Virginia SESA Tracker

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Please update approved Virginia/Pennsylvania LCs.
In the same boat

My LC was sent off on the 24th July 2001. I hope all this news about taking several months to clear backlogs is not true.

For now i am not Hypertensive but can\'t guarantee against that if processing starts dragging on for over a year.
Update from VA SESA as on 9/4/01 from

Hi guys,
I called up the DOL office today and they are redirecting all enquiries to the Richmond office @804-236-2721 c/o Margaret Silliard.
According to her they are still processing April 04,2001. And considering the record no of apps in April it is probably going to be next year before they get to the apps in June,2001 {which is where mine is stuck:( } This is really depressing. I think we seriously should do something. Like everybody send a email to the concerned people. Also try to put pressure through the representatives of AILA like Cyrus Mehta who is vice-chair of the AILA\'s Labor Dept Liasion Comm. He can be reached at What do you think guys ??
Come on guys it is time for some action.
Update from VA SESA on 9/18/01

Sorry the above update should have had today\'s date. And to answer your question i think the 4th April date is for processing of all applications RIR or non-RIR. I don\'t think the sorting is done at this stage though if i am wrong someone on this forum can correct me. Has anyone recvd any response from the emails sent to teh director of the Richmond office of DOL ?
No Title

As far as I know only RIR applicaitons are being processed presently. non RIR would be considered after they are through with RIR. I called them yesterday and apparently, they are on April 6th. Not much difference but it is moving. What is your expectation of a normal processing time ? This is such a long process and each one of us has gone through these emotions and I still fight these ocassional bouts of frustration.Please learn to be patient and wait for couple of years to reach your ultimate goal. It is a random process and delays can happen at any stage for various reasons. It is futile trying to follow up. Everyone knows about the problem. It is not unknown and they have their own constraints / unwillingness to remedy them. I do not want to sound sceptical but considering that until six months back many have waited for more than a year at each stage it is difficult to expect any significant action to speed up things. For info, I would think the "relatively" accurate source could be Richmond office rather than the number that you are calling. 804 236 2717. I would suggest again each of us not to call too often lest our own work would get delayed. And whoever is calling them pl post on the board. Good luck
No Title

Thanks for Encouraging yaar!!!! Glad its moving.same answer when we called also they are doing 6 th April. Mine still long way to go My date is 15 th may...
Spoke to VA SESA today

As I did not have access to the internet for the last 48 hours (almost, due to the NIMDA virus), I had called both the Alexandria and the Richmond offices.

RIR cases are at April 6 and non RIR cases are last few days of March. The year in both cases being 2001, ofcourse.
That is good

I was looking at the april calender 6 april is 1/3 of the month of april - i think once they are done with the other 2/3 the other months shoukd move fast
Its Going to be DEC for cases filed in April

I just spoke to my Colleague his date was 13th march and was cleared in 1st of August. So it took 109 days (including holidays) to clear cases filed in 19 days (march 13 to April 6 th) .So as per my calculation it should take another aprox. 91 days to clear cases filed in April 16 days (6th to 31 only working days). So folks it’s going to be December for April cases. Not bad lets cross fingers....
Processing TImes

Please do not make these simplistic forecasts. April was an anamoly and they received unusually large number of applications. (17000 as against normal volume of 5000 in a year. Even within April it is incorrect to make a linear extrapolation based on first few days as there has been greater flow towards the second half. Obviously we do not know the exact picture of how many were received each day. But, let us not raise false hopes here. Unless the processing capacity increases there is no logical reason to expect a faster flow.
To clarify, I am as interested in getting labor clearance but it gets frustrating if we raise false hopes and am just trying to avoid that. LEt us continue with earlier forecast of 6-9 months and anything earlier is a bonus.
emulating Oregon labor Forum

I accidentally happen to check Oregon laborforum. they seem to be doing an excellent job of collaboration and keeping up pressure on the DOL. I would urge you all to once check that forum so that we can also decide if we can do similar thing.
called SESA OFFICE on 03 oct - APRIL 11

they are processing april 11 , the lady mentioned they would be processing as of receipt date and no sorting of RIR and have more than 15000 app just on april 30
15,000 on 30th ??????????

15,000 on 30th itself... This is really scary I guess I\'ll have to wait for another 6 months 15th MAY papers to clear...
Sorry They are Processing April 12 not April 16th Dude

I just (Friday 12 th October at 2 P.M) called Richmond Office, They are Processing Aril 12th not April 16th. This is update. folks please post correct dates……

Hi guys,

 i applied for my labor from virginia in RIR catagory on April 23. Can i get any number of SESA so that i can call and get the latest processing date. If i want to ask for my case to SESA official , what should i refer to.

Guys, lot of waiting now a days

Any kind of help appreciated.

Call this number

You can try to call 804-236-2721 c/o Margaret Silliard. She told me that they were processing April. 16th last week. May be she is wrong. (the previous posting, somebody gets a date for April 12th. )Please post what you get.

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