Virginia SESA Tracker

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abhijit any news on ur appln filed 15-April.

Your appln should be in DOL if ur attorney hasn\'t contacted u for any RFE, sometimes attorney\'s not contacting is a good sign :)
How long it takes for Regional DOL?

My lawyer told me that Virginia is working on April cases right now, and after that Regional DOL will need another 3 months. Is that the case? Does that means we are not going to get the labor certification until a year later? any idea?
30 days is maximum

as Va_waiter2001 said it only 30 working days now. checkk back with your law office for that
From what posted on

The current date moved a week since November (from April 11th to April 20th). Hopefully just another month or two for the rest of April and they will clear the April cases early next year.
real concern

Real concern is April 30th. So we can\'t predict this According to My law office it might take 3-4 months for clearing these files. As there are lots on this day.If we check the way they are moving it is really frustrating. Papers filed on March 13 (friend of mine filed on this day) are cleared on July 28; so from July 28 to DEC it is 5 months...Sorry to say this but we can\'t really predict this.
No approvals yet??

I haven\'t seen any posts regarding LC clearances in VA for quite sometime!!

Either, the process is very very slow and not a single person using this web-site has had anyluck....
people are conveniently "forgetting" to post.................

It\'s only FAIR to give back to the "pot that fed you eh!..."

Happy Holidays Everybody!!!

They are currently procesing 23 April for RIR cases

Spoke to VA SESA and they are currently processing April 23. The concern is April 30 as they have received large # of applications on that day. Please post any LC approved by SESA in April
Yes VA is on 23rd.

I just called up and checked the status of my application, he said that it has been sent to DOL. ( filed 20-APR:RIR )
Receipt date:June25,2001

I think we are in the same boat.We will be optimistic and hope that it will take less than 6 months.They are processing April23rd applications and if they clear upto April30th,then it will be speedup.But the sad thing is they have received a lot on April 30th.So,it depends on how long it is going to take to clear April 30th.
Let us wait and see...hmmm
Contact Info for INS.

Whom do you contact to get the information. Any phone numbers or
e-mail id ?

Hi Ramki any news on your appln in Philly DOL ?

Was it entered into philly email system on 12/06 ? I saw a couple of applns before that date recvd in DOL from my company cleared there.
Any Updates????

I know No onee is working in these holidays still wondering if anyone got any latest approvalss
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