Virginia SESA Tracker

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Great to see you with high spirits. I think we should hope to hear something next month regarding the Decision/Directive on the RIR processing in VA after the April RIR are done. Keeping fingers crossed
called va sesa

I spoke to a guy at VA SESA this morning and he told me that they are going to finish April2001 RIR by Fall, after that they will start processing non-RIR cases and to finish them he told me that its safe to say by end of this year. (Some folks are saying April 2003).
Folks Did u see Harrisburg (PA) processing

Harrisburg (PA)
RIR Now processing Current
NON-RIR Now processing 4/30/2001
When everyone is doing it why they hell
...VASESA is holding RIR there anything we can do...
VA SWA (SESA)- Contact number for status enquiry

Hi Everyone,

Could one of you please let me know VA SWA (SESA) contact number for enquiring the status of labor certification.

What are we waiting for???

I just heard that Virginia has very different rules from other states like TX which processes RIR then Non-RIR for each month, not like TX RIR then Non-RIR. Becuase lots of illegal immigrants due to the i245 are in the long line, we are going to suffer big waiting. What are we waiting for? Please someone stands out to represent us to talk with the director of VA labor certificate office. We are the legal people to pay the tax. We should use our rights. Please hurry up. If someone can draft the letter to the director of VA, I would like to host a website for you guys to sign the petition to the director to ask to change the rules. Please have someone to draft the letter, I will make the site active soon for you guys to sign the letter. Thanks.
New Labor Update


I just spoke to an officer in VA Labor. He told me that they are now processing APRIL RIR Cases. Since they received 17000 applications only in april last year, it takes so much time to process. I heard from him that it will take another 6 months ( Mininum) to complete all the April Cases ( RIR & Non RIR). Once if they complete April cases, they will move fast. I filed my case in October 2001. He said that I have to wait for another 1 year to get cleared.

They already added some more staff to expedite the processing. Even though 17000 applications compared with normal 500 will take lot of time to complete.

How could we contact with the director of VA labor certicate office

Just try to find a way to contact with the director of VA labor certificate office to feedback our painful situation. (Email or Phone). Thanks.
draft which we thought should be fine

We were a bit concerned regarding the Labor Certification at the VA SWA. VA DOL policy on processing the RIR and then the Non-RIR for each month seems a bit unfair in the light of large amount of filling in the month of April for non-RIR due to the deadline for 245(i)(illegal immigrants). Many of the legal immigrants whose application has been pending for a year in the SWA now have a time limit till which they can get their H-1B visa extented. Considering the above mentions reasons SWA should not stop the RIR processing to start the non-RIR processing. We feel as we are Tax paying legal workers VA SWA should re address their policy on the matter and continue with the RIR processing just like the other states (California, New York, Texas etc...)
Hello hsteven29

Please make the site active ASAP. So that we all can sign the letter. See previous update for the draft. Please make necessary changes....
apart from that

As per virginia\'s current policy I don\'t why would any employer go through whole process of advertising for RIR and doing some of the work VA SESA would have done otherwise in NON-RIR cases if both are processed simultaneously. If there is no advantage of filing RIR application every one will go with NON-RIR apps resulting in more work for VA SESA. My LC application was delayed until may because my company ran thru ad process to file in RIR which turned out to be a costly mistake I should have filed in march NON-RIR and have labor ages back.
The site should be activate soon

Hi Guys:

I will activate the website soon. It should be up in one week or sooner. I am thinking about the name of website. Please prepare for the email draft and the email address. I need those for my perl script. Once the site is up, I will let you guys know ASAP. Thanks.
How about this NAME: silentSufferers

I understand about email draft...but what\'s the deal with email address..can you explain what that means
Ray of light?

The Department of Labor\'s Employment and Training Administration has sent to the Office of the Federal Register the long-awaited proposed \'PERM\' rule that would amend the agency\'s regulations governing the filing and processing of labor certification applications for permanent employment in the U.S. The rule is expected to be issued in the Federal Register on 5/6/02. Once this rule get implemented then we can directly file labour to DOL and it will be cleared within 2 months time. It\'s all automated, just like LCA fax system.
The email address should be

The email address should be the director\'s email address. Once we sign the email online, it should go to the email address.
No Title

For us who have already applied labor, could we redo it according to the new regulation? Do we need to readvertise for the job?

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