mention this is the second time I am coming on a visitor visa. The first time I received it, my entry visa was only for 3 months, however, I stayed for 5 months as my I-94 was for 6 months. I would appreciate any thoughts or experiences. Thank you.
Visa expiry date = The last day you can approach a US POE to seek admission
I-94 expiry date = The last day you can be in the US on a specific visit

Two different beasts with two different masters (State Dept & ICE respectively).
Visa expiry date = The last day you can approach a US POE to seek admission
I-94 expiry date = The last day you can be in the US on a specific visit

Two different beasts with two different masters (State Dept & ICE respectively).

In case I have to apply for a visitor visa again, would the consul in the US embassy not consider that I lied to him having asked for 4 months and stayed longer?
You were given 6 months entry and you left the US before that entry expired. I don't see how that could be held against you. However frequent prolonged stays in the US may make the interviewing consul and the admitting POE officer both suspicious of you. What you don't want is either to think you are "living" in the US on visit visas. Since your spouse is a citizen, you have to be extra careful :)